Constituted Body meetings and events
Sixteenth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC16)
09 - 12 Sep. 2019
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
AH Lower Conference Room, UN Campus
UN Campus
Constituted Body meetings and events
Sixteenth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC16)
09 - 12 Sep. 2019
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
AH Lower Conference Room, UN Campus
UN Campus

1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the agenda

AC/2019/16 - Provisional agenda and annotations for the sixteenth meeting of the AC

Summary Outcome

The agenda was adopted as presented.

3. Organization of work

Summary Outcome

The organization of work was agreed.

4. Promoting overarching coherence

4. (a) Collaboration with other adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the Convention

AC/2019/29 - Proposed Adaptation Committee/Least Developing Countries Expert Group approach to coordinate work on related mandates and activities

Summary Outcomes

The AC took note of the collaborative activities of AC members with other Convention bodies since SB 50.

It welcomed the participation of the vice Co-Chair of the Facilitative Working Group of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform throughout AC 16.

It agreed to organize a joint meeting on local and indigenous adaptation at COP 25 as a joint FWG-AC-LEG-NWP event, as previously informally discussed at SB 50.

The AC also agreed on the importance of the local communities and IP perspectives and confirmed the intention of integrating it in its ongoing and future work, including the planned events.

The AC welcomed the remote participation of the Chair of the LEG in a dedicated session on AC-LEG collaboration and agreed on a roadmap for future collaborative work.

The AC also welcomed the remote participation of a member of the PCCB for a session dedicated to a joint event on gender planned for 2020.

The AC highlighted the importance of strengthening the collaboration with other constituted bodies under the Convention on the issue of adaptation in order to create synergies and build coherence. 

4. (b) Advice to the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change (NWP)

Summary Outcome

The AC appreciated an oral report of a secretariat representative of the NWP and explored options on how to enhance the visibility and accessibility of adaptation knowledge products through the UNFCCC website.

4. (c) Mainstreaming a gender perspective into the work of the Adaptation Committee

AC/2019/17 - Mainstreaming a gender perspective into the work of the Adaptation Committee: Workplan

AC/2019/18 - Concept note on a joint AC–PCCB event on identifying gaps and solutions related to incorporating gender considerations into adaptation planning and implementation

Summary Outcomes

The AC welcomed the participation of a member of the PCCB in the discussion and agreed on a concept for a 2020 meeting on gender and adaptation to be held jointly with the PCCB.

It agreed on two topics for the meeting:

  • Promoting gender analysis in the NAP process: Using sex-disaggregated data; and
  • Reducing gender inequalities through NAPs by raising awareness and building capacity

The AC will continue the conversation with the PCCB and requested the secretariat to explore CBA 14 (Thailand, June 2020) as a venue for the meeting.

The AC further considered and adopted its workplan on how to mainstream gender into its work.

5. Addressing mandates from the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) at its first session

5. (a) Adaptation Communications: Draft supplementary guidance for voluntary use by Parties in communicating adaptation information

AC/2019/19 - Mapping of relevant existing guidance to inform the preparation of draft supplementary guidance for voluntary use by Parties in communicating adaptation information

Summary Outcomes

The AC considered the document prepared for this meeting and agreed on a more detailed time line with milestones to address the mandate.

The AC took note of the letter from the IPCC dated 9 September 2019, including of the proposed meeting with the AC in the margins of COP 25, and agreed to meet with IPCC.

The AC requested the secretariat to prepare a first outline of the draft supplementary guidance for further consideration by the AC by November.

5. (b)  Methodologies for assessing adaptation needs

AC/2019/20 - Inventory of methodologies for assessing adaptation needs in the context of national adaptation planning and implementation. Concept note

Summary Outcomes

The AC took note of the above-mentioned letter from the IPCC which also refers to this item.

The secretariat will prepare, by COP 25, different options for the inventory, visualizing them in mock-ups with associated cost estimates.

The AC will identify potential users to work with the secretariat to make the product useful to the end user.

The AC, with support from the secretariat, will prepare guiding questions for the mandated submissions that are due in 2021 for consideration by AC 17.

5. (c)  Modalities for recognizing the adaptation efforts of developing country Parties

AC/2019/21 - Theme and key elements of the AC's 2020 synthesis report on lessons learned and good practices in developing country Parties in the context of the recognition of adaptation efforts of developing country Parties*

*Note: Postponed, pending agreement on a theme

Summary Outcomes

The AC agreed on the theme of “How developing countries are addressing hazards, focusing on relevant lessons learned and good practices” for its first synthesis report in the context of recognizing adaptation efforts of developing country Parties.

It requested the secretariat to develop an initial draft for consideration by AC 17.

6. Work of the Adaptation Committee’s working group on the Technical Examination Process on Adaptation (TEP-A)

AC/2019/22 - Information note on the Technical Examination Process on Adaptation

Summary Outcome

The AC welcomed the work of the TEP-A working group in 2019.

For the 2020 TEP-A it approved the suggested topic of “Education and training, public participation and youth to enhance adaptation action” also reflecting on the outcomes of the TEM-A 2016 to 2019.

