UN Flag
Bonn Climate Change Conference - June 2023
5 Jun - 15 Jun
About the conference
The Bonn Climate Change Conference is scheduled from 5 to 15 June 2023. The pre-sessional meetings take place 30 May to 4 June. Building on the mandates that emerged from COP 27 in Egypt last year, the conference will host a large number of mandated events and continue discussions on issues of critical importance, such as the global stocktake, global goal on adaptation, just transition, loss and damage and the mitigation work programme. The conference is expected to make progress on these and other important issues and prepare draft decisions for adoption at COP 28 / CMP 18 / CMA 5 in the UAE in December 2023.
SB58 Live Blog
22:01 h
"There are bridges that can be built to realize the common ground we know exists"

“Having taken nearly two weeks to agree an agenda, it is easy to believe we are far apart on many issues, but from what I have seen and heard, there are bridges that can be built to realize the common ground we know exists,” said UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell during the closing plenary. “World-changing agreements happen when negotiators rise to the occasion, reach out and find compromises, then manage to convince their capitals of the merit and necessity of those compromises.”

19:10 h
Now live: Closing plenary of SB58

Access the webcast to watch the closing plenary live!

13:27 h
Young people are speaking up at SB58
11:52 h
Code of conduct for UN Climate Change conferences, meetings and events

Did you know that there is a dedicated code of conduct for UN Climate Change conferences, meetings and events available in all six UN languages? Click the link below to learn more.

09:23 h
Last day at SB58! What's happening today?
UN Climate change flags at WCCB

It is the 10th and last day of SB58! Today, you can still follow a number of interesting events via the webcast (check the schedule here), including mandated events and press conferences.

Of course, do not miss the closing plenary later today - exact timing to be announced.

Meanwhile, we also invite you to browse our photo gallery on flickr for some impressions of the conference.

19:27 h
The SBI58 and SBSTA58 agendas have just been adopted

Minutes ago, the agendas of SBI58 and SBSTA58 have been adopted. 

SBSTA Chair Harry Vreuls stated: "The SBI Chair and I are pleased to report today that the continued consultations have enabled Parties to reach an agreement on the agendas. We now feel that the time is right to adopt these agendas and would like to sincerely thank Parties who met, consulted with us and with each other, in order to agree on the continuous issues in the spirit of compromise and flexibility."

SB58 agendas adoption



12:32 h
Two days left at SB58 and still many interested events to discover!
SB58 participants

SB58 is starting to wrap up, but dozens of interesting mandated events, side events, press conferences and others are still scheduled to take place over the next two days.

Browse the webcast schedule to find out which ones and tune in!

You missed a webcast event? We have got you covered. You can access all past public recordings of SB58 events by clicking on "all" or a specific day tab. Search by keyword or apply a filter to refine your search.

Also don't miss the SB58 closing plenary, scheduled for tomorrow 15 June in the afternoon.

11:42 h
Did you know? SB58 has an all-time high number of registrations

Close to 8,000 participants, that is Party delegates, observer organization delegates and media representatives, have registered for SB58. This is an all-time record for an SB conference! 

Among those participants, the gender ratio for SB58 is at 51% female and 49% male.

1,000 of those participants on average are using the virtual participation platform every day to participate in meetings, to check the schedule, to watch recordings or to network.

SB58 participants

Are you interested in learning who exactly is attending SB58? Check the provisional list of participants: Click here for on-site participants and here for virtual participants.

14:40 h
Today and tomorrow: Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue 2023

The Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue 2023 is an annual event, which started at the fifty-sixth session of the SBSTA (June 2022), to strengthen ocean-based climate action. 

During the two day-event today and tomorrow, participants will discuss questions around the role of the ocean in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

"The ocean is like a patient with multiple diseases. We must stop treating these diseases separately," said Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary, UNESCO-IOC, ahead of the opening of the dialogue.

11:13 h
Now live: Briefing on the United Nations Secretary-General’s Climate Ambition Summit
SB Climate Summit Briefing at SB58

In September 2023, UN Secretary-General António Guterres will convene a Climate Ambition Summit, to generate “new, tangible and credible climate action” to “accelerate action at the mid-way point” of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs.)

The United Nations Secretary-General’s Climate Ambition Summit is convened as the Secretary-General feels it is very important to put an acceleration agenda in front of Governments and all other stakeholders. The acceleration agenda aims to make it clear to all stakeholders that the only way for climate action to make progress and succeed is by working together. The Summit will be organized around three pillars: ambition, credibility and implementation.

