Climate Dialogues
Informal forum of the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) on the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) and the enhanced transparency framework (ETF)
26 Nov. 2020
14:00h - 15:30h
Virtual event
Transparency & Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV)
Climate Dialogues
Informal forum of the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) on the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) and the enhanced transparency framework (ETF)
26 Nov. 2020
14:00h - 15:30h
Virtual event
Transparency & Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV)
Visual graphics of the CGE informal forum

*Webcast conference room: Jupiter*

1. Context

The Consultative Group of Experts (CGE), at its third meeting held on 18–19 February 2020, agreed to organize informal forums on the margins of regional climate weeks as part of its work plan for 2020. However, due to the impact the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, the CGE concluded that it was not possible to organize the informal forums as in-person events in 2020. As a result, it agreed to organize its informal forum as a virtual event as a part of the Climate Dialogues which will be held from 23 November to 04 December 2020.

2. Objective and description

The objective of the third informal forum of the CGE was to showcase the work undertaken and achievements of the CGE in 2020 and engage with and seek feedback from its key stakeholders, including:

  • Country experts and policy makers who are key drivers of MRV/transparency efforts nationally;
  • Bilateral and multilateral agencies providing financial and/or technical support on MRV/transparency;
  • Other international organizations providing financial and/or technical support on MRV/transparency; and
  • Other MRV/transparency experts.

The forum further aimed to provide a platform for relevant stakeholders to informally reflect and exchange views around the country experiences and evolving needs and priorities in the implementation of the MRV arrangements under the Convention and preparation for the transition to the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement. The feedback gathered from the event will help inform the design of work plan of the CGE in 2021.

3. Programme

Moderator: Mr. Arif Goheer, the Chair of the CGE


Agenda item



  • Opening statement by Mr. Arif Goheer, CGE Chair
  • Introductory remarks by Ms. Marianne Karlsen, SBI Chair
  • Introductory remarks by Mr. Ovais Sarmad, Deputy Executive Secretary of the secretariat
  • Introductory remarks by Ms. Jenny Mager, Presidency of COP 25
  • Introductory remarks by Ms. Eve Deakin, Incoming Presidency of COP 26


Showcase of CGE achievements and plenary discussion

It consisted of six segments dedicated to different elements of the CGE work of 2020. For each segment, a CGE member introduced the element and moderate the plenary discussion guided by predefined questions, with the aim of seeking feedback on the outputs of the CGE work in 2020 from the end-users’ point of view and gathering intelligence on the additional and/or evolving needs of developing countries and their priorities.


5 min

1. Introduction to cross-cutting element

3 min



7 min

2.1 Introduction to knowledge products

2.2 Plenary discussion on knowledge products

     (Guiding questions on knowledge products)

  • Have you already used the knowledge products? Did you find them useful? How did it help?
  • Do you foresee additional need for guidance on the topic? If so, what is it?

3 min



4 min


5 min


8 min



3.1 Introduction to knowledge delivery

3.2 Showcase of training materials

3.3 Reflections by 1–2 virtual training workshop participants

3.4 Plenary discussion on knowledge delivery

    (Guiding questions on knowledge products)

  • Do you foresee additional area for capacity-building?
  • How can the CGE improve its capacity support? (e.g. in terms of modality, focus of area, etc.)

3 min


4. CGE engagement with Parties and peer exchange

  • Call for inputs

5 min




10 min

5.1 Introduction to needs assessment

  • Key findings from the latest study on problems, constraints, lessons learned and capacity-building needs will be presented and used as a basis for discussion.

5.2 Plenary discussion

    (Guiding questions on needs and gaps)

  • What are other constraints and gaps experienced in your countries? Are there any trends or key changes in terms of priorities, especially in respect of transition to the enhanced transparency framework?
  • How can the CGE and other stakeholders better respond to the evolving needs of developing countries?

7 min

6. Closing the loop: feedback on the CGE work plan  

     (Guiding questions on the CGE work plan)

  • To country representative, what should be the key areas or topics that the CGE should focus in 2021 and beyond?
  • To those entities who are either supporting or planning to support developing countries, do you foresee any opportunity for us to collaborate and if so how?



  • Summary of key takeaways
  • Closing remarks by Mr. Arif Goheer, CGE Chair

Informal forum outcome report