Admitted IGOs

Official NameCityCountryPhoneFaxEmail
Adaptation Fund Board (AFB)
Ms. Sophie Hans-Moevi 
Washington DC United States of America +1 202 458 7347 +1 202 522 3240 
African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
Mr. Eric Nyakpo 
Harare Zimbabwe +263242304663 +263242303071 
African Centre of Meteorological Application for Development (ACMAD)
Ms. Safia Alfa 
Niamey Niger (227-20) 72-3627 (227-20) 72-3627 
African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
Mr. Arona Soumare 
Tunis Tunisia (216) 7110-3900 (216) 7133-5929 
African Regional Centre for Technology (ARCT)
Mr. Ousmane Kane 
Dakar Senegal (221)23-7712 (221)23-7713 
African Union Commission (AUC)
Mr. Harsen Nyambe Nyambe 
Addis Ababa Ethiopia (251-115) 51-7700 (251-115) 51-7844 
ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)
Ms. Theresa Mundita Lim 
Los Banos Philippines +6349 536 2865 
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Ms. Esmyra Javier 
Mandaluyong City Philippines (63-2) 632-4444 (63-2) 636-2444 
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)
Mr. Weerapon Sripongchai 
Bangkok Thailand +6622980681 
Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO)
Mr. Yeongjoo Lee 
Seoul Republic of Korea 8227858971 8227858970 
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Mr. Xing Zhang 
Beijing China +86-10-8358-0000 +86-10-8358-0000 
Asian Productivity Organization (APO)
Mr. Yasuko Asano 
Tokyo Japan (81-3)3830 0415 (81-3)3830 5324 
Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO)
H.E. Mr. Roy Lee 
New Delhi India (91-11) 2611-7641 / 2419-7000 (91-11) 2611-7640 
Association of Caribbean States (ACS-AEC)
Sra. Ana Leticia Ramirez Cuevas 
Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago 6229575 6221653 
Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries (ANRPC)
Ms. Soon Jin Lam 
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia +60321611900 +60321613014 
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Mr. Vong Sok 
Jakarta Selatan Indonesia (62-21)726-2991/724-3372 (62-21)724-3502/739-8234 
Autorité de développement intégré de la région du Liptako-Gourma (ALG)
Ms. Kadiatou Sy 
Ouagadougou Burkina Faso 226 50 30 61 48/49 226 50 30 85 88 
Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica (BCIE - CABEI)
Mr. Alberto Jose Cabezon 
Tegucigalpa Honduras (504) 2240-2231 (504) 2240-2183 
Banque Ouest Africaine de Developpement (BOAD)
Mr. Ibrahim Traore 
Lome Togo (228) 22215906/ 22214244/ 22210113 (228) 22215267 / 22217269 
Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB)
Mr. Mircea Cojocaru 
Thessaloniki Greece (30) 2310290400 
CAB International (CABI)
Ms Srijita Dasgupta 
Wallingford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland +44 1491 829147 (44-149)183-3508 
Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC)
Ms. Ethlyn Valladares 
Belmopan Belize (501) 822-1104 / 1094 (501) 822-1365 
Caribbean Community Secretariat (CARICOM)
Ms. Patricia Ann Nelson 
Georgetown Guyana (592)2-2200-01 to 75 (592)222-0171 
Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
Ms. Valerie Isaac 
St. Michael Barbados (1-246)431-1600 (1-246)426-7269 
Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export)
Ms. Edna Simpson 
Barbados Barbados +12464360578 Caribbean Export Development Agency 
Caribbean Meteorological Organization (CMO)
Ms. Arlene Laing 
Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago (1-868)622-4711 (1-868)622-0277 
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
Mr. Christopher Martius 
Bogor Indonesia (62-251) 862-2622 (62-251) 862-2100 
Centre for Environment & Development for Arab Region & Europe (CEDARE)
