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Kyoto Protocol mechanisms: "Joint implementation", the clean development mechanism and emissions trading


The Kyoto Protocol defines three mechanisms to assist Annex I Parties in meeting their emission targets.

"Joint implementation" (Article 6) allows Annex I Parties to implement projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions by sources, or enhance removals by "sinks", in the territories of other Annex I Parties, and to credit the resulting "emission reduction units" against their own emission targets. (The term "joint implementation" does not appear in Article 6, but it has entered into common usage as convenient shorthand).

The clean development mechanism (CDM) defined in Article 12 allows Annex I Parties to implement projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in non-Annex I Parties and has the additional goal of assisting non-Annex I Parties in achieving sustainable development and contributing to the ultimate objective of the Convention. Under the CDM, Annex I Parties may use "certified emission reductions" generated by project activities in non-Annex I Parties to contribute to compliance with their emission commitments. The CDM will be supervised by an executive board, and a "share of the proceeds" from project activities will be used to assist particularly vulnerable developing countries in meeting the costs of adaptation.

Emissions trading, as set out in Article 17, permits an Annex I Party to transfer part of its "assigned amount" (the amount of emissions the Party may emit during the commitment period) to another Annex I Party.

At COP 4, Parties agreed on a work programme to elaborate principles, modalities, rules and guidelines on all three mechanisms (with priority to be given to the CDM), with a view to taking decisions on these at COP 6 (see decision 7/CP.4).

Negotiations on the mechanisms have been conducted jointly by both subsidiary bodies. In addition, as part of the work programme agreed at COP 4, two technical workshops were held in Bonn in April 1999. Informal consultations were also convened in Kuala Lumpur in March 2000 and in Bonn in August 2000.

 Latest developments

At SBSTA/SBI 13 part I (Lyon, Sept), Parties focussed their work on a "consolidated text on principles, modalities, rules and guidelines" for the mechanisms prepared by the Chairmen of the subsidiary bodies. A number of additional proposals were submitted by Parties and incorporated into this consolidated text during the session. Parties agreed to forward the resulting text (see FCCC/SBSTA/2000/10/Add.1) to part II of SBSTA/SBI 13, meeting in The Hague in November. They also invited the Chairmen of the subsidiary bodies to further consolidate the text, in consultation with Parties, before that session.

Key issues under negotiation include: the question of "supplementarity" (whether a limit should be placed on the use of the mechanisms); which projects should be eligible for the CDM (particularly whether sink projects such as reforestation, and nuclear energy projects, should be permitted); whether the "adaptation levy" applied to the CDM should be extended to all three mechanisms; who should be liable if a Party that has transferred a part of its assigned amount under emissions trading is found to be in non-compliance; and what the membership of the CDM executive board should be.

Informal consultations on the mechanisms took place in New Delhi, India, on 16-18 October.

Next steps
Parties will continue their negotiations on the mechanisms in The Hague in November, first at part II of SBSTA/SBI 13 (in the first week) then at COP 6 (in the second week), with the aim of taking decisions on all the mechanisms at COP 6. A text by the Chairman is also available as (see FCCC/SB/200/10 and its four addenda).
 Documents prepared for the upcoming session
Consolidated text on principles, modalities, rules and guidelines under Articles 6, 12 and 17 of the Kyoto Protocol
Text by the Chairman
Text by the Chairman (joint implementation)
Text by the Chairman (the clean development mechanism)
Text by the Chairman (emission trading)

Text by the Chairman (registries)

 Relevant COP decisions and key joint SBSTA and SBI conclusions
Decision 14/CP.5 Mechanisms pursuant to Articles 6, 12 and 17 of the Kyoto Protocol
Decision 7/CP.4 Work programme on mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol
SBSTA 13 part I report para. 24
SBI 13 part I report para. 23
 Key documents prepared for earlier sessions
SBSTA/SBI 13, part I

Consolidated text on principles, modalities, rules and guidelines. Note by the Chairmen

Submissions from Parties
FCCC/SB/2000/3 Text for further negotiation on principles, modalities, rules and guidelines. Note by the Chairmen
/MISC.1 and
Submissions from Parties
COP 5 and SBSTA/SBI 11
INF.2 and Add.1-3
Synthesis of proposals by Parties. Note by the Chairmen
FCCC/SB/1999/4 Plan for facilitating capacity-building under decision 7/CP.4: an initial framework

/ Add.1-6

Submissions from Parties
/MISC.7 and
Submissions from Parties
FCCC/SB/1998/2 Mechanisms for cooperative implementation. Note by the secretariat
/MISC.1 and
/Add.1 and /Add.1/Rev.1;
/Add.2; Add.3 and /Add.3/Rev.1; and /Add.4, 5 and 6
Submissions from Parties
/MISC.2 and
/ Rev.1 and
/ Add.1 and
Responses to questionnaire relating to cooperative implementation mechanisms. Submissions from intergovernmental and non-governmental bodies
 This agenda item is supported by the Planning, Coordination and Emerging Issues Programme


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