COP events
Opening: South-south cooperation among capacity builders: an opportunity to scale transformative action
08 Dec. 2023
08:45h - 10:00h
Dubai , United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
Capacity-building Hub, Expo City
Expo City
COP events
Opening: South-south cooperation among capacity builders: an opportunity to scale transformative action
08 Dec. 2023
08:45h - 10:00h
Dubai , United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
Capacity-building Hub, Expo City
Expo City
SS Day
SS Day
SS Day

Credit: Impulsouth





This session was organized by the lead partner Impulsouth



“Impulsouth - Global Cooperation for Climate Action: southern engagement with climate negotiations and commitments 2020-2023” aims to increase knowledge and capacities to enhance climate action in developing countries, strengthening their engagement with the Paris Agreement “ambition cycle” in a way that is reflected at the 2023 Global Stocktake. It pursues the main goal by strengthening the role played by new agents for action (young, mostly women) through research and training.  

The project is funded by the International Development Research Center (IDRC) and has been implemented by Fundación Avina in collaboration with FLACSO Ecuador and UNU-VIE in 6 countries from Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean. 

The project is designed in a cyclical process with four separate components: first, research synthesis of available climate knowledge and capacities on specific topics; second, capacity-building through virtual trainings; third, strengthening leaders in the development of climate solutions; and fourth, ensuring the participation of researchers and leaders in global climate governance forums, such as COPs. 

The session was part of a consultative process conducted by Impulsouth in order to enhance a more effective and action-oriented capacity building in the global south, understanding the challenges and good practices in different initiatives and aiming to build upon distinct experiences to future capacity building strategies. 



  • Built on the potential of south-south collaboration and assess opportunities to pave more effective and target-oriented processes on capacity-building for transformative climate action for youth

  • Shared perspectives and lessons learned from southern-led capacity-building initiatives and proposed innovative ideas to bring south-south cooperation on capacity-building for climate action at scale








10 min


Opening of the SS day 

PCCB (tbc) 

15 min

Paula Ellinger 


Fundación Avina/ Impulsouth 

Santiago Alba Corral 


Emmanuel Cheo 


15 min

Nathalia Rezende 

Presentation of the consultative process led by Impulsouth (ACW, LACCW, COP28) 


30 min

Luz Osório 

Based on your experiences and perspectives, how can south south cooperation enhance and strengthen capacity building initiatives? 


Open space for participants (fishbowl) 

Participant at the Climate Solutions Lab (Impulsouth) 

Patrick Kibaya 

Climate Change Adaptation Innovation (CHAI)  

Gaston Kremer 

Solutions Lab coordinator 

5 min

Closing by moderator  


Key Outcomes

  • To enhance and strengthen capacity-building in the Global South and enhance coherence among capacity-building initiatives it is important to build upon lessons learned and on how to overcome long-lasting challenges (e.g. language barriers, digital gap, cultural aspects, gender approaches and realities).
  • Knowledge management is key to move forward - to build upon the lessons learned and the results of already existing initiatives to reach a next level of coordination among initiatives while defining the place of knowledge management to inform more tailored and effective capacity-building processes.
  • Understand the opportunity that lies in the learning by doing and the spaces of collaboration. South south cooperation remains a space that can foster experimentation and funds also should reflect the flexibility demanded by these experiences and exchange spaces.



Presentation slides