Ms. Mayar Sabet 
Cairo Egypt +2 02 2451 3921/2/3/4 (20-2)2451 3918 
Centro de Coordinación para la Prevención de los Desastres Naturales en America Central (CEPREDENAC)
Ms. Marta Garcia Garcia 
Ciudad de Guatemala Guatemala +502 45745517 
Centro del Agua del Trópico Húmedo para América Latina y el Caribe (CATHALAC)
Ms. Marianna Josefina Cusimano 
Ciudad de Panama Panama (507)317-3200 (507)317-3299 
Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT) (CIMMYT)
Mr. Tek Sapkota 
Texcoco Mexico +52 (55) 5804 2004 
CGIAR System Organization (CGIAR)
Ms. Aditi Mukherji 
Montpellier Cedex 5 France +33467047575 
Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI)
Ms. Suchismita Mukhopadhyay 
New Delhi India +91-11-4044-5999 
Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD)
Mr. Jair Urriola Quiroz 
Antiguo Cuscatlán El Salvador (503) 2248-8843 (503) 2248-8894 
Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur (CPPS)
Mr. Mario Alberto Palacios 
Guayaquil Ecuador (593-4)222-1202/1203 (593-4)222-1201 
Comité Intergubernamental Coordinador de los Países de la Cuenca del Plata (CIC)
Mr. Juan Carlos Alurralde 
Buenos Aires Argentina +54 11 4312 13 2506 / 2272 +54 11 4312 13 2506 / 2272 
Comité permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel (CILSS)
M. Maguette Kaire 
Ouagadougou 03 Burkina Faso (226) 25 499600 / (226) 25 374125/26 (226) 25 37 41 32 
Commission de l'océan Indien (COI)
Ms. Gina Bonne 
Ebene Mauritius +230 402 6100 +230 465 6303 
Commission des Forêts d'Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC)
M. Chouaibou Nchoutpouen 
Yaounde Cameroon (237-22) 21-3511 (237-22) 21-3512 
Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)
Ms. Nathalie Daoust 
Montreal Canada (1-514)350-4300 (1-514)350-4314 
Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS)
Huma Balouch 
Islamabad Pakistan +92-51-9214515 +92-51-9216539 
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
Ms. Edith Tibahwa Bagambe 
Lusaka Zambia (260-211) 22-9725 / 32 (260-211) 22-5107 
Commonwealth Foundation
Ms. Anne Therese Gallagher 
London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (44-20) 7747-6506 (44-20) 7839-8157 
Commonwealth Secretariat (COMSEC)
Mr. Unnikrishnan Divakaran Nair 
London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland +44 75 87 63 45 92 / +44 20 7747-6500 +44-20 7004 3745 
Communauté économique et monétaire de l'Afrique centrale (CEMAC)
M. Pierre Randah 
Bangui Central African Republic (236)61-2135 (236)61-2135 
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe (The Congress)
Ms Irina Sahakyan-Vetter 
Strasbourg France +33 3 88 41 21 10 
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar Convention)
Ms. Delphine Bremond 
Gland Switzerland (41-22) 999-0179 (41-22) 999-0169 
Cooperation Council for The Arab States of the Gulf (GCC)
Mr. Mohammad Alrashidi 
Riyadh Saudi Arabia +966114827777 (966-1)482-9089 
Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF)
Ms. Martha Patricia Castillo 
Caracas Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (58-212)209-2111 (58-212)209-2437 
Council of Europe (COE)
Ms. Aiste Ramanauskaite 
Strasbourg France (33-3) 8841-2000 (33-3) 8841-2717 
Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)
Mr. Carel Cronenberg 
Paris France +33147555508 
East African Community (EAC)
Mr. Jean Baptiste Havugimana 
Arusha Kenya +255272162100 +255272162190 
East Mediterranean Gas Forum
Mr. Amr Ashraf 
Cairo Egypt 
Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC)
Mr. Gervais Itsoua Madzous 
Libreville Gabon +2411444732 +241011444732 
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
M. Konan Raoul Kouamé 
