Differentiated impacts of climate change on women and men; the integration of gender considerations in climate policies, plans and actions; and progress in enhancing gender balance in national climate delegations. Synthesis report by the secretariat
Agenda item

SBI 50

16. Gender and climate change.

This report synthesizes information provided in submissions on three topics: the differentiated impacts of climate change on women and men, with special attention paid to local communities and indigenous peoples; the integration of gender considerations into climate policies, plans and actions; and policies and plans for and progress in enhancing gender balance in national delegations to the UNFCCC. It  highlights the importance of taking the differentiated impacts impacts of climate change into account in climate policies, plans and action, including through the use of gender analysis and sex-disaggregated data, as well as the need for further work to enhance gender balance in national delegations. It is submitted to the Subsidiary Body for Implementation for consideration in its review of the implementation of the Lima work programme on gender and the associated gender action plan.