Views on the modalities for the operationalization of the work programme and on a possible forum on response measures. Submissions from Parties and relevant intergovernmental organizations.



The Conference of the Parties (COP), at its sixteenth session, decided to provide a forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures, and to that end requested the Chairs of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) to convene such a forum at the thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth sessions of these bodies, with the objective of developing a work programme under the subsidiary bodies to address these impacts, with a view to adopting, at the seventeenth session of the COP, modalities for the operationalization of the work programme and a possible forum on response measures. The COP further invited Parties and relevant intergovernmental organizations to submit to the secretariat, by 28 March 2011, their views on the issues referred to in decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 93 for consideration by the SBSTA and the SBI at their thirty-fourth sessions. The secretariat has received 11 such submissions. In accordance with the procedure for miscellaneous documents, the nine submissions from Parties, the one submission from a United Nations organization and the one submission from an intergovernmental organization are attached and reproduced in the languages in which they were received and without formal editing. In line with established practice, the three submissions from non-governmental organizations have been posted on the UNFCCC website

SBI: Item 9(a) of the provisional agenda
SBSTA: Item 7 of the provisional agenda
This document is available in English/Russian only