Constituted Body meetings and events
Twenty-third meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC23)
07 - 10 Mar. 2023
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
LE 2312, UN Campus - meeting open to Observers 8 - 10 March 2023
UN Campus - meeting open to Observers 8 - 10 March 2023
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Constituted Body meetings and events
Twenty-third meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC23)
07 - 10 Mar. 2023
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
LE 2312, UN Campus - meeting open to Observers 8 - 10 March 2023
UN Campus - meeting open to Observers 8 - 10 March 2023
Adaptation & Loss and Damage

Documentation prepared for, presentations at, and summary of outcomes from, the twenty-third meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC23) by agenda item.

1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the agenda

AC23/AA/2 - Provisional agenda and annotations

Summary outcome

The agenda was adopted as presented.

3. Election of the Co-Chairs

Summary outcome

The Adaptation Committee re-elected Mariam Allam (Egypt) and Shella Biallas (USA) as its Co-Chairs for a period of one year.

4. Organization of work 

Summary outcome

The organization of work was agreed as proposed.

5. Promoting overarching coherence. Collaboration with other adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the UNFCCC

5. (a) Mapping mandates from COP 27/CMA 4 and collaboration with other constituted bodies

AC23/INFO/5A - Relevant adaptation-related outcomes from the 2022 Climate Change Conference held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, and collaboration with other constituted bodies

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC considered the information contained in the document and welcomed interventions by other constituted bodies. The AC invited other constituted bodies who contributed to the conversation to provide their interventions in writing if possible. The AC requested the secretariat to take note of the collaboration opportunities identified and compile a mapping and overview thereof for follow-up with AC Co-Chairs and members after AC 23, recognizing the linkage with agenda item 9 below. The AC is invited to provide written comments in Teams on the items contained in the document that were not discussed.

With regard to possible contributions by the AC to the Glasgow-Sharm el-Sheikh work programme on the GGA, the AC agreed to establish a working group to take this work forward. The group will hold its first meeting in mid-April. The group will consider convening other constituted bodies and external stakeholders, in line with its rules of procedure, to contribute to its work. The AC requested the secretariat to prepare an initial overview of related work to inform the first meeting in April.

5. (b) Dialogue between the Adaptation Committee and other adaptation-related constituted bodies

AC23/CN/5B-7B - Dialogue between the Adaptation Committee and other adaptation-related constituted bodies and addressing capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding. Concept note

Presentation introducing this agenda item(s)

Summary outcome

This item was considered together with item 7b below.

AC members are invited to include additional comments in the concept note on Teams. The secretariat will then schedule a call with interested members to consider options on the way forward and to give guidance to the secretariat on the organization of the Dialogue.

5. (c) Collaboration with partner organizations of the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change

Presentation: Updates from the UNFCCC Knowledge-to-Action Hub for climate adaptation and resilience: Nairobi work programme

Summary outcome

The AC welcomed the presentation by the secretariat and took note of the opportunities offered by the NWP to support the work of the AC by addressing identified knowledge gaps.

6. Awareness-raising, outreach and sharing of information

6. (a) Communications plan and strategy of the Adaptation Committee

AC23/CN/6A - Outreach event by the Adaptation Committee to be held at the 2023 NAP Expo. Concept note

Presentation: Update on the communications plan and strategy of the AC

Presentation: Adaptation Committee outreach event

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the presentations by the secretariat on the AC’s communications and outreach activities and a planned outreach event scheduled for the NAP Expo and provided further guidance to the secretariat on the way forward. AC members are invited to provide any further comments to the concept note on the event in Teams.

6. (b) Information series on the State of Adaptation, Issue 1

See: Kick-off of the Adaptation Committee’s new information series on the Global State of Adaptation (at COP27)

Presentation: Update on the information series on the State of Adaptation

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the presentation by the secretariat on the state of preparation of the information series. It requested the secretariat to take into account feedback received at AC 23 and to provide a mock-up version to better visualize the product, for intersessional consideration.

6. (c) Adaptation Forum

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the oral update provided by the secretariat and looks forward to further updates, including the timing and venue of the Forum.

7. Technical support and guidance to the Parties on adaptation planning and implementation, including means of implementation, at the national and subnational level

7. (a) Work of the Adaptation Committee Task Force on National Adaptation Plans (NAP Task force)

AC23/INFO/7A - Progress update on the work of the NAP Taskforce and options on the way forward. Information note

Presentation: Progress update and options on the way forward

Summary outcome

The AC considered the document prepared for this meeting and invited the NAP Taskforce to revisit its workplan to streamline its existing activities and include new activities, as appropriate, taking note of the topics proposed at AC 23.