The AC requested the working group, with the support of the secretariat, to work on a detailed concept for the 2020 TEM.

It also agreed to submit reflections on the 2016-2019 TEP-A to the pre-2020 Stocktake and requested the secretariat to prepare a first draft.

The AC finalized a set of draft recommendations to be included in the AC’s annual report to the COP.

7. Technical support and guidance to the Parties on adaptation action

7. (a) Work of the Adaptation Committee Task Force on National Adaptation Plans (NAP Taskforce)

AC/2019/23 - Work of the Adaptation Committee Task Force on National Adaptation Plans: Gaps and needs related to national adaptation plans and how to address them

Summary Outcome

The AC took note of the oral report by the NAP taskforce and considered a document on gaps and needs related to the process to formulate and implement NAPs.

It took note of the comments on the oral report and the document and invited interested AC members and observers to provide further written comments on the document by Friday 20 September. It requested the secretariat to update the document accordingly and circulate a revised version.

7. (b) Monitoring and evaluation of adaptation

Summary Outcome

This item was covered under item 9d Adaptation Forum.

7. (c) Linkages between mitigation and adaptation

AC/2019/24 - Linkages between mitigation and adaptation. Information paper

Summary Outcomes

The AC considered the draft information document prepared for the meeting. It took note of additional suggestions provided by AC members and observers and requested the secretariat to revise the document. The revised document will be shared with the AC by the end of November.

7. (d)  Connecting short-, medium- and long-term adaptation planning at the national and subnational level, including data, financial flows and others

AC/2019/25 - Short-, medium- and long-term adaptation planning at the national and subnational level, including data, financial flows and others. Concept note

Summary Outcomes

The AC considered a draft concept note for the report.

It provided guidance to the secretariat to focus the document on data, taking into account short- medium- and long-term perspectives and linkages of data needs to various stages in the adaptation process.

It requested the secretariat to present a draft for consideration at AC 17.

8. Technical support and guidance to the Parties on means of implementation

8. (a) Engagement with the private sector

AC/2019/26 - Draft AC recommendations on private sector engagement in adaptation

Summary Outcomes

The AC took note of the outreach work undertaken by the secretariat in collaboration with other partners.

It finalized a set of draft recommendations to be included in the AC’s annual report to the COP.

8. (b) Capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding

AC/2019/27 - Capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding. Information note

Summary Outcome

The AC welcomed the draft document prepared for the session. It agreed to consult with the LEG, PCCB and SCF on follow-up activities with a focus on sustained long-term in-country capacity building in accessing adaptation funding and invited interested AC members and observers to provide further written comments on the document by Friday 20 September.

8. (c) Input to the draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention

Summary Outcome

The AC considered the reports of the GCF and the GEF to COP 25. It agreed on the AC’s input to the draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention and requested the secretariat to submit it to the SCF.

9. Awareness-raising, outreach and sharing of information

9. (a) Information products

Summary Outcome

The AC took note of its new information products and those that are still in production, including those considered under other agenda items. This includes:

  • Various approaches to long-term adaptation planning
  • The business case for private sector adaptation
  • A toolkit for private sector engagement in adaptation action
  • An interactive report on the 2019 Adaptation Forum,

9. (b) Review and update of the Adaptation Committee's communications plan, including a social media strategy

AC/2019/28 - Review and update of the Adaptation Committee’s communications strategy

Summary Outcome

The AC considered and approved its revised communications strategy. It agreed to enhance its efforts to translate the structure into action and on the next steps contained in the document.

9. (c) 2019 Report on Adaptation under the UNFCCC by the Adaptation Committee

Summary Outcome

The AC welcomed the draft report and provided guidance to the secretariat for its finalization.

It agreed that more comments by the AC should be sent to the secretariat by Friday 20 September.

9. (d) Adaptation Forum

Summary Outcome

The AC agreed on the topics of Communicating M&E results; and Sharing existing knowledge and tools on measuring progress of adaptation and resilience actions, also addressing data, in line with a concept note it approved at AC 15.

It requested the secretariat explore the 2020 Adaptation Futures conference as a venue for the Forum.

It also requested the secretariat to explore the availability of potential partners to offer a training session on M&E back to back to the Forum.

The AC also requested the secretariat to explore regional events as well as organizations who may be available to conduct sessions on this topic at a regional level.

The AC agreed to consider indigenous knowledge and practices as a potential option for a future Adaptation Forum.

10. Report of the Adaptation Committee to the 25th session of the Conference of the Parties

Summary Outcome

The AC considered its draft report to COP 25 and requested the secretariat to complete the draft with the outcomes and recommendations agreed at AC 16.

11. Organization of inter-sessional work

Summary Outcome

The AC agreed to form working groups corresponding to its workstreams rather than to deliverables and for each working group to agree on intersessional workplans.

12. Dates for future meetings

Summary Outcome

The AC agreed to hold its next meeting (AC 17) from 24 to 27 March 2020 in Bonn (Tuesday-Friday).

13. Any other matters

No other matters were raised.

14. Closure of the meeting