More Developing Countries Seek Support for NAMAs
20 novembre 2019
Credit: NAMA Facility

UN Climate Change News, 20 November 2019 - The UNFCCC NAMA registry recorded an additional 13 NAMA (nationally appropriate mitigation action) entries in between 1 October 2018 and 30 September 2019, mostly seeking support for preparation and implementation of plans to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

NAMAs refer to any action that reduces emissions in developing countries and is prepared under the umbrella of a national governmental initiative. They can be policies directed at transformational change within an economic sector, or actions across sectors for a broader national focus.

As at 30 September 2019, the UNFCCC NAMA registry contained a total of 183 NAMAs seeking support for preparation or implementation or seeking recognition, representing an increase of 8 per cent since 2018.

Annual Report on Registry of NAMAs to Be Considered at COP25

The UNFCCC Secretariat has released the seventh annual report on the operation of the registry of nationally appropriate mitigation actions for consideration by the UNFCCC’s Conference of Parties (COP25) in Madrid, Spain in December 2019.

This report provides information on the operation of the registry in the reporting period (1 October 2018 to 30 September 2019) and in terms of the cumulative status of NAMA entries in the registry as at 30 September 2019.

The report highlights that Ecuador submitted the largest number of entries (5), followed by South Africa (3), Iran (2), Bangladesh (1), Dominican Republic (1) and Guatemala (1) in the reporting period. Of the 13 NAMA entries, 7 sought support for implementation, 1 sought support for preparation and 5 sought recognition. These NAMAs mostly targeted energy supply, agriculture, transport and infrastructure and residential and commercial buildings sectors and sought a total of USD 15.78 billion in international support

As in previous reporting periods, financial support made up the greatest share of international support sought (USD 15.7 billion), followed by capacity-building support (USD 62 million) and technological support (USD 14.5 million).

Latin American and Caribbean States recorded the most NAMA entries. However, the substantial number of NAMA entries recorded by African States, Asia-Pacific States, SIDS and the LDCs was particularly noteworthy.

On the international support being sought for NAMAs, the document reports a cumulative total of USD 31.5 billion in international support sought by all NAMA entries for implementing or preparing NAMAs. Financial support continued to make up the greatest share of international support sought (USD 29.5 billion), followed by technological support (USD 1.7 billion) and capacity-building support (USD 0.21 billion).

On the support provided to NAMAs, the report highlights that international support of USD 37.7 million has been matched with NAMAs. Most of the financial support was provided for the implementation of NAMAs (USD 31.3 million), followed by the preparation of NAMAs (USD 6.4 million). Some support-providing agencies did not mention information on the amount of support provided, therefore the actual support provided could be higher than that recorded in the registry.