Expert meeting
ADP Technical Expert Meetings: Carbon capture, use and storage
21 Oct. 2014
11:00h - 19:00h
Bonn, Germany
Expert meeting
ADP Technical Expert Meetings: Carbon capture, use and storage
21 Oct. 2014
11:00h - 19:00h
Bonn, Germany

21 October 2014, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Bonn, Germany

Photo: UNFCCC, Photographer: Alex Chang - Energy Systems International

The technical expert meeting on carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS) allowed Parties, international organisations, the private sector and other relevant stakeholders to:

- Share views and experiences on options and opportunities to advance action on CCUS, and
- Explore barriers for scaling up action, and
- Propose options to overcome such barriers.

The discussion showcased projects in different regions using or storing CO2 from a variety of sources (e.g. power generation). The discussion aimed to help Parties, international organizations, the private sector and other stakeholders to explore options to strengthen co-operation, including through the targeted utilization of existing UNFCCC institutions and mechanisms and the creation of new partnerships, to augment the contribution of the CCUS to enhanced mitigation ambition.

Experts from Parties were encouraged to come prepared with actions and initiatives that Parties would like to advance, to share experience and engage in discussions oriented at achieving concrete and practical results. Organizations that are active in the respective areas were also encouraged to participate by sharing good practices and initiatives being undertaken with Parties and their potential for broader engagement, as well as by sharing information on different sources of support available to developing countries.

Programme (182 kB)

Summary by the facilitator Mrs Ulrika Raab (412 kB)

The detailed technical summary is included in the updated technical paper and its addendum on carbon capture, use and storage

Background information


Image(PART I)   (PART II)



ADP Virtual expo
Interested Parties and organizations are invited to upload hererelevant material for the technical expert meetings on non-CO2 greenhouse gases and carbon capture, use and storage, in addition to the existing cooperative initiatives already presented in the portal on the UNFCCC website.
All uploaded material can be found at the ADP Virtual expo.


Background information

In Warsaw, the ADP requested the secretariat to organize, under the guidance of the ADP Co-Chairs, technical expert meetings at each of the sessions of the ADP in 2014 to share policies, practices and technologies and address the necessary finance, technology and capacity building, with a special focus on actions with high mitigation potential.

The series of technical expert meetings was launched at the ADP March session with a focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency and continued at the June meeting, where opportunities for action on urban environment and land use were examined.

In October, technical expert meetings focused on opportunities for action on non-CO2 greenhouse gases and carbon capture, use and storage.



Tuesday, 21 October 2014, 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Carbon Capture and Storage: Where do we stand? (2110 kB) - Mr. Juho Lipponen, International Energy Agency

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Canada (1079 kB) - Mr. Martin Aubé, Natural Resources Canada

The UK’s CCS Programme: Domestic and International (1017 kB) - Mr. Matthew Billson, Office of CCS, Department of Energy & Climate Change

The Sleipner CCS experience (1122 kB) - Mr. Olav Skalmeraas, Vice President CCS, Statoil ASA, Norway

Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage: US Project Status, Drivers, and Barriers (5447 kB) -
Mr. Scott McDonald, Biofuels Development Director, LLINOIS

The potential for CCS, driven by large scale demonstration - The Quest Project (794 kB) -
Mr. David Hone, Chief Climate Change Adviser, Shell Research Ltd.

3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Boundary Dam CCS project - Saskpower's Carbon Capture and Storage Initiatives (4563 kB) -
Mr. Micheal Monea - SaskPower

CCS & the UAE – A Development Story - An update from the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1203 kB) - Mr.Majid Hasan Al Suwaidi, UAE

The German R&D Program for CO2 Utilization – Innovations for a green economy (927 kB) -
Dr. Angelina Prokofyeva, FONA - Research for Sustainable Development, Federal Ministry of Education and Research

CO2 as building block for the chemical industry (1888 kB) - Dr. Angelina Prokofyeva, Bayer Technology Services

A call to action in a critical period (567 kB) - Mr. Andrew Purvis - General Manager, EMEA, Global CCS Institute

Discussion on the Way Forward - perspective from IEAGHG (697 kB) - Mr. Tim Dixon,
IEA Greenhouse Gas, R & D Programme

Carbon Capture and Storage: What support is needed and how the UNFCCC can help (929 kB) - Ms. Ellina Levina, International Energy Agency