Youth and Future Generations Day at COP 27

Youth and Future Generations Day took place on 10 November at COP27.

Youth and Future Generations Day (Thursday, 10 November 2022)

Ensuring that the voice of youth and future generations is heard loud and clear is one of the objectives of the COP27 Presidency. Having heard the priorities and concerns of youth representatives over the past few months, it has been decided to hold a stand-alone day to engage youth and ensure that their perspectives are taken on board and reflected across all areas of the climate agenda.

The day provided an opportunity to showcase youth success stories and challenges and allowed for interaction with policy makes and practitioners as well as a dialogue with the High-level Champions and non-Party stakeholders. More information about the thematic day can be found on the COP27 website (click here).

The Youth and Future Generations Day featured the following Presidency events:
Session Time & Venue Title and Description Recording



Opening Ceremony of the Thematic Day and the Youth-led Climate Forum

The opening ceremony commences the Youth and Future Generation Day by bringing together high-level policymakers with young representatives of the Conference of Youth (COY17) to present the Global Youth Statement and underlining the key policy asks compiled by the global youth to the COP27 agenda and driving climate ambition and resilience.

Recording available here.




At the Frontline: Children and Adolescent-led Action for Climate Change

The impacts of climate change are detrimental to the health, nutrition, education and the future of children, adolescents and youth, who are the most vulnerable to extreme weather events, toxic chemicals, temperature changes and eco-anxiety. This session aims to amplify the specific challenges and the climate activism efforts led by children and adolescents globally, and experiences of response including through education.

Recording available here.



Passing the Baton: Intergenerational Policy Dialogue on Mitigation, Solutions and Just Transition

It is most pertinent to translate the bold collective commitments to the Paris Agreement temperature goal and keeping the 1.5 degrees within reach into implementation means including through youth leadership, as natural partners. This intergenerational dialogue aims to cultivate practical solutions and policy actions for the mitigation agenda to ensure a just and inclusive transition to a low-emission, climate-resilient future and leading just and fair transition pathways.

Recording available here.




Passing the Baton: Intergenerational Policy Dialogue on Adaptation, Resilience and Loss and Damage

The meaningful participation of youth in the climate adaptation agenda is necessary to accelerate the transformative adaptation required to the growing impacts of climate change. This action-oriented policy dialogue aims to consider implementation means and policy recommendations for the adaptation, resilience and loss and damage, including the relevant finance and support elements, through an intergenerational discussion between policymakers, negotiators, young practitioners, advocates and experts.

Recording available here.




Young Africa: The Vehicle of Climate Action: Stories from Egypt and Rest of the Continent

A youth-led session where African youth experts, entrepreneurs and solution makers will present their groundbreaking activities and grassroots initiatives for climate adaptation and mitigation using systematic and cross-cutting approaches. The session will also include inspiring presentations by Egyptian climate leaders and innovators manifesting their local actions and instrumental impacts.

Recording available here.




Special Event by YOUNGO, Children and Youth Constituency of UNFCCC

A special session led by the official youth constituency of the UNFCCC (YOUNGO).





Closing, Press Conference

A press conference will conclude The Young and Future Generations Day illustrating the key deliberations and takeaways of the intergenerational roundtable discussions and the sessions held. This will be followed by free-form networking.

Recording available here.

The first four sessions are organized in response to the Glasgow Climate Pact (para. 65, Decision 1/CP.26), in which the Presidencies are invited to facilitate the organization of an annual youth-led climate forum for dialogue between Parties and youth in collaboration with the UNFCCC children and youth constituency and other youth organizations with a view to contributing to the implementation of the Glasgow work programme on Action for Climate Empowerment.

Other Youth-related Events at COP27

Blue Zone

[09:30-10:00, LGMA Multilevel Action Pavilion]
Official launch of the ICLEI's Vision on Youth Engagement in Global Climate Action
The effects of climate change are already in front of us and local governments find themselves in the front line to reduce its negative impacts. Youth demonstrated their potential in mobilizing public opinion in favor of climate emergency declarations; ICLEI recognize the fundamental role of the youngest in supporting local action, not only in pushing for a higher ambition but also having say in the design and implementation of policies. In this session the ICLEI's Vision on Youth Engagement in Global Climate Action and its principles will be officially presented and discussed with a representative of local government and a representative of YOUNGO. (More information here)
- Organized by LGMA

