Climate finance and gender - key resources

About this page

This page contains information on available capacity-building resources and training opportunities on climate finance in general, and gender-responsive climate finance in particular.

This content is intended to support National Gender and Climate Change Focal Points (NGCCFP) to better understand possibilities to access climate finance and dedicated funding to gender mainstreaming.


Under the Gender Action Plan, activity A.2 of priority area A (capacity-building, knowledge management and communication), established the provision of capacity-building opportunities, tools and resources in the context of the role and the work of the National Gender and Climate Change Focal Points, including through providing capacity-building, tools and resources, sharing experience and best practices, workshops, knowledge exchange, peer-to-peer learning, mentoring and coaching.

Activity D.2 of priority area D (gender-responsive implementation and means of implementation), aims to raise awareness of the financial and technical support available for promoting the strengthening of gender integration into climate policies, plans, strategies and action, as appropriate, including good practices to facilitate access to climate finance for grass-roots women’s organizations and indigenous peoples and local communities.

The below list of resources was collected with inputs from the Adaptation Fund (AF), Green Climate Fund (GCF), Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Climate Investment Funds (CIF) and will be continuously updated.

Resources and training opportunities

This section includes handbooks, manuals and guides; case studies and technical reports/publications.


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Study on Intersectional approaches to gender mainstreaming in adaptation-relevant interventions

This publication aims to enhance understanding on intersectional approaches by examining the current state of intersectional approaches to gender mainstreaming in adaptation-relevant interventions as well as how the concept of intersectionality and various intersectional analytic approaches have been applied to adaptation-relevant sectors

AF Implementing Entities(IEs),Executing Entities (EEs), Designated Authorities (DAs), other stakeholders



AF Updated Gender Guidance Document for Implementing Entities on Compliance with the AF Gender Policy This guidance aims at providing IEs with concrete knowledge on how to enhance the gender-responsive approach within their project design, implementation and evaluation, by including an intersectional perspective  and a “do good” approach. Some information stated in the updated guideline includes references to: developing a gender assessment; the features of a stakeholder consultation; the use of gender-responsive qualitative and quantitative indicators; the design of a project-specific Gender Action Plan (GAP). IE, EE, DA, other stakeholders Guide 2022
AF Youth engagement in climate change adaptation. Lessons from the AF Portfolio of projects and programmes The study focuses on case studies of the AF portfolio that show the drivers, barriers and benefits of investing and strengthening climate resilience of youth through capacity building, training, participation and awareness campaigns. Additionally, the publication underlines the vulnerability of young people ahead of climate change and addresses intersectionality of youth and gender, as well as other social conditions. IE, EE, DA, other stakeholders Publication 2022
AF Assessing Progress: Integrating Gender in Adaptation Fund Projects and Programmes

The study aims to provide an overview of lessons on mainstreaming gender in select projects funded by the AF. The report captures knowledge to support accelerating learning on effective women’s empowerment and gender-responsive adaptation strategies and measures throughout a project’s lifecycle.

*This study was conducted before the update of the AF GP (updated in 2021) and publication of the Gender Guidance Document.

IE, EE, DA, other stakeholders Publication 2020
AF Transboundary Approaches to climate adaptation: lessons learned from the Adaptation Fund’s Regional Projects and Programmes

This study shows that a number of enabling conditions contribute to the successful delivery of transboundary adaptation in practice, including engaging and adopting specific arrangements to ensure participation from vulnerable groups and women.

IE, EE, DA, other stakeholders Publication 2022
AF Scaling up adaptation finance: Experiences and lessons learned from the Adaptation Fund portfolio of projects and programmes

This study aims to understand enabling conditions, best practices, and challenges to the scaling-up of adaptation interventions. Its overarching objectives are to increase awareness in countries and the wider adaptation community

IE, EE, DA, other stakeholders Publication 2022
GCF Women in technology for climate action resource

This video aims to demonstrates the commitment of the fund to gender equality. Highlights the actions of the fund towards climate technology and gender

Participants of 2021 Lead Today, Shape Tomorrow event Video message 2021
GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme

Objectives of this webinar:

  • Understand how the readiness programme has been updated to increase flexibility, efficiency and impact.
  • Have increased awareness of portfolio and grant level impacts of the revised strategy.
  • Understand the grant readiness cycle and the roles and responsibilities of NDAs.
  • It mentions gender in the appraisal function.
  • it is also important to note that the GCF through its Gender Policy ensures proposals and support through readiness and PPF addresses gender issues and requires alignment to national policies and priorities on gender.
Accredited entities/NDAs/Focal Points, delivery partners and those aspiring to be accredited Webinar 2020

This section includes Technical Assistance (TA) grants available and support.


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AF Gender Webinar 

In this webinar, the AF gender team presented the AF policy framework towards gender-responsive climate adaptation interventions, financing opportunities for strengthening gender capacity-building, and best practices (Gender Assessment, establishing gender-disaggregated indicators, and Gender Action Plans). Moreover, participants engaged in group discussions and shared proposals for strengthening their gender-responsive interventions.




