Climate Dialogues
From technology needs to climate action
01 Dec. 2020
12:30h - 14:00h
Virtual event
Climate Technology
Climate Dialogues
From technology needs to climate action
01 Dec. 2020
12:30h - 14:00h
Virtual event
Climate Technology

I. Background

COP 7 adopted the technology transfer framework to enhance the implementation of technology development and transfer action under the Convention. The framework included five thematic areas, including one on activities to support developing countries to establish and consolidate the technology needs assessment (TNA) process to identify and prioritize their technology needs to support their enhanced action on mitigation and adaptation. TNA is also a key element of the technology framework endorsed by the Katowice agreed outcomes to support the implementation of the Technology Mechanism and the Paris Agreement.

Since 2001, more than 80 developing countries have conducted TNAs to address climate change.  Some of them have taken climate actions based upon the findings of their respective TNA. More recently, countries have also identified climate technology needs in their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to support the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

In response to a request from SBI 50, the UNFCCC secretariat prepared the fourth synthesis report on technology needs, for consideration at SBI 52.  The report synthesizes information contained in the TNA reports of 53 non-Annex I Parties that participated in phases I (2009–2013) and II (2014–2017) of the global TNA project supported by the GEF.

II. Description/Objective

At the event, the main findings of the synthesis report on technology needs will be presented by the secretariat, complemented by presentations from countries showcasing their TNA success stories and by UNEP DTU Partnership on the support provided to enhance the implementation of TNAs. This event will also facilitate a dialogue among Parties, TNA countries’ experts, support providers and relevant stakeholders on the experiences and lessons learned from the TNA process, in particular regarding the implementation of TNAs to support climate action. 

III. Proposed programme

Moderator: Mr. Zitouni Ould Dada – Deputy Director, Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


Session I: Setting the scene

Session II: Panel discussion on supporting implementation of Technology Action Plans


  • Mr. Rajiv Garg – Regional Manager Africa, Climate Technology Centre and Network
  • Mr. Emerson Resende – Climate Policy Specialist, Green Climate Fund
  • Ms. Katya Kuang-Idba – Climate Change Specialist, Global Environment Facility 
  • Mr. Romeo Bertolini – Deputy Director of Country Engagement, Nationally Determined Contributions Partnership
  • Dr. Maxwell Otim Onapa - Director Science, Research and Innovation, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, CTCN NDE, Uganda

Session III: Interactive Q&A session

Wrap-up and closing