Industry - Climate Action Pathway


​It’s 2050. Industries now look markedly different. Not only do they generate Net Zero emissions, but they also deliver tangible socio-economic and environmental benefits for the world at large. Think, dignified employment, social inclusion, regeneration of nature, to name but a few. No single factor explains this radical transformation. Rather, it is the outcome of a general convergence of positive trends, from new technologies and novel business models to progressive public policies, enlightened consumer choices and forward-thinking investment decisions.

Industrial production now follows a circular logic that sees resources reused again and again. Unnecessary waste is consequently a thing of the past. Furthermore, the volume of natural resources used by industry is now well within the planet’s capacity to replace. One of the most significant plus points of today’s industrial framework is the presence of positive feedback loops. Most notably, regulations, financial markets and consumer behaviours are all structured in such a way as to reward those businesses that act responsibly. Climate action has therefore become a source of competitive advantage. In a similar vein, data-driven transparency systems allow misaligned companies to be quickly identified. Consequently, these high-carbon legacy firms are fast disappearing.

Finally, placing our industrial system on a more socially responsible and environmentally sustainable footing is proving a boon for businesses’ competitiveness. Net Zero companies find they are far more resilient to the effects of climate change and natural disasters, for instance. (The same, incidentally, is true for the communities where they operate). Among other business benefits they report are considerable efficiency savings, lower costs, greater employee engagement, stronger brand loyalty, and early access to new markets.



The High-Level Champions sincerely thank the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action and other partners for their messages of support to the Climate Action Pathways. Together with their leadership and contributions, this support adds considerably to the authority of the Pathways.

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The Global Climate Action Pathway for ICT and Mobile captures how this sector will transition to net zero. BT plans to be a net zero emissions business by 2045 and we’re committed to reducing the carbon emissions intensity of our business by 87% by April 2031. We already source 100% renewable electricity worldwide, and as a co-author of this Pathway, we’re calling on all businesses to set net zero targets, make the switch to renewable electricity and engage with their customers, colleagues and supply chains in the Race to Zero.

CLG Europe strongly supports the Marrakech Partnership and welcomes the Climate Action Pathway for Industry. By setting out a broad and in-depth vision for industry towards 2050, the Pathway can help catalyze change and drive action from business and governments globally. CLG Europe has consistently championed industrial decarbonization at the EU level – where there is a huge opportunity for EU Industrial Strategy to drive change working with leading companies operating in Europe.  Our recent report 'Tomorrow's markets today: scaling up demand for climate neutral basic materials and products' exposed the barriers that still hold back demand for climate friendly goods. We are delighted that the Climate Action Pathway for Industry also highlights the importance of innovative solutions to stimulate demand for climate neutral materials.


Net Zero transition of the industry should be facilitated by Green Technologies, Green Grants and Green Finance coupled with International Carbon Markets and Green Procurement Policies. The Marrakech Partnership Pathway is a step towards ensuring these measures. -   Mahendra Singhi, CEO, Dalima Bharat Group

The Global Climate Action Pathway shows how our sector will transition to a resilient, net zero world in the 2040s. As a strong advocate and enabler of the 1.5C ambition, Ericsson supports this UNFCCC effort. We must all aim to halve our emissions by 2030 and work towards net zero. As a co-author of this Pathway we encourage every actor within our sector to join us, and to drive the switch to renewables.

The GSMA encourages all mobile industry operators and suppliers to follow the path laid out by this Global Climate Action Pathway as it will help us achieve our ambition to be net zero by 2050 at the latest. To enable mobile sector businesses to reach these targets, the GSMA also calls on governments to put in place policies to access sufficient renewable electricity at reasonable prices.

The Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action Pathway for Retail is a complete direction of existing targets, ambitions, and initiatives on the road to net zero. By collaborating within the retail sector and beyond, we have it in our own hands to decarbonize and transition to a just future. Together we can create a bigger impact and we look forward to further develop and continuously increase the ambition level of the Pathway. - Pia Heidenmark Cook, CSO, Ingka Group

The International Chamber of Commerce welcomes the Climate Action Pathway for Industry and Energy developed by the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action, providing a compelling vision and the key change levers to accelerate emissions reduction in the Race to Zero. In our capacity as the UNFCCC Focal Point for Business and Industry, we are looking forward to continuing to work closely with the High-Level Climate Champions, the COP26 Presidency, the UNFCCC Secretariat and the different thematic groups and other business organisations to accelerate progress towards net-zero emissions and towards a successful COP26.

