The Gender Action Plan

At COP 28 Parties agreed that the final review of the implementation of the enhanced Lima work programme and its GAP will be initiated at the sixtieth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, in June 2024 - identifying progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the GAP, and further work to be undertaken – and conclude at its SBI 61 in November 2024 (Decision 15/CP.28). 

More information on the final review is available here.

Enhanced LWPG and its GAP

At COP 25 Parties agreed a 5-year enhanced Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan (Decision 3/CP.25).

At COP 26 Parties adopted the Decision 20/CP.26. The Decision includes, among other, aspects of the review of the Gender Action Plan implementation. 

At COP 27 Parties concluded the intermediate review of the implementation of the gender action plan that started at SB 56 in June 2022. The review included amendments to some deliverables and three new activities in priority areas C and E (Decision 24/CP.27)

At COP 28 Parties agreed that the final review of the implementation of the enhanced Lima work programme and its GAP will be initiated at the sixtieth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, in June 2024 - identifying progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the GAP, and further work to be undertaken – and conclude at its SBI 61 in November 2024 (Decision 15/CP.28). 

Parties, United Nations entities, the UNFCCC constituted bodies and relevant organizations are all invited to provide inputs to inform the review process. The secretariat will prepare a synthesis report on the submissions, organize a workshop at SBI 60 and prepare a workshop summary report..

Submissions must be uploaded to the submission portal by 31 March 2024. (Decision 15/CP.28). More information on the final review is here.

An informal document that contains the Gender Action Plan and amendments agreed at Decision 24/CP.27 and Decision 15/CP.28 is available here.


GAP priority areas

The enhanced gender action plan sets out objectives and activities under five priority areas that aim to advance knowledge and understanding of gender-responsive climate action and its coherent mainstreaming in the implementation of the UNFCCC and the work of Parties, the secretariat, United Nations entities and all stakeholders at all levels, as well as women’s full, equal and meaningful participation in the UNFCCC process.

LWPG and its GAP for GAP page