Subsidiary Body events,
Climate Dialogues
Dialogue on outstanding Article 6 issues: informal meeting of the SBSTA Chair with Heads of Delegation and regional Coordinators
24 Nov. 2020
14:30h - 16:30h
Virtual event
Subsidiary Body events,
Climate Dialogues
Dialogue on outstanding Article 6 issues: informal meeting of the SBSTA Chair with Heads of Delegation and regional Coordinators
24 Nov. 2020
14:30h - 16:30h
Virtual event


In July 2020, the SBSTA Chair conducted bilateral consultations with negotiating groups. The Parties that participated in these consultations reiterated the importance of completing the negotiations on issues relating to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement (Article 6) at CMA 3 in Glasgow and there was broad support to the idea of organizing, under the authority of the SBSTA Chair, informal meetings on Article 6 issues in a virtual format later in 2020. At the same time, there were many ideas suggested regarding the issues that should be taken up in such format and many Parties emphasized that:

  • Such meetings do not become negotiation in a virtual format, such as textual related negotiation or consensus building;
  • Transparency, inclusivity and balance, including in the selection of any presenters from Parties or groups, are ensured;
  • No outcome documents will be prepared and circulated after these virtual meetings.

Having considered the views expressed by Parties during those informal consultations, the SBSTA Chair will convene two informal meetings on Article 6, as a platform for Parties to continue their conversations or dialogues focusing on unresolved issues:

  • The first informal virtual meeting will be at the level of Heads of Delegation (HoDs) and Coordinators of regional negotiating groups who can be accompanied by one supporting expert. The meeting will be structured in a manner that would enable a broad exchange of views among Parties on Article 6 issues, in both organizational and substantive terms;
  • The second informal virtual meeting will be at a technical level, to be attended by Article 6 experts. The meeting will be structured in a manner to enable an exchange of views on baselines and additionality in the mechanism under Article 6.4. 

Objective and format of event

The objective of this event is to provide a platform for discussion, at the level of HoDs and Coordinators of regional negotiating groups, on how to resolve outstanding disagreements in the negotiations on Article 6.

The event is an informal meeting under the responsibility of the SBSTA Chair and will be chaired by the SBSTA Chair, Mr. Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu.

The secretariat has prepared a presentation to facilitate Parties’ preparation for the meeting (see below) which for information only, and will not be presented during the meeting. Link to presentation more>>

No written report or other outcome is to be prepared after the event.


Participation will be at the level of HoDs and Coordinators of regional negotiating groups accompanied by one supporting expert. Representatives of the current (Chile) and incoming (the United Kingdom) COP/CMP/CMA Presidencies will be also present.


The discussion will be structured through the following guiding questions proposed by the SBSTA Chair, addressing both organizational and substantive issues:

  1. What issues under Article 6 should be addressed and, if possible, resolved by the SBSTA before CMA 3 in Glasgow?
  2. What implementation work, currently included in the draft cover decisions, needs further development before CMA 3 to enable immediate start of the implementation of the three Article 6 instruments from 2022?
  3. Based on their experience in Katowice and Madrid, what can the Heads of Delegation do at their level between now and COP 26 to facilitate progress on Article 6 issues?
Time (CET)  
14:30 - 14:35 Opening remarks by Mr. Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu, the Chair of the SBSTA
14:35 - 15:45 Exchange of views by Parties on the framing questions
15:45 - 16:15 Exchange of views by Parties on the next steps and any other issues as needed
16:15 - 16:30 Closing remarks by the SBSTA Chair and representatives of the current and incoming COP/CMP/CMA Presidencies

Contact: Paris-Agreement-Article-6@unfccc.int