Constituted Body meetings and events
First annual dialogue of the Adaptation Committee with adaptation-related constituted bodies
Support for adaptation (capacity-building, finance, technology), with a focus on addressing gaps and needs related to the formulation and implementation of NAPs”
14 Jun. 2022
13:15h - 14:45h
Bonn, Germany
V-U-111, UN Campus
UN Campus
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Constituted Body meetings and events
First annual dialogue of the Adaptation Committee with adaptation-related constituted bodies
Support for adaptation (capacity-building, finance, technology), with a focus on addressing gaps and needs related to the formulation and implementation of NAPs”
14 Jun. 2022
13:15h - 14:45h
Bonn, Germany
V-U-111, UN Campus
UN Campus
Adaptation & Loss and Damage

The Adaptation Committee (AC), as per its workplan for 2022–2024, held its first annual dialogue with adaptation-related constituted bodies to discuss ways of further strengthening coherence and collaboration in addressing adaptation within the margins of SB56.

The annual dialogue offers a space for constituted bodies to exchange information on adaptation-related areas of common interest, and to identify potential areas of coordination, synergy and collaboration to bolster the work on adaptation under the UNFCCC.

The theme for the first annual dialogue in 2022 was “Support for adaptation (capacity-building, finance, technology), with a focus on addressing gaps and needs related to the formulation and implementation of NAPs”.

The first Dialogue was attended by representatives of the Adaptation Committee, the Least Developed Countries Expert Group, the Consultative Group of Experts, the Executive Committee of the Warsaw Mechanism on Loss and Damage, the Facilitative Working Group of the LCIPP, the Paris Committee on Capacity Building, the Standing Committee on Finance, and the Technology Executive Committee/Technology Mechanism.

A short and informal summary report on the Dialogue will be discussed at AC 22 from 6-9 September 2022.


Discussions built upon the mandated consideration by the AC and the LEG of gaps and needs related to the process to formulate and implement NAPs and ways to address them (decisions 8/CP.24, 7/CP.25), and associated work. The compilation of gaps and needs for NAPs is primarily led by the LEG and is available at https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/LEG-brief_NAP-gaps-and-needs-Mar2021.pdf. The AC recently published a technical paper on capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding, available at https://unfccc.int/documents/302884. Both these and any latest findings were to initiate discussion at the dialogue.





5 min

Opening and welcome

AC Co-Chairs

10 min

Introduction of 2-3 main gaps and needs identified by the AC and the LEG.

The AC will elaborate on the following capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding:

  • How can we understand (and keep pace with) and meet the different access requirements of the various funds?
  • How can modalities to access funding be aligned with countries’ planning, budgeting, programming and monitoring procedures and systems and vice versa?

The LEG will elaborate on the following needs related to the formulation and implementation of NAPs:

  • How can access to finance for implementation of NAPs, such as through the GCF, be accelerated?
  • How can the challenges with access to climate data and scenarios be addressed, given their importance not only for the formulation of the NAPs, but also for the design of adaptation projects and programmes?
  • How can adaptation be measured and assessed to inform access to, and provision of, support for adaptation?

AC, LEG members

60 min

Exchange how the respective constituted bodies are already addressing the identified gaps, and how enhanced support can be catalyzed jointly.


15 min

Next steps and closure

AC Co-Chairs