COP events
GST Engagement Event: The Role of the Private Sector, Innovation and Technology in the First Global Stocktake
06 Dec. 2023
10:00h - 11:00h
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
UNFCCC Pavilion , Expo City
Expo City
COP events
GST Engagement Event: The Role of the Private Sector, Innovation and Technology in the First Global Stocktake
06 Dec. 2023
10:00h - 11:00h
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
UNFCCC Pavilion , Expo City
Expo City

Aims of the event:

  • Highlight the contributions of the private sector in terms of R&D, technology innovation, innovative financial instruments, innovative business models and innovative collaborative approaches in the first GST process.
  • Identify opportunities for the private sector to support the implementation phase of the outcomes of the first GST, as well as highlight what businesses and investors need from governments to step up climate action.
  • Identify ways forward to develop and deploy innovative solutions that support climate action to align with the 1.5 goal and enhance resilience.




  • Setting the scene on GST process and outlook.
  • Anna Kruip, Senior Manager, Environment and Climate, UN Global Compact (moderator)


  • The role of businesses and philanthropies to step up innovative climate action.
  • Mr. Badr Jafar, COP28 Special Representative for Business & Philanthropy, and CEO of Crescent Enterprises

Panel discussions

The panel discussions will focus on the contributions from the private sector, innovation and technologies to three main themes of the global stocktake (mitigation, including response measures; adaptation, including loss and damage; and means of implementation and support).

Panel 1: Contributions of the private sector towards achieving the Paris Agreement goals, and opportunities to support the implementation phase of the outcomes of the first GST

Guiding questions:

  • How have businesses and investors contributed to the achievement of the Paris Agreement goals so far?
  • What are key opportunities for the private sector to engage in the implementation of the GST outcomes, including in line with the different non-Party stakeholder initiatives (e.g. Race To Zero, Race To Resilience, GFANZ, UN Global Compact, etc.)?
  • What can governments do to provide enabling conditions and adequate signals for the businesses and investors to accelerate their contributions to climate action?
  • Jay Collins, VP, Interest Rates Research, Citi
  • Brendan Oviedo Doyle, President at the Peruvian Renewable Energy Association

Panel 2: Innovation and technology as key enablers to accelerate the transition towards low-emission and resilient pathways

Guiding questions:

  • What has been the role of science, technologies and innovation to achieve the Paris Agreement goals so far?
  • What are key innovative technologies, policies, financial instruments that can accelerate the transition to low-emission and resilient pathways?
  • What can governments do to provide the policies and enabling conditions as well as other adequate signals for the development and deployment of needed innovative climate and sustainability technologies? How can access to innovative climate and sustainability technology be facilitated for developing countries and low-income populations?
  • Sarah Penndorf, Senior Program Manager, Sustainability and Strategy Operations, Google
  • Rei Goffer, Co-Founder, Chief Strategy Officer at Tomorrow.io
  • Leen Govaerts, Unit Manager at VITO



Closing remarks

  • Anna Kruip, Senior Manager, Environment and Climate, UN Global Compact (moderator)


Watch the webcast here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/odL5oxDsrD0