AF AF Enhanced Direct Access (EDA) AF National Implementing Entities (NIEs) participated in this workshop to learn and exchange knowledge on developing proposal under the EDA window, which requires compliance to AF ESP & GP. Participants shared their experiences and challenges in designing and monitoring gender-responsive interventions.   Workshop 2023
AF National Implementing Entities NIEs participated in this workshop which included different sessions on the design and implementation of adaptation projects. One session focused specifically on the AF framework related to gender-responsive adaptation (AF GP and Gender Guidance Document).   Workshop 2022
AF AF Gender Webinar The AF gender team carried out its first AF Gender Webinar with the goal of strengthening AF IEs’ capacity to apply a gender-responsive approach in the field of climate adaptation, by sharing good practices, tools and insights to better understand and integrate gender considerations within their projects. More than 120 people registered to participate in this event, which included both NIE, RIE and MIE   Webinar 2022
AF Grants for the Environmental and Social Policy (ESP) and Gender Policy (GP) NIEs can apply for up to a maximum of US$ 25,000 per NIE to build internal capacity to simultaneously manage environmental and social as well as gender-related risks within adaptation projects and programmes.    Technical Assistance  
AF Grants for the Gender Policy (GP)

The TA-GP is up to a maximum of US$ 10,000 per NIE, and can be used to source external expertise to strengthen NIE capacity to address gender-related issues in projects and programmes and at the institutional level so as to comply with the Fund’s Gender Policy.

  Technical Assistance  

This section includes ongoing, regularly available/re-offered or training and courses whit recording available.


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Direct Access e-course

The “Direct Access: Unlock Adaptation Funding” e-learning course is an important tool for capacity building at national and subnational level as it tackles the specific challenges and opportunities associated with the Direct Access Modality and, in particular, the capacity gaps in financial management and fiduciary standards, environmental, social and gender standards and its mitigation factors.

Open to all - free

Online; self-paced


AF Enhanced Direct Access Training This Adaptation Fund e-course provides an overview of Enhanced Direct Access (EDA) and guidance on how to complete the project proposal template for the EDA grants. It is a self-paced course divided into two modules: 1) EDA: Training, and 2) EDA: Project proposal preparation. Both modules are available for free to all implementing entities and relevant stakeholders interested in learning more about EDA modality under the Adaptation Fund, and how to develop EDA grant proposals with the Fund. Open to all - free Online; self-paced  
AF E-training course on Scale-up grants of the AF

This Adaptation Fund E-training provides an overview of scaling-up grants and guidance on how to complete the application form for the Adaptation Fund scale-up grants. It is a self-paced course that is freely available to all implementing entities and relevant stakeholders interested in learning more about scaling-up opportunities under the Adaptation Fund, and how to develop a scale-up grant proposal with the Fund.

Open to all - free Online; self-paced  
AF E-training course on innovation small grants of the AF

This Adaptation Fund E-training provides an overview of innovation and guidance on how to complete the application form for the Adaptation Fund innovation small grants. It is a self-paced course that is freely available to all implementing entities and relevant stakeholders interested in learning more about innovation under the Adaptation Fund, and how to develop an innovation small grant proposal with the Fund.

The E-training is organized into 2 modules, each with a guided learning narration, case studies, and learning reviews. Each module requires approximately 15 minutes to complete. Kindly note that there is a narration also available in Spanish and French.

Open to all - free Online; self-paced  
AF E-training course on learning grants of the AF

This Adaptation Fund E-training provides an overview of knowledge and learning and guidance on how to complete the application form for the Adaptation Fund learning grants. It is a self-paced course that is freely available to all implementing entities and relevant stakeholders interested in learning more about knowledge and learning under the Adaptation Fund, and how to develop a learning grant proposal with the Fund.

Open to all - free Online; self-paced  
GCF Mainstreaming Gender in National Adaptation Plan

Better understand the importance of gender responsive approach to national adaptation plan (NAP)

Open to all - free  Online; self-paced  
GCF Developing GCF Funding Proposals for the Simplified Approval Process (SAP)

Equip interest parties understand how to develop funding proposals for SAP

Includes a section on how to address gender issues in SAP

Open to all - free Online; self-paced  

This section includes portals, platforms or databases that help build capacity.


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Community of Practice for Direct Enhanced Access

The CPDAE aims to foster knowledge exchange, learning and collaboration within the community of NIEs and DAEs to increase the effectiveness of entities in accessing resources and implementing adaptation and mitigation projects and programs through direct access, including the identification of best practices in design and implementation that relate to compliance with ESP & GP.

AF National Implementing Entities(NIEs); GCF Direct Access Entities (DAEs)


Since 2019
AF Country Exchange

The Country Exchanges themes are selected based by NIE interests with the objective to enhance NIE capacity to design, implement, monitor adaptation projects. These visits include questions related to compliance with the AF GP and gender monitoring.

AF NIEs Exchange visits Since 2019