Abuja Nigeria (+234 9) 314 7647-9, 314 7427-9 (+234 9) 314 7646, 314 3005 
Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)
Mr. Fuad Farzalibeyov 
Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) +982122831733 +982122831732 
ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE)
Mr. Francis Sempore 
Praia Cabo Verde (238) 260-4630 
Energy Charter Conference (ECS)
Ms. Ishita Pant 
Brussels Belgium +32 2775-9812 
Energy Community Secretariat (ECS)
Ms. Monika Figaj 
Vienna Austria +4315352222214 +43153522222 
EU LAC International Foundation
Mr. Adrián Bonilla 
Hamburg Germany +49 (0)40 80 60 11 45 0 
EUCLID (Euclid University / Pôle Universitaire Euclide)
Mr. Robin van Puyenbroeck 
Bangui Central African Republic 236 72045502 
Eurasian Development Bank (EDB)
Mr. Mikhail Panchenko 
Almaty Kazakhstan + 7 727 244 40 44 
EUROFISH International Organisation (EUROFISH)
Mr. Gilles van de Walle 
Copenhagen Denmark (45) 3337-7755 (45) 3337-7756 
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Mr. Dzmitry Halubouski 
London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (44-20) 7338-6000 (44-20) 7338-6100 
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
Mr. Fabio Venuti 
Reading United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland +44 118 949 9000 ECMWF 
European Commission (EC)
Mr. Niels Schuster 
Brussels Belgium (32-2) 299-1111 
European Forest Institute (EFI)
Mr. Jerker Brolén 
Joensuu Finland (358-10) 773-4300 
European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
Mr. Johannes Schwarzer 
Geneva Switzerland (41-22)3322626 (41-22)733-9291 
European Investment Bank (EIB)
Mr. Ambroise Fayolle 
Luxembourg Luxembourg (35-2) 4-3791 (35-2) 43-7904 
Mr. Brendan Rouse 
Heidelberg Germany 
European Patent Office (EPO)
Mr. Gerard Owens 
Munich Germany (49-89) 2-3990 (49-89) 2399-4560 
European Space Agency (ESA)
Mr. Frank Martin Seifert 
Paris France (33-1) 5369-7654 (33-1) 5369-7560 
European University Institute (EUI)
Mr. Albert Ugo Alex Ferrari 
San Domenico di Fiesole (FI) Italy (39-055)4-6815 (39-055)468-5444 
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO)
Sra. Soledad Aguilar 
Buenos Aires Argentina +541152389300 + 541143751373 
Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe (FILAC)
Ms. Amparo Morales 
La Paz Bolivia (Plurinational State of) +591 22423233 
FONPLATA Banco de Desarrollo (FONPLATA)
Ms. Mariana Prado Noya 
Santa Cruz de la Sierra Bolivia (Plurinational State of) +5913315 9400 
Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)
Ms. Masoumeh Moradzadeh Abghad 
Doha Qatar +974 4404 8400/09 +974 4404 8415/16 
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Ms. Susanne Lønstrup Sheldon 
Copenhagen Denmark (45-35) 32-1470 (45-35) 32-1480 
Global Crop Diversity Trust
Ms. Laura Marshall 
Bonn Germany 
Global Development Network (GDN)
Mr. Francesco Obino 
New Delhi India +91 11 4323 9494 
Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
Mr. Yoon Suk Choi 
Seoul Republic of Korea (82-2)2096-9991 (82-2)2096-9990 
Global Water Partnership Organisation (GWPO)
Mr. Alex Simalabwi 
Stockholm Sweden (46-8) 1213-8600 
Greater Virunga Transboundary Collaboration (GVTC)
Mr. Juvénal Mukeshimana 
Kigali Rwanda +250252580429 
Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting (GOIC)
Mr. Nawaf Shahata Al Sharif 
Doha Qatar +974 4485 8888 +974 4483 1465 
Helsinki Commission (HELCOM)
Mr. Dominik Littfass 
Helsinki Finland (358-20) 741-2649 (358 -20) 741-2639 
IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (IGAD-ICPAC)
Mr. Guleid Abdulkadir Artan 
Nairobi Kenya 254 (0)20 3514456 
Independent World Commission on the Oceans
