Constituted Body meetings and events
Twenty-fourth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC24)
10 - 13 Oct. 2023
08:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
AH Upper Conference room, UN Campus - meeting open to Observers from 11 to 13 October 2023
UN Campus - meeting open to Observers from 11 to 13 October 2023
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Constituted Body meetings and events
Twenty-fourth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC24)
10 - 13 Oct. 2023
08:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
AH Upper Conference room, UN Campus - meeting open to Observers from 11 to 13 October 2023
UN Campus - meeting open to Observers from 11 to 13 October 2023
Adaptation & Loss and Damage

Documentation prepared for, presentations at, and summary of outcomes from, the twenty-fourth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC24) by agenda item.


1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the agenda

 AC24/AA/2 - Provisional agenda and annotations

Summary outcome

The agenda was adopted as presented. 

3. Election of the Co-Chairs

Summary outcome

The Adaptation Committee elected Ms. Giuliana Torta to complete the term of office of the previously elected Annex I Co-Chair who resigned in July 2023.

4. Organization of work 

Summary outcome

The organization of work for AC 24 was agreed as proposed.

5. Promoting overarching coherence. Collaboration with other adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the UNFCCC

5. (a) Collaboration with other constituted bodies, the Nairobi work programme and other workstreams, including the Global Goal on Adaptation

AC24/INFO-CN/5A - Dialogue with adaptation-related constituted bodies: Addressing developing countries’ capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding. Information and concept note

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Presentation: NWP Knowledge-to-Action Hub for Climate Adaptation and Resilience

Summary outcome

Regarding the Dialogue on addressing capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding, the AC requested the secretariat to revise the concept note prepared for this meeting and to proceed with the planning of part II of the dialogue, taking into account the comments and proposals provided by the AC and other adaptation-related constituted bodies during the discussion. It also requested the secretariat to collaborate with the other adaptation-related constituted bodies in the planning of the event.

The AC welcomed interventions by other constituted bodies and agreed to take into account possible areas for collaboration in its flexible workplan 2022-2024 and in the workplan of its NAP Taskforce.   

The AC took note of an oral update provided by a representative of the NWP. 

The AC took note of the progress made by its working group on the GGA. 

6. Awareness-raising, outreach and sharing of information:

6. (a) Communications plan and strategy of the Adaptation Committee

AC24/INFO/6A - Update on the implementation of the communications plan and strategy of the  Adaptation Committee 2022-2023 and the way forward 2024-2025

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the progress update prepared for this meeting and a presentation by the secretariat on the AC’s communications and outreach activities.  

It took note of comments and inputs received and requested its communications working group to work with the secretariat in taking action as needed.  

6. (b) Information series on the State of Adaptation

Presentation introducing work undertaken on the online country profiles

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the presentation by the secretariat on the progress made in developing the State of Adaptation country profiles and the related online tool. It agreed to establish a working group to work with the secretariat on finalizing the country profiles in line with the guidance received by the AC.  

6. (c) AC event series: Boosting region-wide coherence on adaptation

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the draft informal summary reports of the first two regional workshops and the presentation by the secretariat on their outcomes. The AC requested the secretariat to prepare a short internal document containing the main outcomes and lessons learned from the regional activities in 2023, to serve as the basis of discussions in preparation of and at AC25 on the focus and approach of the regional work for 2024. 

6. (d) Adaptation Forum

AC24/CN/6D - Adaptation Forum convened by the Adaptation Committee. Concept note

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC considered a concept note prepared for the meeting and revised it based on the discussion. It agreed that the Forum is postponed and will be held back-to-back with AC 25.  

7. Technical support and guidance

7. (a) Work of the Adaptation Committee Task Force on National Adaptation Plans

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the presentation by the lead of the NAP Taskforce and welcomed the planned activities. It recognized the inputs provided by AC members and observers and the inputs provided by other constituted bodies under agenda item 5 and requested the NAP Taskforce to take these into account when updating and implementing its workplan.

7. (b) Recognizing the adaptation efforts of developing country Parties: 2024 Synthesis report

AC24/SREP/7B Recognizing the adaptation efforts of developing country Parties: Institutional arrangements and stakeholder engagement. Draft concept note

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC considered the draft outline for the 2024 synthesis report and confirmed the previously selected thematic focus, namely “Efforts of developing countries in setting up institutional arrangements to plan and implement adaptation at different levels of government” and “Efforts of developing countries in engaging stakeholders in adaptation planning and implementation”.  It requested the secretariat to revise the concept note based on the discussion held at this meeting and to share it with the AC for comments. It further requested the secretariat, under the guidance of the AC working group on this matter, to prepare an annotated outline for the AC’s intersessional review and a first draft of the report for consideration at AC 25.

7. (c) Methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support

AC-LEG/2023/1 - Methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support. Draft reference paper 

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the information contained in the draft reference paper (AC-LEG/2023/1) and welcomed the intervention by the secretariat on behalf of the LEG on the cooperation on the work.  

It requested the secretariat to incorporate any possible comments provided until the final review deadline of 23 October. It also requested the secretariat to send the final version of the paper to the AC for approval on a non-objection basis by the end of October and proceed with its publication.

7. (d) Monitoring and evaluation systems at the national and subnational level

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC welcomed the publication of the user-friendly version of the technical paper on monitoring and evaluation at national and subnational levels, which was presented at the Adaptation Futures 2023 Conference. The AC noted the presentation by the representative of the NAP Global Network and agreed to collaborate on the toolkit for national monitoring, evaluation and learning of national adaptation plan processes, including through reviews of the toolkit following AC24. Such reviews will be undertaken with a view to ensuring coherence and complementarity with other products and tools by the AC and in the broader UNFCCC process. Other participants in the meeting also offered to review the toolkit.   

The AC also agreed to move forward with the next steps outlined for consideration by the AC. This included hosting an event at COP 28 to showcase the technical paper and solicit feedback on the toolkit, AC members from Ecuador and Guatemala offered to seek an event space at their national pavilions. Members welcome the proposal to consider next steps after the finalization of the M+E toolkit, particularly incl. raising awareness on existing M+E material as well as training or capacity-building activities related to M+E, including at the regional climate weeks.

8. Flexible workplan of the Adaptation Committee for 2022-24

AC24/WP/8 - Draft updated flexible workplan for the years 2022-2024 

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC considered the draft updated flexible workplan for the years 2022-2024 and proposed additional changes. It decided that the workplan document will be opened for an additional 14 days after the closure of AC 24 for members to provide additional comments. It requested the secretariat to incorporate all comments received after this period and publish the updated workplan on the AC’s dedicated webpages.

9. Report of the Adaptation Committee to the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties

FCCC/SB/2023/5 - Draft 2023 Report of the Adaptation Committee

Summary outcome

The AC considered the draft 2023 report of the AC, including the recommendations to the COP and the CMA contained therein, and provided further guidance to the secretariat on its finalization.

10. Organization of inter-sessional work

Summary outcome

The AC updated its working groups and members nominated to liaise with other constituted bodies. It also agreed on further modalities for inter-sessional work.

11. Dates for future meetings

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on the following dates for its next meetings: 

  • AC 25 in Bonn: 12-15 March 2024 

  • AC 26: 10-13 September 2024 

12. Any other matters

Summary outcome

Observers are invited to send any further comments by the end of the 2nd week after AC 24 (by Friday 27 October).

13. Closure of the meeting.