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) points to the recognition in the Industry Action Pathways of an active role for workers and their trade unions through social dialogue processes to proactively manage economic transitions and uncertainties, while holding and creating rewarding healthy and decent jobs. The industry transition described in the Action Pathways involve setting up Just Transition processes as defined by the ILO with social partners and other relevant stakeholders, a process crucial to reach the climate goals of the Paris Agreement.

IRENA encourages every actor within the industry ecosystem play their part in accelerating global efforts to reach net zero emissions, as set out in this Pathway. It captures the best thinking on how we will achieve critical Breakthroughs in the Race to Zero in the next ten years and build a resilient, zero carbon world.

The Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action Pathway for Metals & Mining is a comprehensive and useful representation of existing targets, initiatives, progress, and ambition in the metals & mining sector. We encourage all sector actors to help take this Pathway forward and activate the key actions outlined to shift the sector to a sustainable, prosperous future. We support the aspiration the Pathway demonstrates to drive commitment to the Race to Zero.

We are committed to building a net zero future and welcome the Marrakech Partnership‘s call to action to accelerate our industry’s decarbonization. Collaboration across sectors is essential to scale up our impact together - Magali Anderson, Chief Sustainability and Innovation Officer, LafargeHolcim

The Mission Possible Partnership welcomes the Climate Action Pathway for Industry developed by the Marrakech Partnership, providing a compelling vision and the key change levers to accelerate emissions reduction in the Race To Zero. Building on this, we will continue to work with industry leaders across the value chains for Aluminium, Cement/Concrete, Chemicals and Steel to accelerate progress towards net-zero emissions.

The Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action Pathway for Plastics lays out ambitious and necessary targets for corporate, civil society, and government actors committed to shifting the plastics sector toward a sustainable future that protects our ocean, communities, and climate. The actions outlined align with our goals to reduce plastic pollution and production damaging our climate, human health, and ocean ecosystems; improve disclosure and accountability for climate and plastic risks; and move toward a circular and prosperous economy that reduces our dependence on virgin, fossil-based plastics. We encourage all actors to help take this Pathway forward and commit to the Race to Zero.

The Global Climate Action Pathway for ICT and Mobile captures the best thinking on how this sector will transition to a resilient, zero carbon world in the 2040s. As a co-author for this Pathway, we encourage every actor within this ecosystem to follow this path, including the sector’s rapid switch to renewable electricity called for as a critical near-term Breakthrough in the Race to Zero.

SIWI, as a water focal point organization in the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action and lead author of the Climate Action Pathway for Water, supports the Industry Pathway’s vision and ambitions for a zero-carbon, climate resilient future. We worked collaboratively with the authors of this Pathway to align the two pathways and to identify synergies and cross-benefits as well as important trade-offs. We believe that successful implementation of this Pathway is crucial to that of the Water Pathway, and vice versa. In this spirit, we encourage all stakeholders to support and drive the 2021, 2025, 2030, and 2040 actions identified in this Climate Action Pathway.

The Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action is delighted to use the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action Pathway for Fashion to help us and our working groups reflect on the current status of climate action within our industry. It is a helpful tool to reflect on the ongoing work as well as identify areas where there are gaps. We look forward to using this to deepen collaboration and alignment with relevant organisations as we continue to advance our common work and push for the right ambition.

The Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action Pathway for FMCG is a comprehensive and useful representation of existing targets, initiatives, progress, and ambition in the FMCG sector. We encourage all sector actors to help take this Pathway forward and activate the key actions outlined to shift the sector to a sustainable, prosperous future. We support the aspiration of the Pathway to drive commitment to the Race to Zero. - Hannah Hislop, Unilever

The We Mean Business coalition supports the Climate Action Thematic Pathway for Heavy and Light Industry developed by the Marrakech Partnership. The Pathway lays out an ambitious vision for 2050 as well as compelling interim goals for 2025 and 2030, detailed transformation levers in each of the key sectors and a rationale for radical collaboration among multiple stakeholders to accelerate industrial decarbonization. As a core partner of the Mission Possible Partnership and along with other stakeholders, the We Mean Business coalition will continue to advance this agenda.

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) endorses the UN Climate Action Pathway for Industry developed by the Marrakech Partnership under our leadership and in partnership with the High-Level Climate Champions. The Industry Action Pathway provides a compelling and attainable vision and brings together the latest insights from key industrial sectors to highlight ambitious actions and milestones needed to achieve a net-zero global economy by 2050.

The Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action Pathway for Plastics highlights the close links between plastic and climate and outlines a clear roadmap for action from stakeholders across the plastics value chain. We encourage all sector actors to help take this Pathway forward and activate the key actions outlined to shift the sector to a sustainable, prosperous future. We support the aspiration the Pathway demonstrates to drive commitment to the Race to Zero.

