


24 March 1995



Berlin, 28 March - 7 April 1995

Item 4 (e) of the provisional agenda



Admission of observers: intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations

Note by the interim secretariat

1. Article 7.6 of the Convention provides, inter alia, that "any body or agency, whether national or international, governmental or non-governmental, which is qualified in matters covered by the Convention, and which has informed the secretariat of its wish to be represented at a session of the Conference of the Parties as an observer, may be so admitted unless at least one third of the Parties present object."

2. At its eleventh session, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change took note of document A/AC.237/78/Add.2 and recommended to the Conference of the Parties that it decide to admit as observers to its first session (COP 1), in accordance with Article 7.6 of the Convention, those organizations listed in that document (see A/AC.237/91/Add.1, recommendation 2 (c) (i)). This list is contained in annex I to the present note.

3. Furthermore, the Committee recommended that COP 1 "consider admitting organizations on an additional list to be prepared by the Executive Secretary, in consultation with the Chairman and Bureau of the Committee, of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations that express their wish to be admitted as observers to the first session of the Conference of the Parties" (A/AC.237/91/Add.1, recommendation 2 (c) (ii)). Annex II to


the present document contains the additional list that was prepared in accordance with this recommendation, comprising intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations which expressed their wish to be represented at COP 1 after the closure of the list that was presented to the Committee.

4. The Conference of the Parties is invited, at its first plenary meeting:

(a) To admit to COP 1 the organizations listed in annex I; and

(b) To consider the list of organizations in annex II and to admit them to COP 1.

Annex I


A. List of intergovernmental organizations

1. African Regional Centre for Technology, Dakar, Senegal

2. Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee, New Delhi, India

3. Caribbean Meteorological Organization, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

4. Commonwealth Secretariat, London, United Kingdom

5. European Free Trade Association, Brussels, Belgium

6. International Energy Agency, Paris, France

7. International Organization for Migration, Geneva, Switzerland

8. International Tropical Timber Organization, Yokohama, Japan

9. League of Arab States, Cairo, Egypt

10. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, France

11. Organization of African Unity, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

12. Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, Safat, Kuwait

13. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Apia, Samoa

B. List of non-governmental organizations

1. Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy, Arlington, United States of America

2. Alliance for Responsible Environmental Alternative, Ottawa, Canada

3. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Selbständiger Unternehmer e.V. (Association of Independent Entrepreneurs), Bonn, Germany

4. British Fire Protection Systems Association Limited, Kingston, United Kingdom

5. Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World), Stuttgart, Germany

6. Bundesverband Der Deutschen Industrie e.V (Federal Union of German Industry), Koln, Germany

7. Business Council for a Sustainable Energy Future, Washington, USA

8. Business Council for Sustainable Development, Geneva, Switzerland

9. Center for Clean Air Policy, Washington, United States of America

10. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Tokyo, Japan

11. Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations, Geneva, Switzerland

12. Centre for Business and the Environment, London, United Kingdom

13. Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment, Norfolk, United Kingdom

