NDC 3.0 support by other organizations

This page provides information on support for NDC 3.0 from other organizations.

Organization name

Name of initiative URL/contact email Category Region

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Regional : Supporting Ambitious Climate Action through Implementation of Developing Member Countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (Subproject 1)


NDC investment plans
NDC implementation plans
Subnational engagement
Strengthen institutional arrangements 
Capacity-building needs


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Regional : Supporting the Implementation of ADB's Climate Change Operational Framework 2017-2030 - Enhancing Financial Mechanisms to Develop Climate Actions of Developing Member Countries (Subproject 2)

https://www.adb.org/projects/52004-004/main NDC financing plans / finance roadmaps
Private sector engagement
Strengthen institutional arrangements 
Capacity-building needs

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Regional : Supporting the Implementation of ADB’s Climate Change Operational Framework 2017–2030 - Establishing Mechanisms to Measure, Monitor, and Report on Commitments made under the Paris Agreement (Subproject 3)

https://www.adb.org/projects/52004-005/main Data collection for NDC 
 Strengthen institutional arrangements
Capacity-building needs

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Regional : Identifying Climate Adaptation Investment Priorities (Subproject 4) https://www.adb.org/projects/52004-006/main

Adaptation component of NDC
Strengthen institutional arrangements
Capacity-building needs


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Regional : Building Institutional Capacity: Delivering Climate Solutions under Operational Priority 3 of Strategy 2030


Alignment of NDC and LT-LEDS 
Strengthen institutional arrangements
Capacity-building needs

Climate Analytics


Frances Fuller
Head of Global Offices

Dr. Jan Sindt
Head of the Implementation Strategies Team

Overall NDC support including data collection for NDC, NDC investment plans and implementation plans, etc. 

Global: developing countries
Climate Analytics

1.5°C National Pathways Explorer. Available at: 1p5ndc-pathways.climateanalytics.org

If you have any inquiries or feedback on the tool, data or assessments please reach out to 1.5npe@climateanalytics.org Others (Pls. specify): 1.5°C compatible pathways Global: selection of 64 countries across all regions and levels of development

Climate Analytics

NDC-TEC: Supporting the implementation of NDCs in the Caribbean - Transforming the transport and energy sectors towards a low-carbon and climate-resilient future

Frances Fuller
Head of Global Offices

Dr. Jan Sindt
Head of the Implementation Strategies Team

Overall NDC support including data collection for NDC, NDC investment plans, energy system modeling and scenario development Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Grenada, Jamaica and Saint Lucia

Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action

HP1/HP6 Workstreams: Align Policies with the Paris Agreement and Engage in NDC Development https://www.financeministersforclimate.org/ Capacity-building needs Global

Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action

Joint Call to Action

Co-Chair Deputy Indonesia-Masyita Crystallin- masyita.crystallin@kemenkeu.go.id;

Co-Chair Deputy the Netherlands- Ralien Bekkers-r.c.bekkers@minfin.nl;

Secretariat- Luma Ramos- lsouzaramos@worldbank.org

Alignment of NDC and LT-LEDS ; Others: NDCs implementation Peer-to-peer learning Global 

United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

Financing for Development Policy Report  morrisd@un.org 1. NDC financing plans / finance roadmaps 
2. Other (research/policy analysis)

Green Climate Fund

GCF utilizes its Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme to strengthen developing countries' institutional capacities, governance mechanisms, and planning and programming frameworks towards a transformational long-term climate action agenda: https://www.greenclimate.fund/readiness

The Readiness Strategy 2024-2027 can be found here https://www.greenclimate.fund/sites/default/files/document/readiness-strategy-2024-2027.pdf

GCF projects and programmes (https://www.greenclimate.fund/projects) can support the implementation of country priorities as underscored in NDC3.0.  






Overall NDC support including NDC investment plans, NDC implementation plans, etc. 


Initiative for  Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)

Initiative for  Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) 


Overall NDC support including data collection for NDC, alignment of NDC and LT-LEDS, etc. 

Developing countries

Institutional Investor Group on Climate Change (IIGCC)

NDCs 3.0 – catalysing private finance for national transitions agriffa@iigcc.org Private sector engagement Europe/ Global

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Data and statistics: Providing energy data through IRENA's repository of statistics for energy balances, renewable energy capacity and generation, and energy finance and costs lsecadadaly@irena.org Data collection for NDC Global

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV): Technical assistance and capacity building on energy data collection, analysis, recording and reporting. The support can also cover MRV support on greenhouse gas emission reduction through energy transition lsecadadaly@irena.org Data collection for NDC 
Capacity-building needs

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Resource assessment: Assisting countries in assessing their renewable energy potential and building their capacities to undertake this analysis. This includes site assessment, suitability assessment, zoning assessment and use of the SolarCity Simulator, a web application to evaluate the prospects for electricity generation using rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) installations lsecadadaly@irena.org Data collection for NDC  Global
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Policy and finance advice: Undertaking technical analysis of the current policies and financial landscape for energy transition lsecadadaly@irena.org NDC investment plans
NDC implementation plans
NDC financing plans / finance roadmaps

