RCC Events
Promoting Transformative Climate Innovations in Small Island Developing States
09 Dec. 2023
13:00h - 14:00h
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub
Climate Technology
UNFCCC, UNFCCC. Regional Collaboration Centre Bangkok, UNFCCC. Regional Collaboration Centre St. George's
RCC Events
Promoting Transformative Climate Innovations in Small Island Developing States
09 Dec. 2023
13:00h - 14:00h
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub
Climate Technology
UNFCCC, UNFCCC. Regional Collaboration Centre Bangkok, UNFCCC. Regional Collaboration Centre St. George's


Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are extremely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, biodiversity loss and displacement. In the absence of a concerted response, these effects could increase exponentially.

Transformative innovations for climate action have been by and large happening in SIDS. The need to develop and implement climate and sustainable measures that cuts across sectors and address both mitigation and adaptation are not only imperative to their survival but practical given their circumstances.

The Caribbean islands hold a diverse, rich and unique experiences in tackling climate change impacts which can be leveraged in convening and creating economies of scale towards climate resilient development.

Meanwhile, the Pacific islands have become innovation hubs where climate strategies are piloted and refined to inform adaptation efforts globally. It provides important opportunities for testing and refining transformative innovations for climate action.

Event at COP28

Showcasing innovation taking place on the ground can help foster opportunities and support climate actions. The session therefore spotlighted various initiatives that are already implemented, with the objective to promote the possible transformation within SIDS via actual solution case-studies.  Watch again the event: 

Summary of the Event

On 9 December 2023, the UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Centres for Asia and the Pacific (RCC AP) and the Caribbean (RCC Caribbean) jointly convened a side event at the COP 28 UGIH Pavilion. The focus of the event was to promote transformative climate innovations in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). In opening the session, the Regional Lead for the RCC Caribbean, Mayra Santaella recognized that both the Caribbean and the Pacific SIDS share common vulnerabilities to climate change hence requiring access to climate and sustainability solutions such as innovative financing instruments, emerging technologies and capacity building.

Ibu Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, provided the perspectives from both regions while setting the scene. The Executive Secretary highlighted some threats that SIDS face due to climate change including sea level rise, extreme weather events and ocean acidification, and noted that it was very fitting to place a spotlight on the innovative solutions that exist within these regions. Marianna Castaño Cano from 10 Billion Solutions moderated the session and welcomed the panel comprising of James Ellsmoor, CEO of Island Innovation and Co-founder/Director of Solar Head of State, Racquel Moses, CEO of the Caribbean Climate-Smart Accelerator and Sefanaia Nawadra, the Director General of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme.

The panelists reaffirmed the vulnerabilities of SIDS to the impacts of climate change noting that even though countries have their own individuality, there are common threads that do exist. They encouraged the small economy states to share experiences on their successes, ultimately leading to the extension and/or replication of centres of excellence across the regions. It was also mentioned that innovative solutions in the context of SIDS should focus on building more resilient economies or changing the nature of economies where the global south takes a more active role in developing these solutions. It is also important that innovation in SIDS be rooted in home-grown solutions that utilize the traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples while repurposing those ideas.

The event provided a wealth of knowledge on the importance of climate and sustainability solutions to SIDS. The RCC Asia and the Pacific and the RCC Caribbean teams will continue to promote the work of the UNFCCC within their respective regions while championing the SIDS agenda. Additionally, they will identify initiatives where they can continue collaborating with the organizations participating in the event.

group photo at the event: Promoting Transformative Climate Innovations in Small Island Developing States