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Symbol Document name Type Publication date
Technical analysis of the fourth biennial update report of Malaysia submitted on 31 December 2022. Summary report by the team of technical experts
Technical analysis summary report (TASR)
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Malaysia - High-level Segment Statement COP 27
Statements and speeches
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12th FSV workshop - PowerPoint presentation - Malaysia
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Malaysia - High-level Segment Statement COP 26
Statements and speeches
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Technical analysis of the third biennial update report of Malaysia submitted on 31 December 2020. Summary report by the team of technical experts
Technical analysis summary report (TASR)
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Revised report on the technical assessment of the proposed forest reference level of Malaysia submitted in 2019
Technical assessment reports (TAR)
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Malaysia - High-level Segment Statement COP 25
Statements and speeches
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Technical analysis of the second biennial update report of Malaysia submitted on 27 September 2018. Summary report by the team of technical experts
Technical analysis summary report (TASR)
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Report of the technical assessment of the proposed forest reference level of Malaysia submitted in 2018
Technical assessment reports (TAR)
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Malaysia. Technical report on the technical analysis of the technical annex to the first biennial update report of Malaysia submitted in accordance with decision 14/CP.19, paragraph 7, on 3 March 2016.
REDD+ technical analysis technical report (TATR)
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