UN events
From Science to Action: Blueing the Paris Agreement
27 Jun. 2022
13:00h - 14:15h
Lisbon, Portugal
Room 2, Altice Arena
Altice Arena
Ocean, Science
UNFCCC, France
UN events
From Science to Action: Blueing the Paris Agreement
27 Jun. 2022
13:00h - 14:15h
Lisbon, Portugal
Room 2, Altice Arena
Altice Arena
Ocean, Science
UNFCCC, France

France, the UNFCCC secretariat and the Ocean and Climate Platform hosted a joint event during the United Nations Ocean Conference on translating science into ocean-based action on climate change to 'Blue' the Paris Agreement. Co-hosting partners included the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC-UNESCO), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the Ocean Conservancy.

The event highlighted the vital role the ocean plays in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, and explored how the ocean can be protected while also acting as a solution space for ocean-based climate action on mitigation and adaptation. Experts discussed the current opportunities and enablers for action as well as what can be done to enhance international collaboration and decision making on the ocean and climate change.

Roundtable guiding topics:

  • Scaling-up ocean-based climate solutions to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement:
    • Coastal and marine ecosystems; fisheries and aquaculture; shipping; marine renewable energy.
  •  Opportunities to scale-up action:
    • Parties: How to bridge decision-making on the ocean and climate change?
    • Non State Actors: What options and innovative solutions for financing ocean-climate action?
    • United Nations: How to build synergies across the UN system?
Times in CEST   Master of ceremony: Loreley Picourt, Secretary General, Ocean & Climate Platform
13:00-13:05 Welcoming remarks H.E. Denis Robin, Secretary General of the Sea, France
13:05-13:10 High level opening H.E. Frank Bainimarama, Prime Minister, Fiji 
H.E. Rebecca Pow, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK 
13:10-13:20 The critical importance of the ocean in the Paris Agreement Joanna Post, UNFCCC Secretariat
Respondent: Pierre Masque Barri, IAEA
13:20-13:25 Building momentum for action H.E. Peter Thomson, UNSG’s Special Envoy for the Ocean

Roundtable: Scaling-up ocean action to deliver on the Paris Agreement Goals

Presentations + Q&A
Sue Biniaz, Deputy Special Envoy for Climate Change, USA
Julio Cordano, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chile 
Emily Pidgeon, Vice-President of Ocean Science and Innovation, Conservation International
Arsenio Dominguez, Director, Marine Environment Division, IMO
Bruno Oberle, Executive Director, IUCN
Janis Searles Jones, CEO, Ocean Conservancy
Moderated by Rémi Parmentier, Director, The Varda Group
14:10-14.15 Concluding remarks H.E. Olivier Poivre d'Arvor, Ambassador for the Poles and Maritime Affairs, France