Follow live via our webcast!

10:15 h
Last Technical Dialogue of the First Global Stocktake Wraps up Today

After five days of roundtable discussions and various events, the global stocktake's third and final technical dialogue comes to a close today. Tune in live as the dialogue's co-facilitators summarize the discussions and outline next steps on the road to COP28.

The global stocktake is a two-year process for countries and stakeholders to see where they’re collectively making progress towards meeting the goals of the Paris Climate Change Agreement – and where they’re not. It looks at everything related to where the world stands on climate action and support, identifying the gaps, and working together to chart a better course forward to accelerate climate action.

The SBI Chair  Nabeel Munir said: "Parties, observers and non-party stakeholders have conducted constructive discussions over the past six days. These discussion provide key inputs into the Global Stocktake in the thematic areas of mitigation, adaptation, means of implementation and loss and damage, and contribute to enhance international cooperation for climate action."

GST Technical Dialogue Closing at SB58
14:30 h
What is the connection between health and the global stocktake? Find out at 14:45!

Tomorrow at SB58, the technical phase of the global stocktake will conclude and the output phase will begin. A timely moment to explore how to factor health into the global stocktake outputs, and climate action.

But what is the connection between health and the global stocktake?

The global stocktake is a Party-driven process to assess where we’re collectively making progress toward meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement – and where we’re not.

The right to health was recognized in the Paris Agreement and this important issue is gaining momentum. COP28 at the end of this year will, for the first time, have a dedicated thematic day on health and climate.

At 14:45, join our live webcast for "A GST that Counts for People: Integrating Health into the Global Stocktake", co-organized by the World Health Organization and other observer organizations, and find out more.

13:00 h
Now live: Incoming COP 28/CMP 18/CMA 5 Presidency on the vision and expectations for COP28

Click below to watch the webcast live! In case you missed it: You can also access the recording on-demand later.

11:55 h
"There can be no healthy planet without a healthy ocean"

...said Peter Thomson, UN Secretary-General Special Envoy for the Ocean, during a side event on oceans and climate change that just kicked off.

Want to know more? Follow the live webcast here or watch the recording later.

Or check out our side event schedule for other interesting events on a large variety of topics.

10:58 h
Walking the talk: Sustainability at SB58

The annual SB conference convenes thousands of participants every year in Bonn, Germany. In order to reduce the conference's carbon footprint, at SB58, we have put many sustainable solutions in place.

For example:

  • For the first time, a virtual-only badge was offered for the current SB58, allowing delegates and observer organizations to participate without any travel. Around 20% of participants have registered for this option.
  • At the SBs, a large variety of vegetarian and vegan menu options are offered on a daily basis, as well as offering plant-based milk at the snack points,
  • The venue of the SBs, the World Conference Centre Bonn (WCCB), uses natural power sources and energy-efficient building technology including energy-saving lights, a photovoltaic system and green roofs.
  • SB58 is following the “paperless conferencing” approach – the distribution of hard copies of UNFCCC documents at a distribution counter has been discontinued and participants are encouraged to print and photocopy only what is absolutely necessary.
  • The City of Bonn is offering free public transportation passes to all SB participants.
  • The UN campus in Bonn and the WCCB use a waste separation system.
Participants taking a break at SB58
10:14 h
Welcome to the second week of SB58!
Delegates at SB58

After a well-deserved rest day yesterday, delegates and participants are picking up work for a busy second week at SB58. Check the schedule to find out which of today's events and meetings you can follow live via out webcast!


11:46 h
Tomorrow 12 June at 14:30: Join the virtual briefing on Regional Climate Weeks

What's next after SB58?

Four Regional Climate Weeks will build momentum ahead of COP28 and the conclusion of the first global stocktake, designed to chart the way for fulfilling the Paris Agreement’s key goals. The Regional Climate Weeks are organized by UN Climate Change in collaboration with global partners and each hosted by a government of the region.

RCW 2023

The Regional Climate Weeks are the following:

  • Africa Climate Week in Nairobi, 4-8 September   
  • Middle East and North Africa Climate Week in Riyadh, 9-12 October   
  • Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week in Panama City, 23-27 October
  • Asia-Pacific Climate Week in Johor, Malysia, date TBD  

Tomorrow on 12 June at 15:00, join our virtual briefing via webcast with UN Climate Change officials and host government representatives to learn more.

More information is also available in our media advisory in English, Chinese, French and Spanish.

