Special event
International Symposium and High-level event on Action for Climate Empowerment
13 - 14 Oct. 2019
Pamhagen, Austria
Vila Vita Pannonia
Special event
International Symposium and High-level event on Action for Climate Empowerment
13 - 14 Oct. 2019
Pamhagen, Austria
Vila Vita Pannonia


International Symposium

The International Symposium aimed to catalyse wider engagement in, and support to, the implementation of the Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) agenda, specifically Article 12 of the Paris Agreement and its related Katowice Climate Package, which established the high-level political consensus on the importance of fostering education, training, public awareness, public participation, public access to information, and international cooperation- to addressing the climate crisis.The Symposium brought together ACE national focal points, representatives from governments, international organizations, the private sector, local and regional authorities, academia, youth, and philanthropic organizations to discuss how to raise the profile of, and mobilize support to, the ACE agenda in order to raise ambition and accelerate the implementation of the Paris Agreement. 

High-level Event

The High-level event mobilized global decision-makers who will commit to climate action in their areas of influence by signing the Burgenland Declaration on Action for Climate Empowerment. Interested countries, companies and other key stakeholders are invited to commit/pledge to provide substantial support to the ACE agenda and to the ACE national focal points. More >>


This event was organized for the ACE National Focal Points, representatives from governments, intergovernmental organizations, non-Party stakeholders, the private sector, local and regional authorities, academia, young people, and philanthropic organizations.

Place and venue

The events took place in Pamhagen, Austria at the Eco-resort Vila Vita. https://www.vilavitapannonia.at/en/events.html


The events were organized by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism in cooperation with UN Climate Change secretariat, and in collaboration with the state of Burgenland and the Austrian-German Friendship Association.

Concept Note

A reference to the Burgenland declaration

Text Burgenland declaration

Provisional Agenda

10:00 - 10:30

13 October 2019

Opening Ceremony

Welcoming remarks

  •  Mr. Helmut Hojesky, Director, Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Austria, and UNFCCC Focal Point for Austria
  •  Mr. Niclas Svenningsen, UN Climate Change

Outline and objectives of the Symposium by the facilitator

  • Ms. Talieh Wögerbauer, Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Austria, Action for Climate Empowerment Ambassador
10:30 - 10:50 Introductory presentation

Overview of Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE), Ms. Adriana Valenzuela, UN Climate Change 
Questions and answers  

10:50 - 11:45

Session I: Reflecting on the implementation of Action for Climate Empowerment

Tour de table

  • What is happening on ACE around the world?
    2-minute intervention by each participant 
11:45 - 13:00

The What: Key needs and opportunities for action on ACE

Moderated working group discussions based on participants’ experience

  • What are the opportunities and needs?
  • How to raise the profile of, and mobilize support to, the ACE agenda in order to raise ambition and accelerate action on the Paris Agreement?

Group I: Facilitated by Mr. Niclas Svenningsen, UN Climate Change & Ms. Roberta Ianna, ACE focal point, Italy
Group II: Facilitated by Ms. Adriana Valenzuela, UN Climate Change & Mr. Victor Vinas, ACE focal point, Dominican Republic

13:00 - 14:00 Break
14:00 - 14:30 Working groups feedback session 
14:30 - 15:15

The What: Building a common vision for ACE 

Moderated dialogue on the following question:

  • What do we want to achieve in the next two, five and ten years?

Moderator: Ms. Adriana Valenzuela, UN Climate Change

15:15 - 16:30

The Who: Engaging the right players &
The How: Cooperation, partnerships and funding at the local, national and international levels

Moderated dialogue on the following questions:

  • Who are the players already engaged in implementing ACE? Which other key players could be engaged?

Contribution by ICLEI, YOUNGO and ECOS

  • What interlinkages and synergies are needed?

Contribution by Adaptation Fund

  • Opportunities to support the ACE agenda

Moderator: Mr. Niclas Svenningsen, UN Climate Change

17:00 - 18:30

Excursion to the National Park Neusiedler See – Seewinkel


09:00 - 09:15

14 October 2019

Outline and objectives of the day

  • Ms. Talieh Wögerbauer, Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Austria, Action for Climate Empowerment Ambassador
09:15 - 10:00

Presentation of good practices and lessons learned

Session II: Presentations of “Good practices” by Stakeholders; examples for enhancing engagement and support for ACE. Interactive discussions.

10:00 - 10:45

Making our voices heard

Making our voices heard: Tactics for cutting through the noise to different key groups and target audiences
Moderated dialogue on the following questions:

  • What are the key ACE messages?
  • What is the best way to convey these messages?
10:45 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 12:15

Working group discussion

Action plan: Pathway from Pamhagen to Glasgow

Group I: Facilitated by Mr. Niclas Svenningsen, UN Climate Change & Ms. Jeanette Larue, ACE focal point, Seychelles 
Group II: Facilitated by Ms. Adriana Valenzuela, UN Climate Change & Ms. Alice Gaustad, ACE focal point, Norway

The groups will discuss concrete ideas on: What? when? who? Commitments

12:15 - 12:40 Feedback of working group discussions
12:40 - 13:00


ACE at COP 25

  • Ms. Adriana Valenzuela, UN Climate Change
  • Ms. Johanna Arriagada, Chile  

Closing remarks and next steps

  • Mr. Niclas Svenningsen, UN Climate Change  
  • Ms.Talieh Wögerbauer, Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Austria, Action for Climate Empowerment Ambassador