Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee (PAICC) Adopts Work Plan for 2020-21
6 novembre 2020
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Credit: Mihály Köles/Unsplash

UN Climate Change News, 6 November 2020 - The Committee to facilitate implementation of and promote compliance of Parties with the provisions of the Paris Agreement has concluded its second meeting this year and is on track with the delivery of its mandate for CMA3 - the recommendation of its draft rules of procedure.

By providing facilitation to implementation and helping governments understand the compliance aspects of the regime, the Paris Agreement's Committee enables countries to deliver on their national climate action plans under the Paris Agreement (“Nationally Determined Contributions”, or “NDCs”), thereby promoting further ambition to tackle climate change over time.

Ms. Christina Voigt, Co-Chair of the Committee, said: “The Committee’s adoption of a list of elements to guide its work is an important stepping stone to the development of the draft rules of procedure. Together with the interim organizational arrangements, this list will help the Committee in delivering its mandate at the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow next year.”

The Paris Agreement's Committee to facilitate implementation and promote compliance met for its second time from 26 to 29 October to work further on its draft rules of procedure and worked on a list of possible elements for the draft rules of procedure, which are to address any matters necessary for the proper and effective functioning of the Committee.

The Committee focused on aspects of organization; general provisions to guide the Committee in its work; and aspects of how it initiates and processes the implementation issues that it addresses, and how it will come to decisions on those implementation issues. The work is a work in progress and the Committee will continue to develop the list into a full draft of procedural rules during its next meetings.

To guide its work while it works on the draft rules, the Committee also adopted interim organizational arrangements which can be accessed here. These arrangements cover basic rules for running the meetings, such as confidentiality, ethical conduct, conflict of interest, oath of service, functions of Co-Chairs, meeting documentation, as well as electronic decisions by the Committee.

The Committee adopted its work plan for the 2020 - 2021 biennium. This living document envisages an alternating pattern of formal meetings and informal meetings throughout 2021, indicating a commitment to intensive working to ensure it delivers the draft rules of procedure to the Glasgow conference in 2021. The Committee also adopted its first annual report to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA). The report provides a summary of the Committee’s activities and performance during the year and progress in developing its draft rules of procedure.

Expressing satisfaction over the outcome of the second formal meeting of the Committee, Mr. Haseeb Gohar, Co-Chair of the Committee, said:“Despite having COVID-19 restrictions, the Committee was able to adopt the work plan of the Committee for the biennium 2020-21; interim organizational arrangements; annual report to the CMA; possible elements for the draft rules of procedure; and agreed to organize an event at the Climate Dialogues.”

“This is the manifestation of the Committee’s commitment, dedication and devotion towards promoting implementation of and compliance with the Paris Agreement,” he added.

The Committee plans to host an event in the upcoming UNFCCC Climate Change Dialogues, November/December 2020 (Climate Dialogues). The event will engage with experts from other compliance committees established under international in order to share experiences around facilitating implementation and supporting Parties in complying with their commitments. The event will also provide government representatives with an opportunity to share their views to enhance compliance and implementation of the Paris Agreement.

About the Paris Agreement's committee to facilitate implementation and promote compliance

The Paris Agreement's committee to facilitate implementation and promote compliance was established under Article 15, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Paris Agreement. Further detail was included in decision 1/CP.21 paragraphs 102 and 103. Its modalities and procedures were adopted by the CMA in decision 20/CMA.1 at Katowice.

Its role is to facilitate implementation of and promote compliance with the provisions of the Paris Agreement. It is guided by principles in Article 15 and paragraphs 1 to 4 of the annex to decision 20/CMA.1, including that it shall function in a manner that is transparent, non-adversarial and non-punitive and paying attention to the respective national capabilities and circumstances of Parties.

More information about the Committee can be found here.