12:02 h
Did you know? Almost 20% of SB58 participants have the new virtual-only badge

Of the roughly 7,500 registered delegates and observer organization representatives, about 1,400 have opted for the Secretariat’s new “virtual-only” badge. It allows full remote participation, including access to the meetings and events via the virtual participant platform, without physical presence in Bonn.

The new virtual-only participation option has been introduced on a pilot basis for SB58 to help enable a broader and more inclusive participation – especially by observer organizations.

10:00 h
What's happening today at SB58?

SB58 today is looking at a full schedule, before delegates and participants take a well-deserved rest day tomorrow.


What's happening today?

For example the following events, which you can watch live via our webcast:

Or tune into one of today's UN Climate Change side events and special events on the following topics:

Also check the webcast schedule to discover other interesting events that you can follow live. For example a number of side events, covering topics such as climate finance, gender, indigenous peoples and loss and damage.

15:15 h
Now live: Deep-dive discussions on how to operationalize the new loss and damage fund

Follow-live for deep-dive discussions on how the newly established funding mechanism for loss and damage could be operationalized!

Under the umbrella of the Second Glasgow Dialogue, kicked off yesterday, participants are discussing this afternoon in detail about the characteristics and operational modalities of the new funding arrangements.

The Glasgow Dialogue was established to allow Parties, relevant organizations and stakeholders to discuss the arrangements for the funding of activities to avert, minimize and address loss and damage associated with the adverse impacts of climate change.

14:23 h
“It is important to include the Indigenous Peoples in the climate policies.”

On the sidelines of SB58, we talked to Gunn-Britt Retter, Co-Chair of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform Facilitative Working Group (LCIPP FWG).

“We can’t disconnect the knowledge from the knowledge holders,” she explains. “We need to build capacities both among the indigenous peoples and also among the Parties, so that we can have a common platform on what is important.”

The Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP) is an open and inclusive space under the UN Climate Change process and brings together people and their knowledge systems to build a climate resilient world for all. The platform has been established to strengthen the knowledge, technologies, practices, and efforts of local communities and indigenous peoples in tackling the climate crisis.

The Facilitative Working Group of the LCIPP met during the SB58 pre-sessional week. Click here to learn more about the event and watch the webcast recording.

11:00 h
UN Climate Change's Simon Stiell highlights role of youth in the UNFCCC process
Quote ES Simon Stiell Youth SB58

At the occasion of the Youth Global Stocktake, which took place yesterday at SB58 and was organized by the COP28 Presidency, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell pointed out the important role of the youth voice in addressing the climate crisis:

Meaningful youth engagement in the UNFCCC requires more than attending the conference. We need all voices to be heard.  We must continue and enhance our support to young people so that you can meaningfully engage and influence the process, and influence the trajectory for global climate goals and commitments. I hope the Youth Stocktake will improve our understanding of where we are in ensuring youth participation in the process. Something we have all committed to.

10:05 h
Interested in the Enhanced Transparency Framework? Watch our training session at 13:15!
T4T banner

Transparency of climate action enables a global conversation about where we are making progress and how actions are generating impacts. When all the pieces are put together, transparency also allows the global community to see if our collective efforts and investments are meeting expectations – and if they are not, it encourages us all to do more. A key component to transparency in the UNFCCC process is the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF). Click here to learn more about the ETF.

In order to involve non-Party stakeholders such as NGOs, technical experts, youth, international governmental organizations, media representatives and the private sector into this process, UN Climate Change is offering a training on how these actors can be involved in the ETF. Under the banner of #Together4Transparency, the event will strive to convey the importance of climate transparency within the UNFCCC process and at the national level, its cross-cutting nature and the importance of climate data and information for the success of the Paris Agreement. It will also touch upon some of the key benefits of climate transparency for the different groups of stakeholders and possible opportunities for cooperation and engagement.

It is part of the Secretariat's #Together4Transparency, a broad and inclusive initiative which unites all stakeholders involved in preparing for and implementing the ETF.

The event will be publicly webcast today at 13:15.

17:15 h
Global stocktake roundtable on adaptation and loss & damage kicked off

The second of four roundtables of the global stocktake is currently taking place - this one focusing on adaptation and loss and damage.

GST Roundtable Adaptation SB58

The roundtables are focusing on the “What’s next” of the first global stocktake. The interactive format is an opportunity for participants to share their views and discuss in  each of the four cluster areas how the findings of the global stocktake can or will inform actions in their governments or organizations.

In today's roundtable, Parties are discussing a wide array of topics related to adaptation and loss and damage, for example, early-warning systems through innovation, investment and alliances with the private sector, as well as the importance of including loss and damage in National Adaptation Plans. 