The AC agreed that the focus of the NAP Taskforce shall be maintained. The NAP Taskforce is invited to consider the expansion of its membership based on the requests received and continue to invite relevant constituted bodies to collaborate on implementing the workplan.

7. (b) Capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding

AC23/CN/5B-7B - Dialogue between the Adaptation Committee and other adaptation-related constituted bodies and addressing capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding. Concept note

Presentation introducing this agenda items

Summary outcome

This agenda item was considered in conjunction with agenda item 5b above.

7. (c) Private sector

AC23/CN/7C - 2023 NAP Expo event on closing the data gap in climate change adaptation planning and implementation in collaboration with the private sector. Concept note

Presentation on this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC welcomed the presentation by the secretariat on the concept for the event planned at the 2023 NAP Expo: Closing the data gap in climate change adaptation planning and implementation in collaboration with the private sector. provided further inputs to fine-tune the concept and agreed to suggest contributors and case studies within the week following AC 23, and to have a call with interested AC members at the end of the week to agree on the final concept.

8. Technical support and guidance on reviewing subnational, national and overall adaptation progress

8. (a) Recognizing the adaptation efforts of developing country Parties: 2024 Synthesis report

Presentation: Possible themes for the third report in a series of biannual synthesis reports in the context of the recognition of adaptation efforts of developing countries

Summary outcome

The AC agreed to merge and refine themes 2 (Efforts of developing countries in setting up institutional arrangements to plan and implement adaptation at different levels of government) and 3 (Efforts of developing countries in engaging stakeholders in adaptation planning and implementation) for its 2024 synthesis report, taking into account other subtopics that were suggested. The working group will work with the secretariat intersessionally to refine the topic and elaborate a first outline to be considered at AC 24.

The AC also agreed to elaborate a more focused approach for the determination of topics for future reports.

8. (b) Methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support

Presentation on the state of play and the way forward of this agenda item and its products therein

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the presentation by the secretariat recalling the state of the work of the AC and the LEG, in collaboration with the SCF, on this mandate.

The AC agreed to revisit the draft background paper in April 2023, then convene the joint working group in early May and conduct a webinar later in that month.

8. (c) Monitoring and evaluation systems at the national and subnational levels

AC23/TP/8C - Updated draft technical paper on the development and application of monitoring and evaluation systems at the national and subnational levels

  • Presentation on the updated draft technical paper under this agenda item

AC23/CN/8C - M&E event at the 2023 Adaptation Futures. Concept note

Summary outcome

The AC considered the draft technical paper and provided further input towards its finalization. It invited AC members to provide further input and concrete case studies within two weeks following AC 23 to enable the secretariat to prepare a final draft for inter-sessional clearance by the AC to be circulated by mid-April, followed by the publication of the paper.

The AC took note of the joint AC -NAP GN-OECD application for a session to be held at the 2023 Adaptation Futures conference and took note of a planned M&E toolkit being prepared by the OECD. It also took note of the proposed AC collaboration on the NAP GN's MEL toolkit, a concept for which is available on the Teams space for AC members’ consideration. AC members will consider the option of convening an exchange with experts on M&E in contribution to the Glasgow – Sharm el-Sheikh work programme on the GGA as one of the options to for consideration by the newly established AC GGA taskforce for input to the work programme (see item 5a above).

9. Flexible workplan of the Adaptation Committee for 2022-2024

Summary outcome

The AC invited the secretariat to populate the list displayed on the screen with the ideas exchanged during the discussion of this agenda item, taking into account the mapping and compilation under agenda item 5a. The list will be shared for review by the AC members, following which the secretariat will update the flexible workplan accordingly for internal review and approval by AC members intersessionally, under the guidance of the AC Co-Chairs.

Other collaborative activities with constituted bodies will be considered and agreed throughout the year.

10. Organization of inter-sessional work

Summary outcome


Timelines for AC members in the follow-up to AC 23:

  • Feedback on the two events to be held at the NAP Expo (see 6a and 7c): until the end of the week following AC 23 (by Friday 17 March)
  • Feedback on other items discussed: By Friday 14 April
  • The secretariat will suggest timelines for inter-sessional work by the working groups from mid-April onwards.

Timelines for observers:

  • Please send additional ideas and comments by the end of the 2nd week after AC 23 (by Friday 24 March)

11. Dates for future meetings

Summary outcome

The AC took note of a preliminary offer by the AC member from Saudi Arabia to host AC 24 in the context of the Middle East-North Africa regional climate week scheduled for 9-12 October 2023.

12. Any other matters

13. Closure of the meeting.