Geneva Switzerland (41-22)710-0711 (41-22)710-0722  
Institut International du Froid (IIF)
Mr. Didier Coulomb 
Paris France (33-1) 4227-3235 (33-1) 4763-1798 
Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
Mr. Federico Villarreal 
San Isidro Costa Rica (506) 2216 0222 (506) 2216 0233 
Integrated Carbon Observation System European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ICOS ERIC)
Mr. Emmanuel Salmon 
Helsinki Finland +358 50 448 4598 
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Mr. Graham George Watkins 
Washington United States of America (1-202) 623-1000 (1-202) 623-3096 
Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)
Ms. Ione Anderson 
Montevideo Uruguay +598 2606 0126 
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
Ms. Aleksandra Blagojevic 
Geneva Switzerland (41-22) 919-4150 (41-22) 919-4160 
International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA)
Ms. Ana Paula Livia Sapozhnicova 
Laxenburg Austria +43 2236 710 718 101 
International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS)
Ms. Samira Azarba 
Brussels Belgium (32-2) 230 2878 
International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM)
Ms. Rahima Guliyeva 
Sèvres France +33 1 45 07 70 70 +33 1 45 34 20 21 
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Mr. Vinay Nangia 
Beirut Lebanon 9611843472/813303 9611804071/01-843473 
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
Ms. Kunzang  
Kathmandu Nepal (977-1)527 5222 (977-1)527 5238 
International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF)
Mr. Peter Minang 
Nairobi Kenya (254-20) 722-4000 (254-20) 722-4001 
International Cocoa Organization (ICCO)
Mr. Michele Nardella 
Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire (+225) 22 51 49 50/51 (+225) 22 51 49 79 
International Coffee Organization (ICO)
Ms. Vanusia Carneiro Nogueira 
London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 02076120600 +44 (0)20 7612 0630 
International Development Law Organization (IDLO)
Ms. Ilaria Bottigliero 
Rome Italy (39-06) 4040-3200 (39-06) 4040-3232 
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
Mr. Boris Inderbitzin 
Geneva Switzerland 022 919 02 11 
International Energy Agency (IEA)
Ms. Kristina Lopatkova 
Paris France (33-1) 4057-6500 (33-1) 4057-6509 / 19 
International Energy Forum (IEF)
Ms. Lina Murad 
Riyadh Saudi Arabia 00966114810022 00966114810055 
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
Mr. Kirsten Hagon 
Geneva Switzerland (41-22) 730-4222 (41-22) 733-0395 
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA)
Ms. Amanda Sourek 
Stockholm Sweden 
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Mr. Todd Crane 
Nairobi Kenya (254-20) 422-3000 (254-20) 422-3001 
International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)
Mr. Borja De La Peña Escardó 
Beijing China (86-10) 6470-6180 (86-10) 6470-2166 
International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)
Ms. Solange Slack 
Paris France 01 44 94 80 81 
International Potato Center (CIP)
Mr. Joel Ranck 
Lima Peru (51 1) 349 6017 (51 1) 317 5326 
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
Ms. Alessandra Palma 
Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates (971-2) 417-9000 (971-2) 658-1726 
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
Ms. Mishel Ciceron 
Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines Philippines +63 2 580 5600 +63 2 580 5699 
International Solar Alliance (ISA)
Mr. Shishir Seth 
Gurugram, Haryana India +91 124 2853090 
International Transport Forum, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (ITF)
Ms. Olivia Justine Wessendorff 
