Constituted Body meetings and events
Side-event AC: Supporting the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience
05 Jun. 2024
13:15h - 14:30h
Bonn, Germany
Room Berlin, World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB)
World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB)
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Constituted Body meetings and events
Side-event AC: Supporting the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience
05 Jun. 2024
13:15h - 14:30h
Bonn, Germany
Room Berlin, World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB)
World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB)
Adaptation & Loss and Damage

Decision 2/CMA.5 adopted the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Framework for Global Climate Resilience, which has the purpose of guiding the achievement of the global goal on adaptation and the review of overall progress in achieving it with a view to reducing the increasing adverse impacts, risks and vulnerabilities associated with climate change, as well as to enhance adaptation action and support. The Framework contains, among other things, a set of seven thematic targets and a set of four targets corresponding to the four dimensions of the iterative adaptation cycle.  

Through paragraph 44 of the same decision, the Adaptation Committee (AC), in collaboration with the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG), was invited to support the implementation of the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience with technical guidance and training materials thereon. 

The AC is convening this side event to inform Parties and interested stakeholders of early plans in relation to this work and to gather input from Parties and other interested stakeholders to help inform and prioritize next steps, also including a follow up survey.





Opening and welcome

The AC Co-Chairs will open the event and present the mandate on technical guidance and training materials in support of the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience, the AC role in ensuring coherence and coordination with other CBs, the relevant work undertaken to date, and the objectives and structure of the event.

Introductory presentation by Funanani Muremi, Co-Chair of the AC


Building on experiences on past technical guidance and training materials

Short interventions from representatives of the CGE, LEG, PCCB (3-5 min each)

Guiding questions:

  1. In your experience, what has worked especially well in relation to developing, disseminating and/or utilizing technical guidance and/or training materials? What areas offer opportunities for improvement?
  2. What are your top lessons learned in this regard that can inform the work on this mandate?


Prioritizing technical guidance and training materials to support implementation of the Framework

Open discussion in-person and via Mentimeter

Guiding questions:

  1. Building on experience of past technical guidance and training materials to inform strategic orientation, collaboration and coherence:
    1. What type of products, formats or forms of collaboration should be prioritized in light of the diversity of targets, actors, regions and levels and with a view to effectiveness and efficiency? What should the AC, CGE, LEG and other constituted bodies do more of in this regard?
    2. Who should be the targeted stakeholders of technical guidance and training materials?
  2. Identifying priority areas of work and topics:
    1. What areas of work or topics related to the targets or cross-cutting considerations of the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience should be prioritized and why?
    2. What other areas of work, topics or questions related to the UAE Framework should the technical guidance or training material address?



Closing and next steps

The AC Co-Chairs will conclude the event and outline potential next steps in fulfilling their mandates in support of the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience. They will further explain how Parties and other stakeholders can stay informed of and continue to engage with this work, including through a forthcoming survey.