GST Roundtable Adaptation SB58
16:55 h
"We need all voices to be heard" - Second Glasgow Dialogue on Loss and Damage opened this morning

This morning at SB58, the second Glasgow Dialogue on Loss and Damage was opened. Its aim is to bring Parties, relevant organizations and stakeholders together to discuss the arrangements for the funding of activities to avert, minimize and address loss and damage associated with the adverse impacts of climate change. Reaching an agreement on the Loss and Damage Fund was a key success of COP27. The operationalization of this fund will be one of the key topics for Parties at COP28.

Click here to learn more about the schedule of the Dialogue and access the webcast.

At the occasion of the opening, UN Climate Change's Executive Secretary said: "We urgently need new, additional financial resources that are predictable and adequate to help vulnerable developing countries in particular respond to loss and damage."

He also stressed the importance of the Dialogue: "This dialogue presents a unique opportunity to foster inclusive engagement among all stakeholders.We need all voices to be heard. I am confident that you will make good use of the next three days so that the 2nd Glasgow Dialogue will continue the momentum that COP27 injected into the loss and damage discussion, drive the agenda forward and leave no one behind."


Statement ES Loss and Damage SB58


12:30 h
Starting at 13:15: High Level Champion event on why finance and nature are critical to a transformative course correction

Join the UN Climate Change High Level Champions for a live event today at 13:15.

This event will show encouraging non-State actor solutions in addressing climate change and biodiversity loss simultaneously, contributing to the 2030 Breakthroughs and the Sharm-el Sheikh Adaptation Agenda outcomes. It will explore the interconnectedness of the High-Level Champions priorities themes for COP 28 of finance and nature and showcase Non-Party Stakeholders role in bringing about an inclusive, resilient, net zero and nature positive future. Click here for more information on the event.

Who are the High Level Champions and what is their role? Learn more here.

10:05 h
Did you know? Approx. 30% of participants at SB58 are below the age of 30.

Youth inclusion in the multilateral climate talks is essential. It is the young generation who will be most impacted by the decisions that we take now.

SB58 Youth orientation session
Participants during the SB58 youth orientation session.

Join us today and in the coming days for interesting events on youth and related topics via the live webcast!

At 11:00, the COP28 Presidency will hold the “Youth Stocktake” – an event to discuss and assess challenges for youth inclusion in UNFCCC processes and a roadmap for the future. Watch webcast here.

At 15:00, UN Climate Change is kicking off the first part of the annual Dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) The Dialogue is UN Climate Change’s regular forum to Parties and other stakeholders to share their experiences, exchange ideas, good practices and lessons learned on the six ACE elements: climate change education and public awareness, training, public participation and access to information and international cooperation on these matters. The Dialogue's focus this year is monitoring, evaluation and monitoring of ACE. More on ACE here.

The second part of the Dialogue follows tomorrow starting at 10:00

For those attending SB58 in person: Check out the ACE Gallery in the foyer of the WCCB. The ACE Gallery is a poster session to showcase activities that enhance implementation of the Glasgow work programme and its action plan at different levels by diverse stakeholders, including youth.

And don't forget to regularly check our webcast calendar to find other interesting side events, some of them organized by youth-led organizations, to follow live or on-demand.

17:03 h
Looking for high-quality photos of SB58?

Are you looking for pictures of the Bonn Climate Change Conference SB58 to use on your social media, website or publication?

UN Climate Change provides high quality photographs of the conference on our Flickr account!

Our pictures are creative commons-licensed and you are welcome to use them, but please don’t forget to credit material accordingly: UN Climate Change / Name of Photographer.

14:55 h
Join us at 15:00 for the first global stocktake roundtable!

Over the course of the next days, four roundtable events in the context of the global stocktake technical dialogue will be held. All roundtables can be followed via the public webcast.

The roundtables will focus on the “What’s next” of the first global stocktake in four thematic areas: Mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage, means of implementation and intersections.

The interactive format is an opportunity for participants to share their views and discuss in  each of the four cluster areas how the findings of the global stocktake can or will inform actions in their governments or organizations.

What is the global stocktake? Find out here.

The first roundtable on Mitigation, including response measures is starting at 15:00 today.

14:30 h
"Renewable Energy - and particularly solar and wind - are the big ticket items." – says IPCC expert at SB58

On the sidelines of the conference, IPCC Co-chair Jim Skeal spoke with us on the best climate solutions to cut emissions this decade.  