Paris France +33173312500 
International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)
Ms. Miwa Tsukui 
Yokohama Japan (81-45) 223-1110 (81-45) 223-1111 
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Mr. Sandeep Sengupta 
Gland Switzerland (41-22) 999-0000 (41-22) 999-0002 
International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
Vidhisha Nayanthara Samarasekara 
Colombo Sri Lanka (94-11) 288-0000 (94-11) 278-6854 
International Youth Organization for Ibero-America (OIJ)
Ms. Maria Luisa Galvez Romero 
Madrid Spain +34913690284 
Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
Mr. Olatunji Yusuf 
Jeddah Saudi Arabia (966-12)636-1400 (966-12)636-6871 
Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS)
Mr. Medeu Amangeldiyev 
Nur-Sultan (Astana) Kazakhstan +7 7172 99 99 00 
ITER International Fusion Energy Organization (ITER Organization)
Ms. Sabina Griffith 
Saint Paul les Durance France (33) -442176615 
Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC)
Mr. Aminu Magaji Bala 
N'Djaména Chad +23522524145 +23522524137 
League of Arab States (LAS)
Mr. Mahmoud Fath-Allah 
Cairo Egypt +20225750511 +20225743023 
New Development Bank
Ms. Yuan Zheng 
Shanghai China 
Nordic Council (NR)
Ms. Mette Gervin Damsgaard 
Copenhagen Denmark +45 3396 0400 
Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM)
Ms. Marie Anna Ida Karlberg Perry 
Copenhagen Denmark +45 33 960200 
Nordic Development Fund (NDF)
Ms. Paula Fincke 
Helsinki Finland +358 10 618 002 
Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO)
Mr. Ashvini Kumar Sharma 
Helsinki Finland (358-10) 61-8003 (358-9) 63-0976 
Nordic Investment Bank (NIB)
Mr. Jukka Ahonen 
Helsinki Finland +358 10 618 001 +358 10 618 0725 
Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel (OSS)
Ms. Khaoula Jaoui 
Tunis Tunisia (216-71) 20-6633 (216-71) 20-6636 
OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID)
Mr. Somnath Basu 
Vienna Austria +43 151 564 356 (43-1) 513-9238 
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Mr. Walid Oueslati 
Paris France (33-1) 4524-8200 (33-1) 4524-8500 
Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF/IFDD)
M. Issa Bado 
Quebec Canada (1-418) 692-5644 (1-418) 692-5644 
Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS)
Ms. Cristelle Pratt 
Brussels Belgium +(32-2) 743-0600 +3227355573 
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)
Mr. Eustace Crispin d'Auvergne 
Castries Saint Lucia (1-758) 455-6327 (1-758) 453-1628 
Organisation of Islamic Conference Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH)
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Kamal 
Islamabad Pakistan +92 51 9220681-3 +92 51 9211115 
Organização do Tratado de Cooperação Amazônica (ACTO)
Mr. Carlos Alfredo Lazary Teixeira 
Brasilia Brazil (55-61) 3248-4119 (55-61) 3248-4238 
Organizacion Latino Americana de Energia (OLADE)
Mr. Guido Maiulini 
Quito Ecuador +5932 2531 674 (593-3) 253-1691 
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
Ms. Sylvie Goyet 
Vienna Austria +43 1 514 36 6000 +43 1 514 36 6996 
Organization of American States (OAS)
Dr. Ruben Contreras-Lisperguer 
Washington United States of America 1-202}458-3000 (1-202)458-3560 
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC)
Mr. AbdulKareem Kh Ayed 
Kuwait Kuwait (965) 2495-9000 (965) 2495-9755 
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Ms. Eleni Kaditi 
Vienna Austria (43-1) 21 112 2205 (43-1) 216 43 20 
Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF)
Ms. Kinisimere Tamanisau 
Suva Fiji +679-331 1518 +679-331 1529 
Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
Ms. Teea Tira 
