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"Best practices" in policies and measures under the Kyoto Protocol


Article 2.1(b) of the Kyoto Protocol calls on the COP/MOP, at its first session or as soon as practicable thereafter, to consider ways to facilitate cooperation among Annex I Parties in order to enhance the "individual and combined effectiveness" of their policies and measures to address climate change.
With this aim in mind, at COP 4, Parties requested the secretariat to prepare a report on "best practices" in policies and measures, based on Annex I Party national communications and any other information submitted by Parties (see decision 8/CP.4). This report was considered by SBSTA 11 (Oct/Nov1999).

In response to a further request from COP 4, the secretariat organized a workshop to assess "best practices" in policies and measures, which took place in Copenhagen, on 11-13 April 2000. A report on the workshop was presented to SBSTA 12.

Latest developments
Further negotiations on "best practices" in policies and measures took place during part I of SBSTA 13 (Lyon, Sept). These negotiations resulted in elements for a draft COP 6 decision containing different proposals on how to proceed with this issue (see Annex I to the SBSTA 13, part I report).
Next steps
Negotiations will continue in The Hague in November, based initially on the elements for a draft decision prepared in Lyon, at SBSTA 13 part II (in the first week), then at COP 6 (in the second week). The aim remains to adopt a draft decision on policies and measures at COP 6.
Documents prepared for the upcoming session
SBSTA 13 part I report, Annex I (containing elements for a draft decision)
Relevant COP decisions and key SBI conclusions
Decision 8/CP.4 Preparatory work for COP/MOP 1
SBSTA 12 report, para. 27
SBSTA 11 report, para. 40
Key documents prepared for earlier sessions
FCCC/SBSTA/2000/2 Report on the workshop on "best practices" in policies and measures
National communications from Annex I Parties. "Best practices" in policies and measures: Report by the secretariat
Views of Parties on "best practices" in policies and measures
This agenda item is supported by the Implementation Process Sub-Programme


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