FAST Partnership: unlocking climate finance for all
21 May 2024
14:00h - 15:00h
Virtual event
FAST Partnership: unlocking climate finance for all
21 May 2024
14:00h - 15:00h
Virtual event

Event Recording  


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Recent analysis on climate finance investments directed to agrifood systems show that the current level of funding is not sufficient to meet the needs for adequate systematic transformation that can support sustainable food production and emission reduction targets. At the same time, global hunger is still far above pre-COVID-19-pandemic levels, affecting between 691 and 783 million people, with a greater impact on women and people living in rural areas. The discourse around financing agrifood systems transformation can no longer leave aside a consistent focus on improving not only the quantity but also the quality of financial contributions and investments. The Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation (FAST) Partnership, launched at COP28, aims at providing a space to drive effective actions that can reverse the current decreasing trend of agrifood system finance and at the same time empower and engage women, youth, Indigenous Peoples, and people in vulnerable situations. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will set up a panel discussion where key stakeholders will explore the importance of having a stronger focus on ensuring agrifood climate finance access, promoting peer-to-peer exchanges that consider innovation and local knowledge alike, to unlock the real potential for systemic transformation for vulnerable groups.


  • Raise awareness about the decreasing trend of financial contributions for agrifood systems
  • Showcase how the FAST Partnership can provide solutions to accelerating and increasing climate finance flows for the transformation of agrifood systems with a special attention to vulnerable groups
  • Sharing peer-to-peer knowledge on accessing climate finance to agrifood systems and lessons learned from key stakeholders with a special focus on youth and vulnerable groups