Subsidiary Body events
Information event on experiences and perspectives on the compilation of greenhouse gas inventories and on the use of reporting tables and reporting tools by developing and developed country Parties
20 Nov. 2020
13:00h - 15:00h
Virtual event
Transparency & Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV)
Subsidiary Body events
Information event on experiences and perspectives on the compilation of greenhouse gas inventories and on the use of reporting tables and reporting tools by developing and developed country Parties
20 Nov. 2020
13:00h - 15:00h
Virtual event
Transparency & Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV)

Virtual event. For Parties only.


During SBSTA 51 (Madrid), the secretariat organized the information session on “Experience with reporting on quantitative information in Greenhouse gases (GHG) inventories, including using reporting tools such as the common reporting format reporter” following a request by the SBSTA Chair in his reflection notes. The event was well-received by participants. This event is closely related to the development of common reporting tables for the electronic reporting of information on GHG emissions and removals pursuant to decision 18/CMA.1 on the modalities, procedures and guidelines for the transparency framework for action and support.

In preparation of the informal dialogues on the transparency item under SBSTA to be organized during the UNFCCC Climate Change Dialogues (Climate Dialogues), the SBSTA Chair requested the UNFCCC secretariat to organize an information session on experiences and perspectives on the compilation of greenhouse gases inventories and on the use of reporting tables and reporting tools by developing and developed country Parties, taking into consideration the experience with the previous event.


This information session, which will be organized under the authority of the SBSTA Chair prior to the Climate Dialogues, aims to support Parties share relevant experiences and acquire an enhanced understanding of approaches for compilation of greenhouse gases inventories and the use of reporting tables and reporting tools by developing and developed country Parties.

Proposed programme

The information session will be opened by the SBSTA Chair and will feature information presentations by the secretariat and the IPCC, followed by presentations by developing and developed Parties on their experience in compiling and reporting GHG inventories and tables, the challenges and solutions in preparing and reporting national GHG inventories, the use of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, reporting tables and software, and the establishment of institutional arrangements to support these activities.

Time Topic  - Presenter

Opening remarks

SBSTA Chair, Tosi Mpanu Mpanu

UNFCCC secretariat, Katia Simeonova

Background information

Introductory presentations on the progress of the work on CRF tables

Software reporter for common tables (UNFCCC secretariat)

The IPCC inventory software (IPCC TFI TSU)


Parties' presentations on "Experiences and perspectives on the compilation of GHG inventories and the use of reporting tables, and reporting tools and software"

Presentations by Parties {10 minutes each, followed by questions and answers}



Moderated by the UNFCCC secretariat


  Closing remarks

  SBSTA Chair


Vitor Goís Ferreira (VGoisFerreira@unfccc.int)
Tina Gottschick (tgottschick@unfccc.int)