Secretariat Structure

Secretariat Structure

UNFCCC Structure
Credit: UN Climate Change


Key interlinkages of UNFCCC workstreams and secretariat organizational structure

The graph above “Key interlinkages of the UNFCCC workstreams and secretariat organizational structure” provides an overview of the secretariat divisions and how they are connected, how they interact and how they will contribute to the implementation of the secretariat’s work programme.

Specifically, intergovernmental engagement will be focused on providing ongoing operational oversight to the established processes and bodies, which in turn will be focused on delivering in full as guided. The secretariat, in support of Parties, presiding officers and the elected chairs/co-chairs of the bodies, provides a critical link in ensuring the effective coordination of this effort.

The data, information and knowledge generated through the established processes and bodies will be used to inform future action and to foster deeper and broader engagement with relevant actors, whose expertise and experience can be used to enhance all the established processes and bodies.
