High level, ministerial or head of state events
5th High-Level Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Finance
14 Nov. 2022
15:00h - 18:00h
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
International Convention Center
Climate Finance
High level, ministerial or head of state events
5th High-Level Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Finance
14 Nov. 2022
15:00h - 18:00h
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
International Convention Center
Climate Finance


The Presidency will convene the fifth High-Level Ministerial Dialogue on Long-Term Climate Finance on the progress and fulfilment of the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion per year by 2020, in the context of meaningful mitigation action and transparency on implementation

This dialogue follows previous dialogues at COP 20, COP 22, COP 24 and COP 26.

The HLMD which will be informed by the fifth Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flow and the report on progress towards achieving the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion per year by the Standing Committee on Finance.

The dialogue will be co-moderated and webcasted.

Provisional Programme



The Dialogue will be co-moderated by H.E. Aminath Shaunabio, Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Maldives and H.E. Maria Ohisalobio, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Finland.


Opening remarks


  • Simon Stiellbio, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC secretariat
  • Wael Aboulmagd, Special Representative of the President of COP 27, CMP 17 and CMA 4


Scene-setting presentations

  • Diann Black-Laynebio: Fifth Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows
  • Richard Muyungi and Gabriela Blatterbio: Report on progress towards achieving the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion per year
15:50–16:45 Ice-breaker interventions


Open discussions

  • Recognizing the goal has yet to be fulfilled, what were the key areas of progress, challenges and lessons learned, in particular in the areas of adaptation finance and concessional finance?
  • How can the goal be best delivered at the latest in 2023 despite the current challenges?
  • What specific actions can be taken to enhance and simplify access to climate finance from concessional sources and international investment flows?
  • How can transparency in the delivery of the goal be further enhanced? What steps should be taken to improve the transparency of information on climate finance provided, mobilized and received to build a common understanding?
  • What lessons from the delivery of the goal can be derived and considered in the context of the deliberations on the NCQG?



  • Mohamed Nasrbio, Lead Negotiator of the Presidency of COP 27, CMP 17 and CMA 4


For queries please contact ClimateFinance@unfccc.int.