Technical Expert Review

Under the Enhanced Transparency Framework, information submitted by each Party under Article 13, paragraphs 7 and 9, of the Paris Agreement shall undergo a technical expert review consistent with the MPGs. Technical expert reviews help demonstrate action, identify areas of improvement and capacity-building needs, attract targeted support, and ultimately build trust.


Modalities, procedures and guidelines for Technical Expert Review

Information to be reviewed

In accordance with decision 18/CMA.1 (annex, paragraph 150), information submitted by each Party under Article 13, paragraphs 7 and 9, of the Paris Agreement shall undergo a technical expert review consistent with the MPGs. This includes:

  • A national inventory report of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of GHGs;
  • Information necessary to track progress made in implementing and achieving its NDC under Article 4;
  • Information on financial, technology development and transfer and capacity-building support provided to developing country Parties under Articles 9, 10 and 11 of the Paris Agreement. Information submitted by other Parties that provide support, as referred to in Article 9, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement, may undergo a technical expert review of this reported information at the Party’s discretion.

In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement, the technical expert review will be implemented in a facilitative, non-intrusive, non-punitive manner, respectful of national sovereignty, and will avoid placing undue burden on Parties.

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Credit: UNFCCC

Scope of the review

A technical expert review consists of:

  1. A review of the consistency of the information submitted by the Party under Article 13, paragraphs 7 and 9, of the Paris Agreement with these MPGs, taking into account the flexibility accorded to the Party under Article 13, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement;
  2. Consideration of the Party’s implementation and achievement of its NDC under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement;
  3. Consideration of the Party’s support provided, as relevant;
  4. Identification of areas of improvement for the Party related to implementation of Article 13 of the Paris Agreement;
  5. For those developing country Parties that need it in the light of their capacities, assistance in identifying capacity-building needs.

Further details about the scope of the technical expert review, including on exclusions from its scope, are available in the MPGs (annex, decision 18/CMA.1, paragraphs 146-149).


Review of information from National Communications

With respect to the review of national communications under the Convention every four years, starting from the date that reports are first due under the Paris Agreement, decision 1/CP.24 (paragraph 43) stipulated that for those Parties whose national communications are subject to review under decision 13/CP.20, the review shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant guidelines contained in chapter VII of the annex to decision 18/CMA.1, and shall also include a review of the information submitted on research and systematic observation and on education, training and public awareness, in accordance with the guidelines contained in, as applicable, decisions 4/CP.5 and 17/CP.8; and, for those Parties that have not reported under chapter IV of the annex to decision 18/CMA.1, on adaptation, in accordance with the relevant guidelines contained in, as applicable, decisions 4/CP.5 and 17/CP.8, in accordance with relevant guidance in decision 13/CP.20, as applicable.


Technical analysis of REDD+ information

According to decision 1/CP.24, paragraphs 45 and 46, the technical analysis referred to in decision 14/CP.19, paragraph 11, shall be carried out concurrently with the technical expert review under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement.


Review formats

A technical expert review may be conducted as a centralized review, in-country review, desk review or simplified review:

  • A centralized review is when the members of a technical expert review team conduct the review from a single, centralized location. During a centralized review, a single technical expert review team could review several Parties;
  • An in-country review is when the members of a technical expert review team conduct the review in the country of the Party undergoing a technical expert review. In-country visits will be scheduled, be planned and take place with the consent of, and in close coordination with, the Party subject to review;
  • A desk review is when the members of a technical expert review team conduct the review remotely from their respective countries;
  • A simplified review of a Party’s national inventory report involves the secretariat undertaking an initial assessment of completeness and consistency with the MPGs, consistent with the initial assessment procedures. A review of the findings of this initial assessment will form part of the consequent technical expert review of the Party’s national inventory report.


Process and sample timeline

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Credit: UNFCCC


Information sensitivity, classification and handling procedures for information designated by Parties as confidential under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement 

Benefits of reviews
  • It informs the global community on progress made towards commitments under the Paris Agreement, fostering trust and cooperation in the fight against climate change. This boosts national credibility among Parties and with stakeholders, such as investors, businesses, and civil society.
  • It validates the credibility of information reported and enhances Parties’ confidence in their climate information and data and policies. The review process further increases domestic long-term capacity to gather and analyze data to inform policy decisions and implement climate action, which in turn provides the foundations to enhance ambition over time.
  • It helps them to build knowledge and data systems, understand gaps and challenges, and identify capacity-building needs and areas of improvement. This iterative process helps Parties stay on track towards their climate goals and showcase evidence-based results and needs that can attract targeted financial and capacity-building support.
  • Through participation in the review process, experts gain access to best practices, innovative solutions, and lessons learned from other Parties, fostering a culture of mutual learning and support. This exchange of experiences facilitates cross-border cooperation, enabling experts across various government agencies and institutions to leverage collective expertise and bring the best practices back home, building more robust and sustainable national systems over time.