International Permaculture Network in Africa, Mediterranean and Middle East (IPNAMME) - Bahrain, Congo, Egypt, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Greece, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 

International Permaculture Network in Africa, Mediterranean and Middle East (IPNAMME) is a federation-like organization where each partner retains autonomy of governance yet benefits from cooperation with several partners through coordination of efforts. It aims to help permaculture educational farms network with other organizations, helping them through accredited training programs and increasing food production at home and schools through education, awareness raising campaigns and the promotion of high value crops like the Moringa tree.

Fast facts:

  • This activity is currently working with 25 women in Egypt, Nigeria and Uganda respectively;
  • The long-term goal is to directly benefit 100 women in each country per year;
  • Women assume leadership roles and gain autonomy for their projects.

The problem

People living in conflict zones often do not have the capacity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, yet they are more vulnerable to climate change.

The solution

Small-scale and organic farms are key to reversing climate change. By coordinating efforts, networking, building partnerships and providing training, this activity aims to promote permaculture as a form of ecological farming and urbanization, build capacity and support sustainable joint ventures for ecological food growth and community resilience.

Helping the planet

This activity raises awareness on the use of renewable energy and waste management. It mainly focuses on soil management, organic farming, recycling and composting. It also promotes high-value crops like the Moringa and Jatropha trees, which can help make the shift away from fossil fuels and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Helping people

This activity is promoting equality and empowering women as a means to reach sustainable community development. Through counseling and leadership opportunities, women are assuming community leadership roles. This activity also coordinates business loans and grants for women so that they can increase their own food production. It also conducts five awareness-raising campaigns each year on human rights issues, sustainable development goals and the necessity of gender equality. During training sessions, women discuss problems and solutions for climate change and mitigation measures.

Scaling Up

As the project grows and more funds are raised to sustain it, this activity hopes to create an interactive online IPNAMME map and library, making it easier for partners to benefit from other partners models of sustainability.

Images owned by the activity partners, all rights reserved.