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Renewables readiness assessment: Undertaking comprehensive assessment of the conditions for renewable energy deployment to support decision makers in countries to expand ambitions for renewables deployment lsecadadaly@irena.org NDC implementation plans Global

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Renewable energy roadmap (REmap): Assessing the potential of renewable energy in the power, cooling and heating, and transport sectors lsecadadaly@irena.org Sectoral support (power, cooling and heating, transport) Global
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Technology and infrastructure technical analysis: Assessment for the cost effectiveness of mitigation options for the energy sector to support country to prioritize mitigation options to serve as an input for the NDC

lsecadadaly@irena.org Mitigation component of NDC
Adaptation component of NDC
Alignment of NDC and LT-LEDS

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Technology and infrastructure capacity building: Technical capacity building programme on renewable energy technology to facilitate NDC implementation, with a particular focus on performance, cost, and planning requirement to implement renewable energy solutions lsecadadaly@irena.org Capacity-building needs
Technology transfer needs

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Grid assessment and modelling: High-level assessment of the grid hosting capacity and distribution to accommodate Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) integration and build countries’ capacity on grid assessment studies and to establish a working model of the electricity system through simulation software training lsecadadaly@irena.org Mitigation component of NDC
Adaptation component of NDC
Alignment of NDC and LT-LEDS

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Power system flexibility: Analysing the flexibility in power systems to identify cost-effective and sound solutions for integrating variable renewable energy. These include demand-side flexibility, energy storage, and sector coupling options, such as electric vehicles, power-to-heat and power-to-hydrogen lsecadadaly@irena.org Mitigation component of NDC
Adaptation component of NDC
Alignment of NDC and LT-LEDS

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Long-term energy planning: Enhancing long-term renewable energy planning and developing the capacity of countries to undertake their energy planning and modelling lsecadadaly@irena.org NDC implementation plans
Alignment of NDC and LT-LEDS

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Project facilitation services: Facilitating the development of project pipelines aligned with the priorities of governments in collaboration with the financial sector, the private sector and project developers, and assisting in the bankability assessment and financial access of projects. The Climate Investment Platform and IRENA's regional Investment Forums are also leveraged to support countries’ access to project finance lsecadadaly@irena.org NDC investment plans 
NDC implementation plans
NDC financing plans / finance roadmaps
Private sector engagement

NDC Partnership

Global Call on NDCs 3.0 and LT-LEDS (formerly the Thematic Call on LT-LEDS and NDC Alignment, Update and Enhancement) https://ndcpartnership.org/country-action/ndc-partnership-thematic-call-lt-leds-and-ndc-alignment-update-and-enhancement Overall NDC support including data collection for NDC, NDC investment plans, NDC implementation plans, NDC/LT Vision/LT-LEDS development  Global

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Climate Action Accelerator (technical assistance)  caroline.uriarte@nrel.gov
Data collection for NDC, NDC investment plans, NDC implementation plans, NDC financing plans / finance roadmaps, Alignment of NDC and LT-LEDS , Strengthen Institutional Arrangements, Capacity-building needs, Technology transfer needs, Sectoral support (ie energy, land0use, industry…), Subnational engagement, Private sector engagement Developing countries

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Clean Energy Minigrids, Soil Organic Carbon, Rice Methane Emissions, Sustainable Livestock Management. Other trainings on : Carbon Markets, LTS caroline.uriarte@nrel.gov Subnational engagement
Strengthen institutional arrangements 
Capacity-building needs

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Bioenergy, Private Sector Integration, Electric Mobility, Sustainable Transport Logistics, Resource Efficiency, Methane from Organic Waste. Other trainings on green hydrogen caroline.uriarte@nrel.gov Subnational engagement
Strengthen institutional arrangements 
Capacity-building needs

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Electric Mobility, Grid Scale Renewables, Finance. Other trainings on green hydrogen caroline.uriarte@nrel.gov Subnational engagement
Strengthen institutional arrangements 
Capacity-building needs

United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)

NDCs for every child Data Platform


Data collection for NDCs
Gender/youth/social approaches


United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)

Child-sensitive climate policies for every child https://www.unicef.org/media/130081/file/Child-Sensitive%20Climate%20Policies%20For%20Every%20Child.pdf Gender/youth/social approaches Global

United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)/World Resources Institute (WRI) 

Climate Watch: Explore Nationally Determined Contributions

https://www.climatewatchdata.org/ndcs-explore?category=child_and_youth_sensitivity Data collection for NDCs Global

World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

 Mission 1.5 – Strengthening Public-Private Collaboration and Unlocking Investment for NDCs 

 lewis.hill@wbcsd.org Private Sector Engagement Global

