Mandated and other events
Third Glasgow Dialogue (GD3)
06 - 07 Jun. 2024
10:00h - 13:00h
Bonn, Germany
Chamber Hall, World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB)
World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB)
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Mandated and other events
Third Glasgow Dialogue (GD3)
06 - 07 Jun. 2024
10:00h - 13:00h
Bonn, Germany
Chamber Hall, World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB)
World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB)
Adaptation & Loss and Damage


COP 26 established the Glasgow Dialogue between Parties, relevant organizations and stakeholders to discuss the arrangements for the funding of activities to avert, minimize and address loss and damage associated with the adverse impacts of climate change. The Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) was requested to organize the Glasgow Dialogue in cooperation with the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts (WIM ExCom).

The Glasgow Dialogue is mandated to take place in the first sessional period of each year of the SBI, starting at its 56th session and concluding at its 60th session.

  • The First Glasgow Dialogue (GD1) took place at SBI 56 (June 2022) and focused on the implementation of approaches for averting, minimizing, and addressing loss and damage associated with climate change impacts, and how these are or can be funded under and outside the UNFCCC process, highlighting associated gaps, barriers, and challenges.
  • The Second Glasgow Dialogue (GD2) took place at SBI 58 (June 2023) and, in accordance with the mandated topics, focused on the operationalization of the new funding arrangements and the fund established in Decisions 2/CP.27 and 2/CMA.4, as well as on maximizing support from existing funding arrangements relevant for, inter alia, responding to economic and non-economic losses, slow onset events and extreme weather events. GD2 informed the work of the Transitional Committee and contributed to the adoption of the decisions at COP 28/CMA 5 (December 2023) on the operationalization of the new funding arrangements, including a fund, for responding to loss and damage, established by decisions  2/CP.27 and 2/CMA.4.

The third Glasgow Dialogue (GD3) will build on GD1 and GD2 and focus on enhancing coherence and coordination across the loss and damage support architecture and the role of the funding arrangements in this context. It will also provide an opportunity to discuss the progress made and further recommendations for scaling up or enhancing existing and initiating new funding arrangements for responding to loss and damage.

Overall approach

In line with the previous Glasgow Dialogues, the discussions of GD3 will take place in plenary and breakout group sessions to maximize the opportunities for engagement with a broad range of stakeholders and to facilitate focused discussions in an open and inclusive manner.

The discussions will be structured around guiding questions prepared by the Chair of the SBI with the input of the WIM ExCom. All breakout groups will discuss the same guiding questions.


GD3 will be open to all participants registered for the 60th sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies.

Programme as at 9 May 2024

Date, time (CEST) 


Thursday 6 June 2024

10:00 – 11:00 


Session 1: Introduction 

Session 1, presided over by the Chair of the SBI, will provide information on the work of the loss and damage bodies in operation under the Paris Agreement and the Convention. The session will also provide an opportunity for these bodies to share their perspectives on how to enhance coherence and coordination. 

The session will also introduce the guiding questions for the breakout group discussions and the structure of the two-day Dialogue. 

  • Opening and welcome remarks

o    Mr. Nabeel Munir, the Chair of the SBI

Reflection on how the different loss and damage bodies under the Paris Agreement and UNFCCC can effectively work together to ensure complementarity 

o    Mr. Jean-Christophe Donnellier, Co-Chair of the Board of the Fund for responding to loss and damage
o    Mr. Alpha Kaloga, Co-Chair of the Santiago network Advisory Board
o    Ms. Camila Minerva Rodríguez, Co-Chair of the WIM ExCom

  • Introduction and guidance for the breakout groups

Transition to three parallel Breakout sessions

11:30 –13:00 

Parallel breakout groups

Session 2: Breakout discussions 

The parallel breakout groups will provide an opportunity for focused, interactive and inclusive discussions on enhancing coherence and coordination across the loss and damage finance architecture. 

All breakout groups will discuss the same set of guiding questions: 

1.    What experiences have countries had to enhance the coherence and coordination of activities relevant to loss and damage? 

  • What are the lessons learned from these experiences?
  • What type of technical support and capacity building would help build coherence and coordination at the national level? 

2.    What technical assistance is needed to support the development of programmatic approaches to responding to loss and damage and access to the Fund operationalized by Decisions 1/CP.28 and 5/CMA? 

  • How can funding for loss and damage be made available in a way that targets those who are at the forefront of climate change impacts? 

There will be three parallel breakout groups. Participants are kindly requested to select and join the breakout group of their choice.

  Breakout group 1 Breakout group 2 Breakout group 3
Assigned room Chamber Hall Wien 1/2 Tokio 1/2
Capacity 446 at table,
1231 in total
50 at table,
110 in total
72 at table,
105 in total
Seating parliamentary square square
Facilitator Ms. Camilla Minerva Rodríguez,
Ms. Sierra Woodruff,
Co-Chairs of the WIM ExCom
Mr. Alpha Kaloga,
Co-Chair of the Santiago Network Advisory Board
Mr. Jean-Christophe Donnellier,
Co-Chair of the Board of the Fund for
responding to loss and damage


Friday 7 June 2024

10:00 –13:00 


Session 3: Report back and way forward

The session will start with the report back by facilitators of the breakout discussions. After the report-backs, the floor will be opened for a plenary discussion around the guiding questions. The Dialogue will close with a round of key takeaways from the two-day discussions and on topics and questions that could be addressed in the high-level dialogue referred to in decisions 5/CMA.5 and 1/CP.28.

Report back by the facilitators of the breakout groups

  • Mr. Jean-Christophe Donnellier, Co-Chair of the Board of the Fund for responding to loss and damage
  • Mr. Alpha Kaloga, Co-Chair of the Santiago Network Advisory Board
  • Ms. Sierra Woodruff, Co-Chair of the WIM ExCom

Plenary discussions

  • What progress has been made since Dubai on the funding arrangements to assist developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change in responding to loss and damage?
  • What further recommendations could enhance the implementation of the objectives of the new funding arrangements?

Round of key takeaways and views on topics and questions that could be addressed in the high-level dialogue

Closing remarks

o    Ms. Aysin Turpanci, SBI Rapporteur