Constituted Body meetings and events
Fifth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC5)
05 - 07 Mar. 2014
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
United Nations Campus
Constituted Body meetings and events
Fifth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC5)
05 - 07 Mar. 2014
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
United Nations Campus


Documents, presentations and summarized agreements of the meeting

Agenda item 2: Adoption of the agenda



Summary outcome

Agenda adopted as presented

Agenda item 3: Adoption of the revised rules of procedure 



Summary outcome  

The Revised rules of procedure adopted as amended – AC/2014/2, paragraph 19 deleted

Agenda item 4: Election of the Co-Chairs

Summary outcome

Co-Chairs elected: Juan Hoffmaister (Bolivia) and Christina Chan (United States)

Agenda item 6: Coherence and collaboration on adaptation-related matters under the Convention
Agenda item 6 (a): Adaptation-related mandates under the Convention


AC/2014/3 (revised)


Presentation on possible collaboration

Presentation on representation in the Loss and Damage executive committee

Presentation on the LEG's NAP technical workshop

Summary outcome

Letters to the Co-Chairs of the ADP and the Board of the GCF were agreed and have been sent out (please see box on the right). Further information on representation on the Loss and Damage executive committee will be circulated to the AC by email. The secretariat was requested to revise the "mapping document" (Possible cooperation in order to reduce duplication of actions, address gaps and strengthen synergies) regularly after the first AC meeting each year. The Co-Chairs, together with the AC's coherence group, will follow up with the Chairs of the SCF and the TEC on activities for collaboration (such as the workshop on technologies for adaptation, the SCF's Forum on adaptation finance and adaptation-relevant parts of the technical paper on the review of the financial mechanism). The Co-Chairs, together with the coherence group, will also follow up on other adaptation-related activities in relation to the CGE, LEG, NWP, capacity-building, etc.

Agenda item 6 (b): External representation of the Adaptation Committee

Summary outcome

The AC agreed for Clifford Mahlung (Jamaica) to be the AC’s nominee to the CTCN Advisory Board and expressed its full support to Juan Hoffmaister and Christina Chan as the AC's nominees to the Loss and Damage executive committee.

Agenda item 6 (c): Workshop on technologies for adaptation

Summary outcome

The report on the workshop will be shared with AC members once available. More on the workshop >>

Agenda item 7: Workshop on the monitoring and evaluation of adaptation




Presentation on the report. For more information on the workshop please click here >> 

Summary outcome

AC members were requested to send any further revisions to the draft workshop report to the secretariat by 14 March. The secretariat will revise the report accordingly and make it available on the AC's website. The Co-Chairs, assisted by the secretariat, will prepare a concept note outlining possible next steps and recommendations to the COP, for consideration by the AC by early July and adoption at AC6. 

Agenda item 8: Joint meeting of the Adaptation Committee and the Nairobi work programme:
Available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation,
best practices and needs of local and indigenous communities, and the application of
gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation




Presentation on the scoping paper

Summary outcome

The AC endorsed the scoping paper as presented and agreed on AC members to attend the meeting. More on the joint meeting >>

Agenda item 9: Ad-hoc group to propose modalities for facilitating technical backstopping




Presentation on documents AC/2014/6, 7 and 8

Summary outcome  

The AC established an ad-hoc group on technical support and agreed on the group's terms of reference. The tasks of the group include:

  • Analysing existing support for adaptation action provided by regional institutions and UN agencies, including gaps, needs and opportunities, based on the submissions by regional institutions and UN agencies and other relevant information, including related to issues such as geographic coverage, types and degree of technical assistance, and associated institutional and financial arrangements;
  • Taking into account the above gaps, needs and opportunities, proposing modalities to strengthen and enhance the coherence of the provision of support to developing countries for activities related to adaptation. 
Agenda item 10: Roles of regional institutions and United Nations agencies in supporting
enhanced adaptation actions in developing countries




Presentation on documents AC/2014/6, 7 and 8

Summary outcome  

The AC agreed to engage organizations who have expressed interest in supporting the work of the AC in the ad-hoc group created under item 9 above. The Co-Chairs, together with the AC's coherence group, will consider other follow-up as appropriate, including in relation to other ongoing activities (such as the AC's 2014 thematic report and the Adaptation Forum). The Co-Chairs will also consider ways to respond to expressions of interest to collaborate with the AC received from regional institutions and UN agencies.

Agenda item 11: List of regional centres and networks working on adaptation




Presentation  on documents AC/2014/6, 7 and 8

Summary outcome  

The AC endorsed the draft list of regional centres and networks as presented, with the understanding that the list will further evolve. Members agreed to provide the secretariat with corrections and additions to the list by 19 March 2014, so that the secretariat, under the guidance of the Co-Chairs, can proceed with the online publication of the list in a user friendly format, possibly under the NAP Central. The secretariat is requested to update the list every six months and to issue a standing invitation to interested regional organizations to be included in the list.

