Regional group events
UN COP24 Side Event: Needs-based Climate Finance Strategy in Melanesia
08 Dec. 2018
13:15h - 14:45h
Virtual event
Katowice, Poland / Virtual
Virtual Poland
Climate Finance
Regional group events
UN COP24 Side Event: Needs-based Climate Finance Strategy in Melanesia
08 Dec. 2018
13:15h - 14:45h
Virtual event
Katowice, Poland / Virtual
Virtual Poland
Climate Finance

This event included (1) a panel discussion on the climate finance needs and priorities of Melanesian countries in the light of the NDC and NAPs, (2) an outline the MSG forest program as an example of the opportunities for climate finance for both mitigation and adaptation arising from forests and their customary owners, and (3) an update on MSG REDD+ implementation.

This initiative was led by the Melanesian Spearhead Group (Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu) with the support of the UNFCCC Secretariat and Griffith University.

Time Topic Presenter (s) Panel Moderator
 13:15 - 13:25

 Introduction of side event and opening remarks: MSG Director General, Ambassador Amena Yauvoli

 13:25 - 13:40  Updates on REDD+

 Gwen Sissiou (PNG)
 Semi Dranibaka (Fiji)

 13:40 - 13:50  MSG Forest Programme

 Ed Morgan
 (Griffith University)

 13:50 - 14:30

 MSG Needs-based Climate
 Finance strategy

 Stanley Wapot 

 10 min intro
  • Amena Yauvoli (MSG Director General)
  • Pa Ousman Jarju (Director-Country Programming, GCF)
  • Preety Bhandari (Director, Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management Division, ADB)
  • Chris Bartlett (Vanuatu delegation)
  • Melchior Metaki (Solomon Islands delegation)
  • Ruel Yamuna (PNG delegation)
  • Virginia Young (Australian Rainforest Conservation Society)

    30 min discussion, 5 min each
 Stanley Wapot
 (MSG Secretariat)
 14:30 - 14:45

 Q&A and Open Discussion (15 min open discussion)