In March 2023, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), had issued its latest synthesis report, underscoring the urgency of taking more ambitious action.

UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell had commented at the time: "It’s not too late. The IPCC clearly demonstrates that it is possible to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius with rapid and deep emissions reductions across all sectors of the global economy. It has given us many feasible, effective and low-cost mitigation and adaptation options to scale up across sectors and countries."

UN Climate Change annual report 2022 now available

SB58 comes roughly halfway since last year’s COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, and this year’s COP28 in Dubai.

Annual Report 2022 cover banner

COP27 was the setting for the historic decision to establish a dedicated fund and funding arrangements for addressing loss and damage. It was one of several steps forward last year in addressing the climate emergency and its impacts.

Read more about these milestones in the secretariat’s 2022 Annual Report, launched during SB58.

09:49 h
SB58 is more than negotiations: Check out 120+ side events!
SB58 participants


During the course of SB58, over 120 side events are taking place - organized by UN Climate Change, Parties or observer organizations, on a wide variety of climate-related topics.

For example, today, you can tune into events on indigenous peoples, loss and damage or climate action in conflict zones, among others.

You can follow them live via webcast or check the on-demand records.

14:58 h
"Global Stocktake Explorer" launched at SB58

Earlier today at SB58, Climate Policy Radar launched the "Global Stocktake Explorer". 

It is a tool to explore and analyse all text inputs to the first global stocktake using in-depth search and advanced filtering. These input documents include submissions, Nationally Determined Contributions, national reports, IPCC reports and many more.

GST explorer

The tool contributes to the global stocktake - a crucial inventory-taking process under the Paris Agreement to see where the world is collectively making progress towards meeting the goals of the Paris Climate Change Agreement – and where it's not.

During today's opening plenary of the third technical dialogue of the global stocktake at SB58, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell said: "The global stocktake at COP28 must be the turning point where we get on track to limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius." Read the full statement here.

14:00 h
#Together4Transparency at SB58
Together4Transparency at SB58
Credit: UN Climate Change/Gopal Joshi

Transparency of climate action and support is key to building mutual trust and confidence among Parties. It enables a global conversation about where we are making progress and how actions are generating impacts. When all the pieces are put together, transparency also allows the global community to see if our collective efforts and investments are meeting expectations – and if they are not, it encourages us all to do more.  

#Together4Transparency unites all stakeholders involved in preparing for and implementing the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF). To secure universal participation in the ETF, collaboration across a diverse group of stakeholders is needed to elevate the profile of transparency, mobilize the necessary resources for ETF implementation, and secure broad political support for and recognition of the role of transparency in the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement.  

As part of this broad and inclusive initiative, actors ranging from Parties to NGOs, members of the media, technical experts, youth, international governmental organizations and the private sector have joined forces to raise awareness of the role of transparency under the Paris Agreement and the importance of data, information and collaboration to its success. 

10:30 h
Watch SB58 press conferences live!
Press conferences
Credit: UN Climate Change - Kiara Worth

Did you know? You can follow all of the SB58 press conferences, organized by UN Climate Change or other organizations, via our live webcast. 

Missed one? No problem, you can also find the press conference recordings on-demand here.

For example, re-watch yesterday's opening press conference with UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell and SB Chairs, Harry Vreuls and Nabeel Munir.

09:40 h
Facilitative Sharing of Views workshops about to kick off

Today and tomorrow, 15 countries will participate in the 14th Facilitate Sharing of Views (FSV) workshop.

What is the FSV? The FSV is a multilateral process with participation of all Parties, aiming to enhance the transparency of the mitigation actions implemented by developing countries. It is part of the overall measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) framework established under the Convention. Countries showcase achievements and innovative approaches to addressing climate change and engage in discussion with their peers to exchange ideas and experiences, build trust and highlight support needed.

Click to find more information about the FSV and about the 14th FSV workshop.

20:00 h
Global Stocktake Gets Underway on Tuesday: Watch Live

The global stocktake's third and final technical dialogue gets underway at the Bonn Climate Change Conference tomorrow. 

The dialogues are a forum for sharing the best-available science and assessments of mitigation, including response measures; adaptation, including loss and damage; and means of implementation (climate finance, technology transfer, and capacity building). Although the dialogues centre on taking stock of past actions, they are also about forward momentum to unlock more ambitious climate action and support.

Learn more about the global stocktake.

16:00 h
Tune in: Opening press conference

Click below to follow our opening press conference live.

15:08 h
What are the key findings of the latest IPCC report and what do they mean? Find out!