[10:00-12:00, LGMA Multilevel Action Pavilion]
Urban Africa in Action at COP27: Improving Resilience in African Cities: The Role of Youth and Research
This session aims to (i) demonstrate how local governments and partners can support evidence-informed, inclusive and intersectional approaches to climate resilience; (ii) provide guidance for promoting intergenerational co-leadership that brings youth and other excluded voices into decision making, and providing opportunities for youth, women and marginalised groups empowerment; and (iii) provide concrete examples of inclusive resilience programmes and projects in African cities. (More information here)
- Organized by LGMA

Green Zone

[11:15-12:15, UNESCO Pavilion]
A Million Voices and 7,767 Kilometres: A Global Call for Climate Education
- Organized by Foundation for Environmental Education (More information here)

Blue Zone

[11:30-13:00, HATSHEPSUT Side Event Room]
Youth Financing Done Right: How to Best Structure Youth-Financing Program in Developing Countries
- Organized by Children and Youth International and Yale Student Environmental Coalition

[13:15-14:45, HATSHEPSUT Side Event Room]
Youth as Key Leaders in Transforming Climate Promises into Inclusive Action
An intergenerational dialogue showcasing youth-led capacity-building and education initiatives to facilitate the participation of global youth, particularly from Africa and SIDS, in climate decision-making spaces, in ensuring youth and gender inclusive NDCs, and as climate negotiators.
- Organized by Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Center, Care About Climate, Inc. and Future Leaders Network

[15:00-16:30, AHKENATEN Side Event Room]
Transformative Pathways for Climate Action through Open and Citizen Science and Youth Empowerment
This event will explore how to harness scientific knowledge, cooperation, and capacity building for transformative action on climate change and the SDGs, providing examples from UNU and UNESCO including scientific and academic programmes, networks, and designated and demo sites.
- Organized by UNESCO, UNGA and UNU

[15:00-16:30, TUTANKHAMUN Side Event Room]
Addressing Loss & Damage to Deliver Climate Justice: Youth, Gender & Faith Leaders' Perspectives
As climate impacts escalate, COP27 must protect the rights of those on the frontlines. Join us to learn more about the need for a new financing facility for loss and damage, how it can work in practice, the role of social protection, and the links with adaptation.
- Organized by Christian Aid, ActionAid International - South Africa, Caritas Internationalis, Center for Participatory Research and Development and Church of Sweden

[16:45-18:15, HATSHEPSUT Side Event Room]
Youth Led Actions Towards Climate Justice
Very real leadership is being shown by young people globally to address climate change, but are they being heard by decision makers? This side event will create a space dedicated to youth climate activists from around the world showcasing a diverse range of campaigns which support Climate Justice.
- Organized by Climate Justice Program and Emory University

[18:15-20:00, HATSHEPSUT Side Event Room]
Voices of the Future Calling for Climate Justice
Young voices for climate are resonating across the continents. In Africa, young people, farmers and communities have mobilized in a Climate Caravan, demanding climate justice. This and other youth-led initiatives across the globe will show how youth must be part of the conversation on their future.
- Organized by Youth Climate Movement NL, Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement and Oxfam International

Blue Zone

[18:30-20:00, OSIRIS Side Event Room]
Utilising Expertise of the Youth to Bridge the Science-Policy Divide and Improve Access to Finance
Engagement of young engineers, scientists and youth with lawmakers to bridge the science-policy divide and improve access to climate finance to deploy sustainable solutions tailored to local socioeconomic needs, including in water and energy.
- Organized by Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils, International Water Association, Moravian University and the Association of Commonwealth Universities

Blue Zone

[11:30-13:00, MEMPHIS Side Event Room]
Intergenerational Dialogue of Continents on Climate-induced Migration in the Framework of Adaptation
Dialogue of YEE, African and Latin American youth-led dialogue with decision-makers on climate adaptation partnerships and climate-induced migration challenges with stress the regional disparities and environmental injustice related to climate change & Handover of the Climate of Change petition.
- Organized by Youth and Environment Europe and International Foundation for African Children

[13:15-14:45, MEMPHIS Side Event Room]
Transforming Education for Sustainable Development through Youth Climate Action
Collective action from young people is needed to preserve & protect our planet. Through climate education programmes such as Earth Tribe, Youth Power & Girl-Led Action on Climate Change, coalitions for advocacy & adaptive learning, youth are taking action for fairness, justice and the environment.
- Organized by World Organization of the Scout Movement, Restless Development and World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

