Líderes mundiales abordan las crisis más importantes en una cumbre virtual de la ONU
16 Junio 2020
Tall buildings long perspective
Credit: ktphotography/Pixabay

Noticias ONU Cambio Climático, 16 de junio de 2020 – En la 20ª Cumbre de Líderes del Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas, que se celebra los días 15 y 16 de junio, miles de líderes de los gobiernos, la sociedad civil y las Naciones Unidas están debatiendo cómo pueden las empresas apoyar a los países y comunidades de todo el mundo para que se recuperen mejor, se recuperen con más fuerza y se recuperen juntos de tres crisis mundiales: la salud, la desigualdad y el clima.

La responsable de ONU Cambio Climático, Patricia Espinosa, y Gonzalo Muñoz y Nigel Topping, paladines del clima de la COP25 y la COP26 respectivamente, participaron en los debates sobre la crisis climática durante la cumbre, que marcó el 20º aniversario del Pacto Mundial de la ONU, la mayor iniciativa de sostenibilidad empresarial del mundo.

En su discurso de clausura, Patricia Espinosa subrayó la importancia de las asociaciones entre los gobiernos, las empresas y otros agentes no estatales para cumplir los objetivos del Acuerdo de París sobre el cambio climático en el espíritu de "multilateralismo inclusivo".

Si bien reconoció los desafíos planteados por la COVID-19, la responsable de ONU Cambio Climático subrayó que la emergencia climática se mantiene y exige una respuesta urgente:

"No podemos simplemente poner la emergencia climática en espera. El mundo ha perdido el lujo del tiempo. Debemos actuar mientras podamos para evitar la tragedia que causará una degradación ambiental galopante".

En este año crucial para la ambición climática, dijo que tanto los agentes estatales como los no estatales tendrán que aumentar considerablemente su ambición para hacer frente a esta crisis, y destacó algunas iniciativas recientes que se han llevado a cabo para impulsarla.

Una de estas iniciativas es la serie de eventos en línea que ONU Cambio Climático organizó durante los 10 primeros días de este mes, gracias a las cuales se brindó a las Partes y a otros interesados la oportunidad de seguir intercambiando opiniones e información, y así poder seguir avanzando  en el proceso de las Naciones Unidas sobre el cambio climático.

Otra iniciativa importante citada por Patricia Espinosa es la campaña Carrera hacia el cero (Race to Zero), anunciada la semana pasada, y cuyo objetivo es movilizar el liderazgo y el apoyo de las empresas, las ciudades, las regiones y los inversores para ayudar a crear una recuperación sana, resistente y con cero emisiones:

"Es gratificante ver a los miembros demostrar que ya están en la carrera hacia el cero, estableciendo objetivos intermedios en 2025 y 2030", dijo.

Sin embargo, con todos los ojos puestos en la neutralidad climática para 2050, señaló que no podemos llegar a esa meta sin cumplir nuestros compromisos pendientes para 2020:

"Si cumplimos todos nuestros objetivos para 2020, y si la campaña Carrera hacia el cero es tan productiva como estoy segura de que lo será, entonces estoy convencida de que juntos podremos realmente ayudar a aplanar la curva climática, planificar un futuro más limpio, seguro y saludable, y construir un mañana más sostenible y resiliente para todas las personas".


Lea a continuación el discurso completo (en inglés).


I begin by thanking all of you for sharing your expertise and views on this topic throughout the last two days.

UN Climate Change has long recognized the need for businesses—and other non-State actors—to join with governments to fulfill the Paris Agreement and achieve a 1.5-degree future. This is a key part of what we call inclusive multilateralism.

And it’s a key part of our recent Race-To-Zero campaign which I will address in a moment.

We all recognize that COVID-19 is humanity’s most significant and pressing challenge right now. And certainly, from a climate perspective, the virus has opened the eyes of the world to what a global crisis truly looks like.

As we respond to COVID’s demands for urgent and immediate action, we cannot forget that the climate emergency still remains and also demands an urgent response.

The planet continues to warm, oceans continue to acidify, sea levels continue to rise, and extreme weather continues to threaten the lives and livelihoods of people throughout the world.

And while nations have made limited progress with their climate commitments they are not nearly enough—as we are used to saying these days—to flatten the curve.

We knew this would be a vital year for climate change back in January. We faced a daunting agenda and strict deadlines.

Despite COVID-19, that work remains. We cannot simply put the climate emergency on hold. The world has lost the luxury of time.

In 2020, it is imperative that:

•    Nations complete their unfinished work from COP25.

•    They fulfill their commitments under the Paris Agreement.

•    They must submit their new or revised NDCs that are due only once every five years—this cycle being perhaps the last opportunity before the window of opportunity to effectively address climate change closes.

•    And state and non-state actors alike must significantly boost their climate ambition.

To help in that process we have undertaken a number of new initiatives during these unprecedented

For example, we launched a series of online events during the first 10 days of this month—referred to as June

These offered an opportunity for Parties and other stakeholders to continue exchanging views and sharing information so they can maintain progress in the UNFCCC process.

In a similar vein, the Race to Zero Campaign was also announced last week.

Its purpose is to mobilize leadership and support—from businesses, cities, regions, and investors—who, in turn, will help create a healthy, resilient, and zero-emissions recovery…a recovery that creates jobs, unlocks inclusive sustainable growth, and reduces the risk of future shocks.

The campaign brings together a remarkable coalition of net-zero emissions initiatives. It’s gratifying to see members demonstrate how they’re already in the race to zero, by setting interim targets in 2025 and 2030.

I also welcome the efforts of the Science Based Targets Initiative which calls on companies to commit to ambitious emissions reduction targets. By setting a science-based target in line with a 1.5°C future, businesses can make their critical and necessary contribution to limiting the worst impacts of climate change.

Ladies and gentlemen, while we had little advance warning of COVID-19, we have had years of warning about climate change. We must act while we still can to avoid the tragedy that runaway environmental degradation will cause.

Although the task ahead is daunting, I remain hopeful.

If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it’s that societies can, when necessary, pull together to address a global challenge with bold responses.

The key to success will be to implement partnerships that embrace the notion of inclusive multilateralism, a term I am proud to say was coined by us at the UNFCCC.  

It is only through open partnerships with all segments of society that we can begin to really come to grips with the various crises unfolding before our eyes

And as I talk about the need for pulling together—about being inclusive – I would be remiss if I did not mention the world-wide public outcry over the killing of Mr. George Floyd in the United States. It has set off a global and justifiable demand for an end to institutional racism AND exclusion.
We at the United Nations have not been immune to racism’s insidious impact within our own institutions. We must all reflect and act upon the values of solidarity, equality and diversity that should always guide our work.  

As for progress on our climate change crisis, the bottom line is this: we cannot get to 2050 without meeting our outstanding commitments for 2020.  

And we cannot get to 2050 without following the blueprints for recovery through the Paris Agreement, including the implementation of improved NDCs.  

Failure is simply not an option.

But I am an optimist at heart. I believe a brighter and greener future is possible.

The best of 2020 is still ahead of us. More than six months remain in this critical year for climate change. Let’s collectively take advantage of that time.

If we meet all our 2020 goals, and if the Race to Zero Campaign is as productive as I am sure it will be, then I am convinced that together we can indeed help flatten the climate curve, plan a cleaner, safer, healthier future, and build a more sustainable and resilient tomorrow for all people.

Thank you.