Suva Fiji (67-9) 331-2600 (67-9) 322-0249 
Pan African Agency of the Great Green Wall (PAGGW)
Mme Aissata Wague 
Nouakchott Mauritania +222 45 255688 
Parlamento Latinoamericano
Ms. Beatriz Paredes 
Sao Paulo Brazil (55-11)3824-6114/13 (55-11)3824-0621  
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)
Mr. Marco Mura 
San Marino San Marino +393451682994 
Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
Mr. Martin Doe 
The Hague Netherlands (31-70)302-4165 (31-70)302-4167 
Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention (Alpine Convention)
Ms. Nathalie Morelle 
Innsbruck Austria +43 512 588589 12 +43 512 588589 20 
Mme Sara Elmaghraby 
Barcelona Spain +34600667011 PRIMA 
Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)
Ms. Fatouma Hanini 
Cairo Egypt +20 2 2415 4755 +20 2 241 54661 
Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC)
Ms. Regan Pairojmahakij 
Bangkok Thailand (66-2) 940-5700 (66-2) 561-4880 
Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC)
Mr. Eduardas Kazakevicius 
Szentendre Hungary (36-26) 50-4000 (36-26) 31-1294 
Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment (ROPME)
H.E. Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Awadi 
Safat Kuwait (965)531-2140/1/2/3/4 (965)532-4172/533-5243 
Secretaría General de la Comunidad Andina (SGCAN)
Mr. Juan Sebastian Durango Cordero 
Lima Peru (51-1) 710-6400 
Secretaria General Iberoamericana (SEGIB)
Ms. Cristina Manzano 
Madrid Spain (34) 9-1590-1980 (34) 9-1590-1982 
Secrétariat général de l'union du Maghreb Arabe (UMA)
Mme Faouzia Chakiri 
Rabat Morocco (212-37) 537 68 1371 (212-37) 537 68 1377 
Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
Ms. Coral Pasisi 
Noumea France +687 262000 +687 263818 
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
Ms. Rosanna Galuvao 
Apia Samoa (68-5) 2-1929 (68-5) 2-0231 
Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfMS)
Ines Duarte 
Barcelona Spain +34935214100 
Small Island Developing States Dock * (SIDS DOCK)
Ms. Christine Duncan 
Belmopan Belize 1-646-692-3552 1-646-692-6070 
South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP)
Ms. Jacintha Silverine Tissera 
COLOMBO 05 Sri Lanka +94 11 259 6443 +94 11 258 9369 
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
Mr. Pema Dorji 
Kathmandu Nepal (977-1) 422-1785 / 8929 (977-1) 422-7033 / 3991 
South Centre
Mr. Carlos Maria Correa 
Geneva Switzerland (41-22) 791-8050 (41-22) 798-8531 
Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Ms. Sibongile Mavimbela 
Gaborone Botswana (267) 395-1863 (267) 397-2848 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation EU-ACP (CTA)
Mr. Oluyede Clifford Ajayi 
Wageningen Netherlands +31 317 467100 +31 317 460067 
The Coral Triangle Initiatives on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF)
Ms. Maria Kimberly Mawati 
Manado Indonesia +62 431 7242027 
The European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)
Mr. Paul Counet 
Darmstadt Germany (49-6151) 8077 (49-6151) 80-7555 
The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) (ICESCO)
Mr. Anar Karimov 
Rabat Morocco 212537566052 
The Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA)
H.E. Mr. Ziad Abu Gararah 
Jeddah 21583 Saudi Arabia (966-2) 657-3224 (966-2) 652-1901 
Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)
Mme Zourata Lompo Née Ouédraogo 
Ouagadougou 01 Burkina Faso (226) 5031-8873 (226) 5031-8872 
University for Peace (UPEACE)
Sra. Maria Pia Carazo Ortiz 
Ciudad Colón Costa Rica (506) 2205-9000 
West African Science service centre on Climate change and Adapted Land use (WASCAL)
Mr. Moumini Savadogo 
Accra Ghana +233501529000