[15:00-16:30, MEMPHIS Side Event Room]
Adaptation Fund Engages Next Generation
The Adaptation Fund often supports projects that benefit youth, from building capacity of youth through climate resilience training and raising community awareness and knowledge in adaptation. New funding windows through locally led action and innovation are also available for young entrepreneurs.
- Organized by Adaptation Fund Board

Blue Zone

[18:30-20:00, KHUFU Side Event Room]
From the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis: Adaptation Actions to Protect African Children & Youth
This youth focused side event will explore how Africa’s action to adapt critical services, heath, nutrition, education, child protection, WASH and social policy– and capacity building for children and young people to respond to a climate changed world, can be learnt from, supported and strengthened.
- Organized by UNICEF, UNFCCC and UNU-EHS

Blue Zone

[15:00-16:30, AKHENATEN Side Event Room]
Accelerating Climate Adaptation in Agriculture - A Youth Perspective
A multistakeholder dialogue addressing the biggest challenges African youth smallholder farmers are facing in adapting to climate change. Global leaders and young African agripreneurs exchange on innovative & just solutions in their local communities.
- Organized by Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, CGIAR System Organization and the Fairtrade Foundation

[15:00-16:30, THUTMOSE Side Event Room]
Climate Education: Empowering Youth and Adults with Knowledge and Skills for a Sustainable Future
Bringing together global youth activists, educators, government, labor and NGO leaders to discuss links between climate education and opportunities from primary through adult education for civic engagement, economic opportunity, and just transitions.
- Organized by Earth Day Network, Earth Child Institute, Green Club and La Fresque du Climat

[18:30-20:00, THUTMOSE Side Event Room]
Mobilising Youth & Transforming Communities - Embedding the SDGs in Formal & Informal Education
Innovative approaches for boosting a just transition and embedding the SDGs in education, livelihoods, and renewable energy solutions, ranging from pan-African university courses to youth capacity building for regenerative community design, green energy and local empowerment.
- Organized by Global Ecovillage Network, Gaia Foundation, Global Youth Development Institute, Inc. and Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy

Blue Zone

[11:30-13:00, TUTANKHAMUN Side Event Room]
Global Interfaith Youth Action on Climate Change: Gather, Discuss, Empower, and Act
The event shall raise awareness of the important role faith plays in inspiring young people from diverse faith traditions towards climate action and to empower young people of faith across the world to act for climate as a common, universal good in response to the cry of the earth and the poor.
- Organized by Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa and Soka Gakkai International - UK

Blue Zone

[13:15-14:45, AMON Side Event Room]
The Green Jobs for Youth Pact: Accelerating Young Skills and Talent for Green Jobs
The launch of the Green Jobs for Youth Pact, a Stockholm+50 legacy to boost decent jobs for youth in the green economy, will feature an engaging high level dialogue with young people, policymakers, employers, and educators committed to an economic and social transformation in a 1.5 degree world.
- Organized by UNEP, ILO and UNICEF

Blue Zone

[15:00-16:30, KHUFU Side Event Room]
Committing to Children's Rights for Climate Justice: An Interactive Dialogue across Generations
Climate change impacts 1 billion children, but in 2021, only 34% of NDCs were child-sensitive and 12% had children participation. This event will have children, parents and elders with decision makers interacting to endorse a statement for children at the center of climate negotiations.
- Organized by Alana, Child Rights International Network and Save the Children International

[16:45-18:15, AMON Side Event Room]
Youth Environmental Alliance in Higher Education: Climate Leadership across Generations
The YEAH (Youth Environmental Alliance in Higher Education) supports youth through their transition from students into climate leaders. We explore how intergenerational collaboration and mentoring can motivate climate action today and magnify climate action tomorrow.
- Organized by Michigan Technological University, Colorado College, University of Connecticut and Yale University


Children and Youth Pavilion (more information available here)

❗ Note: Please note that all events are subject to last-minute changes in time and location. Make sure to check the CCTV, COP27 website and app for updated information.
All time in Egypt Standard Time (GMT+2).


For the full list of:
- Side events, find here.
- Exhibitions, find here.
- Action Hub events, find here.
- Capacity-building Hub events, find here.
