UN events
Leveraging Transparency to Drive Greater Ambition
Please scroll down for details
10 Jun. 2023
13:15h - 14:30h
Bonn, Germany
Room Berlin, WCCB
Transparency & Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV)
UN events
Leveraging Transparency to Drive Greater Ambition
Please scroll down for details
10 Jun. 2023
13:15h - 14:30h
Bonn, Germany
Room Berlin, WCCB
Transparency & Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV)
T4T - SB58 event header
Event organizer

UNFCCC secretariat

unfccc logo_b

Transparency arrangements under the Convention and the Paris Agreement play a crucial role in driving greater climate ambition by: providing a clear understanding of Parties’ efforts, enhancing mutual trust and confidence among Parties, ensuring accountability, supporting domestic policymaking and facilitating learning and knowledge sharing among Parties. This side event, organized under the banner of #Together4Transparency, will consider issues, challenges and opportunities in leveraging transparency arrangements under the Convention and the Paris Agreement to drive greater climate ambition. This discussion will include a range of perspectives including those of national policymakers, transparency experts and Party representatives.


  • Enhance understanding of issues, challenges, gaps and opportunities in implementing transparency arrangements under the ETF of Paris Agreement in order to drive greater climate ambition
  • Promote learning and knowledge sharing based on the experiences in leveraging transparency arrangements to inform national climate policy making in a range of national contexts
  • Explore how transparency can support and reinforce action on climate mitigation, adaptation and finance in order to drive greater climate ambition • Encourage dialogue and collaboration among various stakeholders including Party representatives, policymakers and expert community around transparency and climate ambition



The Director of Transparency Division, Mr. Donald Cooper will provide the opening remarks. Following this, the secretariat will provide an overview of ETF, including the fundamentals, reviews and resource implications. The secretariat will then invite H.E. Mr. Carlos Cecil Fuller to moderate the panel discussion by requesting the panelists to respond to a set of guiding questions. This will be followed by a question and answer session with the participants. The panel will comprise Party representatives, national policy makers and transparency experts.

Time  Session
Part I: Welcome and opening (20 minutes)
13:15-13:25 (10 min) Opening remarks – Donald Cooper, Director, Transparency Division, UNFCCC secretariat
13:25–13:35 (10 min) Enhanced transparency framework: the fundamentals, reviews and resource implications – Xuehong Wang, Manager, MRV/ETF Reporting and Review Sub-division, Transparency Division, UNFCCC secretariat
Part II: Panel discussion (40 min)
13:35–14:15 (40 min)

Opening interventions – moderated by H.E. Mr. Carlos Cecil Fuller, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Belize to the United Nations

  • Victoria Novikova, Transparency Expert
  • Marcelo Theoto Rocha, Transparency Expert
  • Sandra Motshwanedi, Deputy Director, International Reporting on Climate Change, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, South Africa
  • Bastiaan Hassing, Head of delegation to the UNFCCC, Climate Directorate, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Kingdom of the Netherlands

Guiding questions to the panelists:

  • Based on your experience as a transparency expert, CGE member and a national policymaker, how has the transparency process benefited countries and thus contributed to driving greater ambition?
  • How can the ETF contribute to understanding of climate change action and ambition towards achieving the long-term goal under the Paris Agreement? Could you elaborate on the specific ways in which the technical review process could play this role?
  • Could you provide some insights into how your country, as a large developing country, has effectively used information and data from the transparency processes to inform its domestic policy making for undertaking ambitious climate actions? Are there any lessons you can share from your country’s experience in transitioning to the ETF?
  • As a policymaker from a developed country that has put in place ambitious climate policies and successfully built robust institutional arrangements to inform its policy making, could you share key insights from your experience? Please elaborate on the approach followed, the challenges you faced and how you overcame them?
Part III: Q&A and wrap up (15 minutes)
14:15 –14:25 (10 min) Q&A
14:25–14:30 (5 min) Wrap up (Moderator)
Ambition Side Event Speaker Poster1

The presentation is available here.



Mr. Nalin Srivastava 
+49 228 8151383