Constituted Body meetings and events
Twenty-second meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC22)
06 - 09 Sep. 2022
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
LE-2705, UN Campus
UN Campus
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Constituted Body meetings and events
Twenty-second meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC22)
06 - 09 Sep. 2022
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
LE-2705, UN Campus
UN Campus
Adaptation & Loss and Damage

Documentation prepared for, presentations at, and summary of outcomes from, the twenty-second meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC22) by agenda item.

1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the agenda

AC22/AA/2 - Provisional agenda and annotations

Summary outcome

The agenda was adopted as presented.

3. Organization of work 

Summary outcome

The organization of work was agreed as proposed.

4. Promoting overarching coherence. Collaboration with other adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the UNFCCC

4. (a) Dialogue between the Adaptation Committee and other adaptation-related constituted bodies

More information and report on the Dialogue

Summary outcome

This item was considered together with item 4b. 

The AC took note of the collaborative opportunities identified during the Dialogue and proposals discussed at AC22, and requested the Co-Chairs to follow up accordingly.

4. (b) Updates from adaptation-related constituted bodies on opportunities for collaboration

Summary outcome

Representatives from the WIM EXCOM, CTCN, PCCB, LEG and LCIPP FWG shared their adaptation-related activities with a view to identifying further opportunities for collaboration.

The AC welcomed the interventions and took note of the inputs provided on additional areas of potential collaboration. 

The secretariat is requested to prepare an overview of and further explore opportunities and proposals by AC members for collaboration identified in this and other agenda items, including those at COP 27. The AC will consider this overview intersessionally and follow up on next steps.

4. (c) Collaboration with partner organizations of the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change

Summary outcome

The AC welcomed the presentation of the NWP adaptation-related work and took note of the opportunities for collaboration.

The AC will follow up on next steps with the NWP with support from the secretariat.

5. Awareness-raising, outreach and sharing of information

5. (a) Communications plan and strategy of the Adaptation Committee

AC22/NFO/5A - Update on the communications plan and strategy of the Adaptation Committee 2022-2023

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the information presented by the secretariat and discussed further action to enhance outreach, including opportunities for joint communications and outreach with other constituted bodies and the technology mechanism.

5. (b) Annual flagship publication of the Adaptation Committee

AC22/INFO/5B - Annual flagship publication (2022). Updated annotated outline 

Summary outcome

The AC considered the draft outline of the publication and the design concept as presented. The AC provided comments in order to clarify the scope and the table of contents,  as well as further input to the outline and sources. The AC requested the secretariat, based on the feedback, to prepare an updated concept and outline, as well as a first draft of the teasers of the report to be presented at COP27, for the AC's intersessional clearance.

5. (c) Adaptation Forum

AC22/CN/5C - Adaptation Forum organized by the Adaptation Committee. Updated concept note

Summary outcome

The AC considered the concept note for the Adaptation Forum to be conducted in 2023,  and is invited to include further comments in the document, including on the refined topic, timing and other events taking place in the first half of 2023. 

The secretariat is requested to conduct a mapping of  events that the Forum could potentially partner with.

6. Technical support and guidance to the Parties on adaptation planning and implementation, including means of implementation, at the national and subnational level

6. (a) Methodologies for assessing adaptation needs

AC22/TP/6A  - Methodologies for assessing adaptation needs. Technical paper 

Summary outcome

The AC approved the draft technical paper as revised and requested the secretariat to add it to the AC's 2022 annual report.

6. (b) Adaptation Communications: Draft supplementary guidance for voluntary use by Parties in communicating adaptation information

AC22/GUID/6B - Draft supplementary guidance for voluntary use by Parties in communicating information in accordance with the possible elements of an adaptation communication

Summary outcome

The AC approved the draft technical paper as revised and requested the secretariat to add it to the AC's 2022 annual report.

6. (c) Work of the Adaptation Committee Task Force on National Adaptation Plans (NAP Task force)

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the work of the NAP Taskforce as presented and provided further guidance on further collaboration and outreach.

6. (d) Technologies for adaptation

AC22/TP/6D - Priorities and needs: technologies for adaptation in agriculture, water resources and coastal zones; including experiences in stakeholder engagement and regulatory issues pertaining to the development, transfer and uptake of technologies in those sectors. Updated draft technical paper

Summary outcome

The AC considered the close-to-final draft of the technical paper and provided further guidance with a view to finalizing it in the coming weeks and making it publicly available.

6. (e) Input to the Standing Committee on Finance for the prparation of the draft decisions on guidance to the operating entitites of the Financial Mechanism

AC22/SUBM/6E - Input to the Standing Committee on Finance for the preparation of the draft decisions on guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism. Submission by the Adaptation Committee*

* This document will be available after AC22, once it has been agreed upon at the meeting.

Summary outcome

The AC adopted its input to the SCF on the draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism and requested the secretariat to submit it to the SCF by 9th September.

7. Technical support and guidance on reviewing subnational, national and overall adaptation progress

7. (a) Recognizing the adaptation efforts of developing country Parties: Synthesis paper on assessing and meeting the cost of adaptation

AC22/SREP/7A - Efforts of developing countries in assessing and meeting the cost of adaptation: Lessons learned and good practices Draft synthesis report by the Adaptation Committee in the context of the recognition of adaptation efforts of developing countries

Summary outcome

The AC considered the advanced draft of the Synthesis report and provided further guidance with a view to receiving the finalized version by the end of September.

7. (b) Methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support

AC-LEG/INFO/5 - Progress made by the joint AC-LEG-SCF working group on methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support 

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the activities undertaken by the joint  AC-LEG working group on this topic, supported by a representative of the SCF. It welcomed an update by a representative of the LEG on the LEG's consideration of this matter at LEG 42.The AC will discuss the next steps proposed by the working group intersessionally and at their next meeting.

7. (c) Monitoring and evaluation systems at the national and subnational level

AC22/TP/7C - Draft technical paper on the development and application of monitoring and evaluation systems at the national and subnational level 

Summary outcome

The AC considered a first draft of the technical paper and provided further guidance on the next version with a view to finalizing the paper in the first half of 2023.

8. Report of the Adaptation Committee to the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties

Summary outcome

The AC provided further guidance to the AC and requested the secretariat to include the comments received and the recommendations into the report with a view to approving the edited version within the next two weeks.

9. Organization of inter-sessional work

Summary outcome

The AC agreed to revisit its list of issue leads within the next weeks in writing and requested the secretariat to notify the AC when the list is available for review.

10. Dates for future meetings

Summary outcome

The AC provisionally agreed to hold its 23rd meeting in the week of 13 March 2023. It welcomed the expression of interest of an AC member to host the meeting in Guatemala and requested the secretariat to work with the AC member to explore the feasibility of this proposal including enabling remote participation.

11. Any other matters

12. Closure of the meeting.