Compilation and synthesis of capacity-building activities in countries with economies in transition. Note by the secretariat.

The Conference of Parties (COP), by its decision 9/CP.9, decided to complete the review of the effectiveness of the implementation of the framework for capacity-building in countries with economies in transition at its tenth session. By the same decision, the COP encouraged Parties with economies in transition to provide information relating to the implementation of the framework for capacity-building in their countries while preparing their national communications. Also by the same decision, it requested the secretariat to prepare a compilation and synthesis report on capacity-building activities in countries with economies in transition, based on information included in their national communications, and on information provided by the Global Environment Facility and other relevant organizations. Under this agenda item, Parties may wish to consider how this note could assist with the review process, and whether regular compilation and synthesis reports in the intervals between the submissions of national communications might be useful

Item 7 of the provisional agenda