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Scientific and methodological aspects of the proposal by Brazil: Target-setting according to impacts on temperature rise


As part of the negotiations on the Kyoto Protocol, the delegation of Brazil made a proposal, in May 1997, to set differentiated emission reduction targets for Parties according to the impact of their historic emissions on temperature rise (see document FCCC/AGBM/1997/MISC.1/Add.3).

The proposal by Brazil is based on the assumption that emissions in a particular year, 1990 for example, do not reflect the true contribution of a country to global climate change, which is related to cumulative emissions of greenhouse gases. The historic responsibility of all countries is calculated through the use of a simple equation that relates temperature increase to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. A global climate change mitigation goal can thus be established in terms of temperature increase, and this can then be translated into emission targets for individual countries.

The proposal also advocated the establishment of a clean development fund, but that part was overtaken by the clean development mechanism defined in Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol.
COP 3 referred the proposal to the SBSTA for advice on the methodological and scientific issues that it raised.

Latest developments
The delegation of Brazil organized a workshop on its proposal in 1998 and subsequently put forward a revised version of the proposal (see SBSTA 11 (Oct/Nov 1999) requested the secretariat to coordinate a review of the revised proposal by experts selected from the roster, to be completed in time for SBSTA 14 (May/June 2001). It also invited Parties to submit information to the secretariat on the Brazilian proposal, and asked the secretariat to make that information available on its web site.

At SBSTA 13 in Lyon the secretariat distributed a letter to Parties seeking guidance and advice from parties regarding nominations to the UNFCCCC roster of experts

Next steps
This issue will be further discussed at SBSTA 14.
Documents prepared for the upcoming session
Relevant COP decisions and key SBSTA conclusions
Report of COP 5 Section II, para.2
Report of COP 4 Section III, para.2
Report of COP 3 Section III, para. 3
SBSTA 11 report para. 63
Key documents prepared for earlier sessions
Implementation of the Berlin Mandate: Additional proposals from Parties (including proposal from Brazil)
Key links
Submitted information on the scientific and methodological aspects of, and related information on, the Brazilian proposal. No information has been submitted up to date.
This issue is supported by the Methodology and Science Sub-Programme


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