Expert meeting
Expert meeting to consider future needs, including capacity needs associated with possible approaches to address slow onset events
12 - 15 Sep. 2013
01:00h - 00:59h
Nadi, Fiji
Expert meeting
Expert meeting to consider future needs, including capacity needs associated with possible approaches to address slow onset events
12 - 15 Sep. 2013
01:00h - 00:59h
Nadi, Fiji

12 - 14 September 2013
Nadi, Fiji


The COP adopted the Cancun Adaptation Framework (CAF) by its Decision 1/CP.16 at the 2010 Climate Change Conference (Cancun, COP 16). Under the CAF, the COP established a work programme to consider approaches to address loss and damage associated with climate change impacts (L&D) in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, and it requested the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to make recommendations on L&D to the COP for its consideration at COP 18 (2012).

At the 2012 Climate Change Conference (Doha, COP 18), taking into consideration the outcomes of the implementation of the work programme up to that point, the COP:

  • Acknowledged the areas of further work to advance the understanding of and expertise on loss and damage, as well as the areas of undertakings by all Parties to enhance action on addressing loss and damage.

  • Requested the secretariat to organize an expert meeting to consider future needs, including capacity needs associated with possible approaches to address slow onset events, in the context of the work programme on loss and damage.



 Agenda (108 kB)              Information note (145 kB)              Background paper (937 kB)       Meeting report


Logistical information

Logistical information for participants (144 kB)

The meeting engaged approximately 90 representatives from Parties and relevant organizations and stakeholders, and took take place from 12 to 14 September in Nadi, Fiji.



Session 1 - Introduction 




 Ms. Miwa Kato, UNFCCC

Overview of the implemention of the work programme (531 kB)  

 Ms. Jean Palutikof, Griffith University

A very brief introduction to climate change (2952 kB)


Session 2, part 1 - Understanding future needs: Current approaches to addressing different types of slow onset events (SOEs) and their impacts 



 Ms. Habiba Gitay, The World Bank

Climate resilient development: Opportunities for including slow onset climate events (1477 kB)  

 Mr. Richard Choularton, WFP

 Addressing the impacts of slow onset events on food security (2950 kB)

 Mr. Justin Ginnetti, NRC

 Slow onset events and population mobility (1870 kB)

 Mr. Ravin Kumar, Government of Fiji

 Understanding future needs: current approaches to addressing different types of slow onset events and their impacts (832 kB)


Session 2, part 2 - Understanding future needs: Institutions outside of the Convention process



 Mr. Michael Coughlan, WMO

 Opening remarks (43 kB)

 Mr. Kevin Petrini, UNDP

 Opening remarks (13 kB)

 Mr. Ewan Cameron, SPREP

 Opening remarks (232 kB)