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Article 6: Education, Training and Public Awareness

Article 6 of the Convention seeks to promote action at the national level to provide needed education, training and public awareness to understand and deal with climate change. As a key element in implementation, the article is relevant to both government officials engaged in the negotiation and to all sectors of civil society.

The intent of this article is also reflected in Article 4.1 (i) of the Convention as well as in Article 10 (e) of the Kyoto Protocol. Related to Article 6, is Article 12.10 of the Convention on Communication of Information Related to Implementation in which the secretariat is requested, subject to certain conditions, "to make communications by Parties under this article publicly available at the time they are submitted to the Conference of the Parties".

Article 6 was placed on the agenda of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) at its eighth session in 1998. This followed a workshop on the subject organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). At that time, SBSTA recognized the importance of Article 6 activities and encouraged the secretariat to continue work in the area of information outreach.

Specifically, the SBSTA requested the secretariat to put forward proposal on how to integrate Article 6 of the Convention into its work programme based on submissions by Parties. Given that not many submissions were received for SBSTA 9, a further request was made at SBSTA 10. At the twelfth session, the secretariat organized a side event on Article 6 activities and made an oral report to the SBSTA. The SBSTA noted this and requested that Article 6 be put on the agenda of SBSTA 14 in June 2001.
Next steps
The secretariat organized side events at SB12 in Bonn, SB 13 in Lyon and at COP 6 in The Hague. These side events sought to take stock of experience in implementing Article 6 at national, regional and international levels. From the submissions already made by Parties, and from new information gathered at these side events, it will be possible to compile sufficient information to report to SBSTA 14 on how to integrate Article 6 into the work programme of SBSTA.
Documents prepared for the earlier sessions
Article 6 of the Convention: education, training and public awareness. Submissions from Parties
Note by the secretariat


Other matters Article 6 of the Convention: education, training and public awareness Submissions from Parties Note by the secretariat
Other matters Article 6 of the Convention: education, training and public awareness. Submissions form Parties
Note by the secretariat
Documents prepared for the upcoming sessions

On the agenda of SBSTA 14, June 2001

Relevant decisions of the COP and conclusions by the SBSTA
FCCC/SBSTA/1998/6 para.34-37
FCCC/SBSTA/2000/5 para.60-64
<>Clearinghouse for climate change public information materials
This agenda item is supported by the Information, Outreach and Administration Services Programme


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