Agenda item 12: Communication of current experiences on means to incentivize the
implementation of adaptation actions




Presentation on the document

Summary outcome  

The secretariat, under the guidance of the Co-Chairs, is requested to draft the scoping paper for the workshop on means of implementation to take place in the first quarter of 2015. The secretariat, under the guidance of the Co-Chairs, is also requested to draft the synthesis paper as agreed in the elaboration of the AC’s 3-year work plan. The AC agreed that existing and forthcoming information is to be used for both papers, rather than issuing a call for submissions. This information will include information requested by the COP, such as syntheses of National Communications and biennial reports by Annex I Parties. Both papers shall identify gaps and needs to be addressed at the workshop on means of implementation in 2015.

Agenda item 13: Financial support for National Adaptation Plans




Presentation on the background paper

Presentation by the Secretariat of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Presentation by the Adaptation Fund Board (AFB)

Presentation on the NAP Global Support Programme (NAP-GSP)

Further information on the NAP-GSP

Summary outcome  

The AC appreciated the information provided by representatives of the GEF, the AFB and the NAP-GSP. The AC agreed that its Co-Chairs should ensure a continued dialogue with the GEF and the AFB. Members of the NAP task force will follow up on any specific activities resulting from the discussion at AC5. The AC agreed to offer technical support to the Board of the GCF (see letter in the box on the right). The AC secretariat will liaise with the GCF secretariat to facilitate the contact between the Co-Chairs of the AC and the GCF Board. 

Agenda item 14: Task force on National Adaptation Plans




Presentation on the document

Summary outcome  

The AC agreed to provide feedback on the draft work plan of the NAP task force for further revision and prioritization by 21 March 2014. AC members who are on the task force will also receive input from nominees from TEC, LEG and SCF, as well as observers, by that deadline. The task force will then refine and prioritize the work plan for endorsement by the AC.

Agenda item 15: Progress made on NAP Central

Notes on the oral report

Summary outcome  

The AC took note of the oral report delivered by the AC member collaborating with the LEG on the development of NAP Central.

Agenda item 16: Adaptation Forum




Presentation on the concept paper

Summary outcome

The AC agreed that the next Adaptation Forum will be held in conjunction with the conference of the Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) in early October 2014. The AC's forum group will provide the AC with a concept paper on issues, including the theme, timing, and support needed, by early June. In the elaboration of this concept note the forum group is requested to take into account lessons learned from the 2013 Forum and from other comparable events. The secretariat is requested to provide an update on the outcome product (movie) on the first Adaptation Forum at the end of March. 

Update: The Adaptation Forum has been postponed.

Agenda item 17: Meeting to gather up-to date information on adaptation, in collaboration
with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change




Presentation on the scoping paper

Summary outcome

The AC endorsed the concept paper prepared for the meeting. Interested AC members, supported by the secretariat, are requested to engage with the IPCC secretariat and the Co‐Chairs of IPCC Working Group II to collaborate on the meeting and to identify and invite relevant IPCC authors.

Agenda item 18: Overview and thematic reports





Presentation on concept note 14.1

Presentation on concept note 14.2

Summary outcome

On the 2014 thematic report: The AC requested its reports group to confirm or amend the title of the 2014 thematic report: Hands on adaptation – national adaptation planning and action. The reports group is also requested to reflect further on the target audience for the report. The time line and outline (as amended) shall be observed as proposed in the document prepared for the meeting. In addition, further aspects as discussed shall be included in the report (such as the use of case studies, means of implementation). In the preparation of the report, a "step by step process" shall be used, i.e. to make use of available material first, and later of other material as needed.

On the 2015 overview report: The AC requested its reports group to prepare a concept note with an annotated outline, time line, etc. for agreement by the AC at its 6th meeting. The AC further agreed that the report shall combine two themes proposed in the document prepared for the meeting: Theme 1 (overview of the AC’s activities over the first three years) and 3 (evaluation of the way the AC took up the task of “promoting the implementation of enhanced action on adaptation in a coherent manner under the Convention"), recognizing the linkages between the two themes. The concept note is to be kept open for additional suggestions that the AC can propose at AC6. The AC also agreed that the overview report shall also include forward looking elements in addition to stock-taking.

Agenda item 19: Communication, information and outreach strategy




Presentation on the strategy

Summary outcome

The AC adopted its communication, information and outreach strategy as a living document. It requested its communications group to produce a revised version within the next few weeks. 

Agenda item 20: Special event during SB 40



Summary outcome

The AC endorsed the scoping paper prepared for the meeting and agreed on the topic "Promoting synergy and strengthening engagement with national, regional and international organizations, centres and networks". The AC agreed that the event should closely follow the COP mandate “to showcase AC’s activities and to engage in a dialogue with Parties and other relevant stakeholders”. The Co-Chairs, supported by secretariat, are requested to consult on feasible time slots to attract a large pool of participants. The AC further agreed to invite representatives of the TEC, the LEG and SCF to participate in the event. The secretariat, in collaboration with the AC’s communications group, is requested to prepare the agenda of the meeting, as well as a list of suggested speakers, for consideration and agreement by the AC via email. The secretariat is further requested to initiate the organization of the special event.

Agenda item 22: Dates for future meetings

Summary outcome

The AC agreed to hold its 6th meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 28-30 September 2014, back-to-back with the third conference of APAN. The second Adaptation Forum will take place during the APAN conference (1–3 October 2014, day to be decided).

Update: the 6th meeting of the AC will take place in Bonn from 29 September to 1 October 2014. The second Adaptation Forum has been postponed until further notice.