When the IPCC released its Sixth Assessment Synthesis Report in March 2023, it became clearer than ever before: We are in a critical decade for climate action. Global emissions need to be reduced by nearly 43% by 2030 for the world to achieve the Paris Agreement’s goal to limit global temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The Synthesis Report highlights just how far off-track we are.

In an interactive event, co-chaired co-chaired by Harry Vreuls, Chair of the SBSTA, and Hoesung Lee, Chair of the IPCC, are bringing together participants and IPCC experts to have a direct exchange on the report and its key findings.

The event will start after conclusion of the opening plenary. Stay tuned!

13:12 h
UN Climate Change Chief Simon Stiell addresses delegates at SB58 opening
Executive Secretary Simon Stiell speaking at the SB58 opening

Addressing delegates during the opening of SB58, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell said:

"I’m aware of the difficulty you face, wearing two hats at these sessions. There is, at times, tension between national interest and the global common good. I urge delegates to be brave, to see that by prioritizing the common good, you also serve your national interests - and to act accordingly."

"This is an opportunity for Parties to demonstrate your joint commitment to fully implementing all aspects of the Paris Agreement and show the world that the implementation era is underway.”

11:25 h
Follow the SB58 opening live!
SB58 opening

The opening of SB58 is about to start. Tune into the webcast to follow live.

09:14 h
Welcome to SB58!

Good morning from sunny Bonn and welcome to SB58!

SB58 day 1 outside of WCCB


SB58 WCCB Day1

What's happening today? Check the schedule to find today's webcast meetings and do not miss the opening plenary at 11:00 CEST.

08:45 h
This year, we have an opportunity of a generation

The goal for this decade is clear: We must reduce emissions by 43%.

At SB58, Parties will lay the path for a successful COP28 in December. These preparations are key, as Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, COP28 President-Designate, pointed out: “The upcoming Bonn sessions are critical for shaping meaningful, pragmatic, and impactful outcomes at COP28."

SB58 promotional video
08:09 h
First global dialogue under the mitigation work programme gets underway this weekend
Webcast watch live

Tune in to our webcast today and tomorrow to watch the first global dialogue taking place under the mitigation work programme, which will focus on ‘accelerating the just energy transition.'

12:50 h
“We are running out of time. But we are not too late. The solutions are there.”

Harry Vreuls (SBSTA Chair) and Nabeel Munir (SBI Chair)  spoke with us about what needs to happen at SB 58 in Bonn, their worries and hopes in the context of the latest scientific climate findings and the role of the global stocktake to shift the needle on climate change.

SB 58 chairs interview June 2023
09:11 h
What will happen at SB 58?

The 2023 Bonn UN Climate Change Conference, SB 58, launches in just a few days.

But what will be discussed at SB 58, specifically?

WCCB plenary 2 in 2019

The conference is designed to prepare decisions for adoption at COP 28, the major annual UN Climate Change Conference, slated for December in the United Arab Emirates. 

Delegates and other participants will take discussions forward on topics such as the global stocktake, the global goal on adaptation, the just transition to sustainable societies, the mitigation work programme and loss and damage, among others.

Sameh Shoukry, President of last year’s COP 27 in Egypt, said: 

“The Bonn Climate Conference is an opportune occasion to stock take the status of implementation of the outcomes and breakthroughs achieved in Sharm el-Sheikh. It also provides an opportunity to pave the way towards achieving remarkable progress at COP 28 in the UAE later this year."

11:31 h
It's time to double down...

...on the future we can still create.

At SB 58, Parties will prepare the pivotal UN Climate Change Conference COP 28 in December to get the world on track towards a net-zero future.

15:00 h
What the SB Chairs expect from SB 58
SB Chairs

"If we want SB 58 to be a meaningful conference where Parties make significant progress, we will need to focus our efforts on delivering results and increasing the efficiency of the process. Continuing business as usual is not an option."

Read how the SB Chairs propose and intend to organize the work at SB 58 in their scenario note.

11:45 h
Count-down to SB 58!
Conference impressions
SB 58 - ES opening press briefing

Executive Secretary briefing the press on the opening day of the SB 58

SB 58 - Observant
Opening segment of GST Dialogue
SB 58 - Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP) meeting

Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP) meeting

SB 58 - Chamber Hall
SB 58 - Selfie with the ES

Making a selfie with UNFCCC ES

SB 58 - NDC meeting

Meeting on NDCs

SB 58 - Greta Thunberg
SB  58 - Youth Stocktake group photo

Youth Stocktake group photo

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