Informal consultations
Regional workshop to facilitate development and use of tools and methodologies for modelling and assessing the impacts of the implementation of response measures
21 - 23 Sep. 2022
09:00h - 18:00h
Saly, Senegal
Response Measures
Informal consultations
Regional workshop to facilitate development and use of tools and methodologies for modelling and assessing the impacts of the implementation of response measures
21 - 23 Sep. 2022
09:00h - 18:00h
Saly, Senegal
Response Measures


The SBSTA and the SBI at their fifty sixth sessions requested the secretariat to organize a regional workshop on activity 3 of the workplan of the response measures forum before the fifty-seventh sessions of the subsidiary bodies, in collaboration with relevant organizations and stakeholders, to address regional needs and acknowledge the work that is being carried out by the Katowice Committee on Impacts.

In accordance with the mandate, the workshop is organized in collaboration with International Labour Organization (ILO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Government of Senegal which has kindly agreed to host the workshop.


The workshop aims to facilitate the use of tools and methodologies to undertake assessment and analysis of impacts of implementation of response measures by countries in African region. It will provide a platform for experts, practitioners and other stakeholders to share experience, best practices and case studies with an emphasis on the needs of African countries, as well as to provide hands-on and practical sessions on the application of tools and methodologies for assessing the impacts of response measures.  

SB Chairs Informal Note



Day 1

Ousmane Fall Sarr (Senegal) Facilitating development and use of tools and methodologies for modelling and assessing the impacts of response measures
Kusum Lata (UNFCCC) Potential impacts of implementation of response measures, General Introduction and negotiation update
Wael Farag B. Kamel Keshk (Egypt) Policies and potential social economic and environmental impacts,based on the KCI technical paper on workplan activity 4
Catherine Goldberg (USA) KCI’s technical paper on tools and methods and its accompanying database
Lindsay Shutes (Economics Consultant) Demonstration of the database for tools and methods used to assess the impacts of response measures, developed for workplan activity 3.
Birahim Bouna Niang (University of Senegal)
Naga Coulibaly (University of Nangui Abrogoua, Abidjan)
Green Jobs Assessment Model  (GJAM)
Background & application sample
Naga Coulibally
Birahim Bouna Niang
Green Jobs Assessment Model  (GJAM)
Input-Output Table as model Framework
Green expansions - numerical application
ILO How to measure and model social and employment outcomes of climate and sustainable development policies

Day 2

Dorothee Flaig (University of Hohenheim) Development of a toolkit for assessment of impacts of implementation of response measures:
a Pilot Study
Lindsay Shutes  (Economics Consultant) A User-friendly modelling interface
Lindsay Shutes Country case studies - Senegal and Kenya
Lindsay shutes Scenario Modelling  -  A hands-on exercise
Mame Bousso Faye - Sangji Lee  (UNDP) Climate Promise Programme
Catherine Goldberg (USA) US support for Energy Transition in Africa
Olatunji Yusuf (Islamic Development Bank) Support provided to African countries on managing the impacts of climate actions and just transition
Nicole Kempis (Climate Strategies) South-to-South cooperation on Just Transition
Tom Peterson and Arianna Ugliano
(Center for Climate Strategies)
Informing Net Zero plan with planning methodologies and modelling tools - Rwanda Case Study

Day 3

Seynabou Diouf (ILO) Group Work - Rethinking NDCs from a labour and social perspective 
Seynabou Diouf (ILO) Travaux de Groupes - Repenser les CDN d'un point de vue social et du travail
Andrei Marcu (ERCST) and Angelina Mensah (Ghana) Joint case study on the assessment of the impacts of response measures in Ghana
Ressa Kombi (Kenya) Assessment on the updated NDC of Kenya
Kusum Lata Interactive session - Guiding questions
UNFCCC secretariat Feedback session via Mentimeter