Mandated and other events
ACE Dialogue 2023 - Day 2
09 Jun. 2023
10:00h - 13:00h
Bonn, Germany
New York, WCCB Plenary Building
WCCB Plenary Building
Education and Youth
UNFCCC. Secretariat
Mandated and other events
ACE Dialogue 2023 - Day 2
09 Jun. 2023
10:00h - 13:00h
Bonn, Germany
New York, WCCB Plenary Building
WCCB Plenary Building
Education and Youth
UNFCCC. Secretariat

Registered SB58 participants can also join the virtual discussion through the SB58 Platform!

💡 An information note by the secretariat with background information on this year's topic is available 📄here to assist participants as they prepare to engage in the Dialogue.


I. Background and Objective

The annual Dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) provides a regular forum to Parties and other stakeholders to share their experiences, exchange ideas, good practices and lessons learned regarding the implementation of Article 6 of the Convention and Article 12 of the Paris Agreement through its six elements - climate change education and public awareness, training, public participation and access to information and international cooperation on these matters.

At COP 26, the Parties adopted the 10-year Glasgow work programme (Decisions 18/CP.26 and 22/CMA.3), which requested the SBI to continue to hold ACE Dialogues at the its first regular session of each year. The ACE Dialogue focuses on the progress of implementation of the Glasgow work programme and on its four priority areas: policy coherence; coordinated action; tools and support; and monitoring, evaluation and reporting.

The 2023 ACE Dialogue discusses the priority area of monitoring, evaluation and reporting of ACE implementation, keeping in mind its linkages with other priority areas under the Glasgow work programme. The Dialogue will also include an interactive workshop to discuss ways of assessing the effectiveness of ACE implementation as stipulated in the ACE action plan activity D.2 (Decisions 23/CP.27 and 22/CMA.4).

II. Participation

The 2023 ACE Dialogue will be open for participation by a diverse range of stakeholders including Parties, representatives of relevant constituted bodies, relevant experts, practitioners and other relevant stakeholders. No separate registration is required for SB 58 attendees (in-person and virtual). The Dialogue will be livestreamed for non-registered stakeholders.

Floor language will be English only. Simultaneous interpretation into French and Spanish will be provided during plenaries.

III. Expected Outcome

The proceedings of the Dialogue will be incorporated in the annual summary report to be prepared by the secretariat on progress in implementing activities under the Glasgow work programme for consideration by the SBI at COP 28.

IV. Tentative Programme
Day 1 (15:00 - 18:00 CEST)

15:00  - 15:15
(15 min)

Opening of the Dialogue by Moderators

  • Pemy Gasela, ACE Focal Point, South Africa
  • Jared Huntley, ACE Focal Point, Australia

Opening Remarks

  • Nabeel Munir, SBI Chair
15:15 - 15:30
(15 min)

Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting: Lessons Learned from Adaptation

  • Alice Gaustad, Adaptation Committee and ACE Focal Point, Norway (Presentation)
15:30 - 16:25
(55 min)

Experiences of Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting of ACE Implementation

This session introduces various methodologies currently in use for monitoring, evaluation and reporting of ACE implementation, such as surveys, indicators, case studies. A world café format will be utilized to facilitate discussions among experts and participants.

- Session 1 -

Presentations (7 minutes)

Station Presenter Topic Presentation
In-person 1 Stina Söderqvist, ACE Focal Point, Sweden National survey on climate change awareness and attitudes towards policy instruments on climate change Presentation
In-person 2 Pedro Coss Sanz, ACE and Gender Negotiator & Massiel Cairo, Climate Change Adaptation Analyst, Dominican Republic Development and integration of cross-cutting indicators on ACE into the NDC Action Plan Presentation
In-person 3 Won Jung Byun, Programme Specialist, UNESCO Publication of case studies on national laws and policies related to climate communication and education Presentation
In-person 4 Marcia Tinto, ACE Focal Point, Trinidad & Tobago The ACE Space as an online platform to collect and map information on ACE activities across all stakeholder groups in the country Presentation
In-person 5 Marcella Kim, ACE Focal Point, United States of America The role of the Climate Engagement and Capacity Building Interagency Group in mapping information across levels and preparing national communication Presentation
Online 1 Aaron Redman, Research Associate, MECCE Project Development of indicators for climate communication and education based on robust existing and new global data sets Presentation
Online 2 Reuben Sessa, Deputy Workstream Leader, FAO Setting up of the monitoring and evaluation framework to accompany the implementation of the upcoming Facility for Action for Climate Empowerment for achieving the Nationally Determined Contributions (FACE-NDC) project in Zambia Presentation

Q&A (5 minutes)

Discussion (35 minutes)

[Guiding questions]

  • Share your experience in using similar methodologies in your country/organizations.
    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of this methodology?
    • What measures have you taken to fill the gaps?
  • How can non-Party stakeholders, in particular women, children, youth and indigenous peoples, can get involved and contribute to this methodology?

16:25 - 16:30
(5 min)

Wrap-up and Rotation

16:30 - 17:20
(50 min)
- Session 2 - (Repeat Session 1 Structure)
17:20 - 17:50
(30 min)
Report Back
17:50 - 18:00
(10 min)
Closing of Day 1

Day 2 (10:00 - 13:00 CEST)

10:00 - 10:20
(20 min)
Opening and Recap of Day 1
10:20 - 10:35
(15 min)

Measuring Impact of ACE Implementation: A Case Study

  • Reuben Sessa, Deputy Workstream Leader, FAO (Presentation)
10:35 - 12:05
(90 min)

Ways of Assessing the Effectiveness of ACE Implementation

Reflecting on the presentations and discussions, breakout groups will be convened to discuss ways of assessing the effectiveness of ACE and next steps.

[Guiding questions]

  • How can the methodologies discussed in Day 1 be used in identifying and assessing the impact and effectiveness of ACE implementation?
  • What are the short- to medium-term next steps by different actors, including national ACE focal points, that are needed to fill the gaps in monitoring, evaluation and reporting and assessing the effectiveness of ACE implementation? How can other priority areas (policy coherence, coordinated action, and tools and support) contribute?
12:05 - 12:40
(35 min)
Report back
12:40 - 13:00
(20 min)

Closing remarks:

  • Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC
  • H.E. Shamma Al Mazrui, COP28 Youth Climate Champion (TBC)
Closing of the Dialogue and Opening of ACE Gallery by Moderators

Did you miss it?

Webcast day 1

Webcast day 2