Informal meeting
Informal meeting of representatives from Parties and organizations and experts to consider the outcomes of completed activities under the Nairobi work programme
28 - 30 Sep. 2010
09:30h - 14:30h
Manila, Philippines
Informal meeting
Informal meeting of representatives from Parties and organizations and experts to consider the outcomes of completed activities under the Nairobi work programme
28 - 30 Sep. 2010
09:30h - 14:30h
Manila, Philippines

The SBSTA at its 28th session requested the secretariat to organize, under the guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA and before its thirty-third session, an informal meeting of representatives from Parties and organizations and experts to consider the outcomes of the activities completed prior to this meeting.

The workshop is to take into account:

  • Summary report for the first phase of the Nairobi work programme for the period up to SBSTA 28 (FCCC/SBSTA/2008/12)

  • Summary report for the second phase of the Nairobi work programme for the period up to SBSTA 32 (FCCC/SBSTA/2010/10)

  • Views and information on the effectiveness of the Nairobi work programme in fulfilling its objective, expected outcome, scope of work and modalities, as stated in decision 2/CP.11
    (Submissions from Parties and intergovernmental organizations are available in FCCC/SBSTA/2010/Misc.8 and Add.1)
    (Submissions from non-governmental organizations are available here)

The SBSTA at its 32nd session further requested the secretariat, under the guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA, to prepare inputs and develop an agenda to facilitate discussions to review the effectiveness of the Nairobi work programme in fulfilling its objective, expected outcome, scope of work and modalities, as stated in decision 2/CP.11.

Background paper (840 kB)
Agenda (105 kB)
Report on the workshop

Session A.  Activities undertaken 
Part  I - Overview of the outcomes




Ms. Annett Möhner


 Overview of outcomes under the Nairobi work programme(935 kB)

Part II - Perspectives from partner organizations




Ms. Rachel Berger

Practical Action

Engaging with the NWP - An NGO perspective on knowledge management for adaptation (1022 kB)

Mr. Amir Delju

World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

WMO’s participation in the Nairobi work programme (2543 kB)

Mr. Espen Ronneberg

Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Pacific regional perspectives on the Nairobi work programme (831 kB)

Mr. Lucas Di Pietro

Ibero-American Network of Climate Change Offices (RIOCC)

Perspective from RIOCC (923 kB)

Ms. Ninni Ikalla

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

IUCN's engagement (1017 kB)

Part III - Perspectives from experts




Mr. Alex Simalabwi

Global Water Partnership (GWP)

Influencing policy and decision making to build resilience and adapt to climate change (6080 kB)

Part IV - Views and reflections from Parties




Ms. Pasha Carruthers

Cook Islands

Perspectives from the Cook Islands (1015 kB)

Mr. Klaus Radunsky


The Austrian Approach towards a National Adaptation Strategy(156 kB)

Mr. Guy Midgley

South Africa

Perspective from South Africa (834 kB)

Ms. Helen Plume

New Zealand

Nairobi work programme - New Zealand views on first five years (208 kB)

Session B.  Possible activities beyond 2010

Part I - Further needs identified by Parties and organizations




Ms. Xianfu Lu


Summmary of views and information from Parties and organizations on further needs (210 kB)

Part III - Report back from breakout groups

Group on improving the practicality (105 kB) of knowledge products and modalities

Group on ensuring the links (194 kB) crossing levels and thematic areas of adaptation

Group on possible subthemes (100 kB)