14. Climate Action Network Latin America, Santiago, Chile

15. Climate Action Network UK, London, United Kingdom

16. Climate Action Network-Southeast Asia, Quezon City, Philippines

17. Climate Institute, Washington, United States of America

18. Climate Network Europe, Brussels, Belgium

19. Climate Network Africa, Nairobi, Kenya

20. Conservation Law Foundation, Boston, United States of America

21. Cornell University, Ithaca, United States of America

22. Costa Rican Office for Sustainable Development, Washington, USA

23. Earth Council, San José, Costa Rica

24. Edison Electric Institute, Washington, United States of America

25. Environmental and Energy Study Institute, Washington, United States of America

26. Environmental Defense Fund, Washington, United States of America

27. European Nuclear Society, Berne, Switzerland

28. Evangelische Berufsschularbeit Der Evangelischen Kirche (Evangelist Professional Training School), Berlin, Germany

29. Face Foundation, N.V. Sep, Arnhem, Netherlands

30. Fachhochschule (Technical College) Aalen, Germany

31. Federación de Organizaciones para el futuro de Orinoquia y Amazonía, Caracas, Venezuela

32. Forschungszentrum (Research Centre), Jülich, Germany

33. Foundation for International Development Economics, Groningen, Netherlands

34. Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development, London,

United Kingdom

35. Free University Berlin, Germany

36. Friends of the Earth International, Amsterdam, Netherlands

37. German NGO-Forum on Environment and Development, Bonn, Germany

38. Germanwatch, Bonn, Germany

39. Gesellschaft für bedrohte völker (Society for Threatened Peoples), Gottingen, Germany

40. Global Climate Coalition, Washington, United States of America

41. Global Industrial and Social Progress Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan

42. Greenpeace International, Amsterdam, Netherlands

43. Guinea Ecology, Conakry, Guinea

44. Hamburg Institute for Economic Research, Hamburg, Germany

45. Houston Advanced Research Center, Texas, United States of America

46. Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Centre for Environmental Technology, London, United Kingdom

47. Information, Alternatives and Opposition Network International to Monitor the Flood Action Plan Bangladesh, Berlin, Germany

48. Institut de recherche sur l'environnement, La Roche sur Foron, France

49. Institute for Environmental Studies, Free University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands

50. Institute for Resource and Security Studies, Cambridge, United States of America

51. International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, France

52. International Climate Change Partnership, Arlington, Virginia, USA

53. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, Bruxelles, Belgium

54. International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, Toronto, Canada

55. International Council of Environmental Law, Bonn, Germany

56. International Council of Women, Paris, France

57. International Federation of Building and Woodworkers, Geneva, Switzerland

58. International Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers, Geneva, Switzerland

59. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria

60. International Institute for Energy Conservation, Washington, United States of America

61. International Institute for Sustainable Development, Winnipeg, Canada

62. International Institute of Refrigeration, Paris, France

63. International Insurance Initiative on Climate Change, Hamilton, Bermuda

64. International Network for Environmental Management, Holstein, Germany

65. International Peace Research Association, Yellow Springs, United States of America

66. International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association, London, United Kingdom

67. King's College London, School of Law, United Kingdom

68. Klima-Bündnis (Climate Alliance), Frankfurt, Germany

69. London School of Economics and Political Science, London, United Kingdom

70. National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Washington, USA

71. National Coal Association, Washington, United States of America

72. National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Washington, USA

73. Natural Resources Defense Council, Washington, United States of America

74. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany

75. ProClim - Forum for Climate and Global Change, Berne, Switzerland

76. RainForest ReGeneration Institute, Washington, United States of America

77. Sierra Club, Washington, United States of America

78. Scottish Academic Network on Global Environmental Change, Glasgow, UK

79. Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

80. Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, India

81. The Climate Council, Washington, United States of America

82. Union of Concerned Scientists, Washington, United States of America

83. United Mine Workers of America, Washington, United States of America

84. US Climate Action Network, Washington, United States of America

85. University of Wyoming, International Studies Association, United States of America

86. Verification Technology Information Centre, London, United Kingdom

87. Woods Hole Research Center, Woods Hole, United States of America

88. World Coal Institute, London, United Kingdom

89. World Council of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland

90. World Energy Council, London, United Kingdom

91. World Resources Institute, Washington, United States of America

92. World Watch Institute, Washington, United States of America

93. World Wide Fund for Nature, Gland, Switzerland

94. World Wildlife Fund, Washington, United States of America

95. Wuppertal Institut for Climate, Environment and Energy, Wuppertal, Germany

96. Zonta International Committee, Chicago, United States of America

Annex II



A. List of intergovernmental organizations

1. African Development Bank/Banque Africaine de développement, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

2. Agence de Coopération Culturelle et Technique (ACCT), Paris, France

3. Council of Europe's Congress of Local and Regional Authorities (CLRAE), Strasbourg, France

4. North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (NACEC), Montreal, Canada

5. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Vienna, Austria

6. Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment (ROPME), Kuwait

B. List of non-governmental organizations

1. African Centre for Technology Studies, Nairobi, Kenya

2. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration European Association, Brussels, Belgium

3. Association Française du Froid (AFF)/Alliance Froid Clim. Environnement (AFCE), Paris, France

4. Association of the Manufacturers of Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment (ANIMA), Milan, Italy

5. Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), Melbourne, Australia

6. Battelle Memorial Institute, Washington D.C., United States of America

7. Berne Declaration, Zürich, Switzerland

8. BIOMASS Users Network (BUN), São Paulo, Brazil

9. Bundesverband Deutscher Wasserkraftwerke (Federal Association of German Water Power Companies), München, Germany

10. Canadian Electrical Association, Ottawa, Canada

11. Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation (CIPEC), Toronto, Canada

12. Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft e.V. (Carl Duisberg Society), Berlin, Germany

13. Center and Workingteam for Appropriate Technology (KATE), Berlin, Germany

14. Center for Environmental Information, Rochester, United States of America

15. Cercle Mondiale du Consensus/World Sustainable Energy Coalition (CMDC/WSEC), Zürich, Switzerland

16. Centre for International Climate and Energy Research (CICERO), Oslo, Norway

17. Church of the Brethren General Board, Elgin, United States of America

18. Citizens Alliance for Saving the Atmosphere and the Earth (CASA), Kyoto, Japan

19. Consortium for International Earth Science Information (CIESIN), Washington D.C., United States of America

20. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Society), Bonn, Germany

21. Development Alternatives, New Delhi, India

22. EarthSavers Movement, Quezon City, Philippines

23. East Asia & Pacific Parliamentarians' Conference on Environment and Development (EAPPCED), Manila, Philippines

24. Energiewende Saarland e.V. (Energy Alternative Saarland), Saarbrücken, Germany

25. European Cement Association, Brussels, Belgium

26. European Consortium for the Responsible Application of Refrigerants (EUCRAR), Brussels, Belgium

27. European Insulation Manufacturers Association (EURIMA), Brussels, Belgium

28. German Advisory Council on Global Change, Bremerhaven, Germany

29. German Foundation for International Development, Berlin, Germany

30. German Union of Teachers of Geography, Berlin Regional Association, Berlin, Germany

31. Global Commons Institute, London, United Kingdom

32. Global Legislators for a Balanced Environment (GLOBE), Brussels, Belgium

33. Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Berkshire, United Kingdom

34. Hugh O'Brian Youth Foundation, Los Angeles, United States of America

35. Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taipei

36. International Academy of the Environment, Geneva, Switzerland

37. International Doctors for Environment, Swiss Section, Basel, Switzerland

38. International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study (IFIAS), Toronto, Canada

39. International Gas Union (IGU), Groningen, The Netherlands

40. International Project for Sustainable Energy Paths (IPSEP), El Cerrito, USA

41. International Society on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS), Münster, Germany

42. International Solar Energy Society (ISES), Freiburg, Germany

43. International Union of Producers and Distributors of Electrical Energy (UNIPEDE), Paris, France

44. Japan Flon Gas Association, Tokyo, Japan

45. Japan Industrial Conference for Ozone Layer Protection, Tokyo, Japan

46. Lloyd's Underwriters' Non-Marine Association Limited, London, United Kingdom

47. Macquarie University, North Ryde, Australia

48. Max-Planck-Institute, Cologne, Germany

49. Münster University, Münster, Germany

50. National Committee for Sustainable Development, Bonn, Germany

51. National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM), Bilthoven, The Netherlands

52. Natural Resource Users' Group, Wellington, New Zealand

53. New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), Tokyo, Japan

54. New Zealand Forest Owners' Association Inc., Wellington, New Zealand

55. Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions, Oslo, Norway

56. O. Ö. Energiesparverband (Energy Conservation Association), Linz, Austria

57. Organisation Internationale de Constructeurs d'Automobile (OICA), Paris, France

58. Resource Renewal Institute, La Ferrière, France

59. Skies Above Foundation, Victoria, Canada

60. Sonneschweiz (Sun Switzerland), Basel, Switzerland

61. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Switzerland

62. The Catholic University of Nijmegen, Department of Environmental Policy Studies, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

63. The Centre for Our Common Future, Bellevue, Switzerland

64. The EarthAction Network, London, United Kingdom

65. The Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association (JRAIA), Tokyo, Japan

66. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, United States of America

67. The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, United Kingdom

68. The Uranium Institute, London, United Kingdom

69. Trier University, Institute for Environmental Law, Trier,Germany

70. UmverkehR (Swiss Traffic Alternative), Zurich, Switzerland

71. United Methodist Church/General Board of Church and Society, Washington D.C., United States of America

72. University College London, Dept. of Economics, London, United Kingdom

73. University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen and Nürnberg, Germany

74. University of Keele, Department of International Relations, Staffordshire, UK

75. University of Linköping, Linköping, Sweden

76. University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

77. University of Tübingen, Center for International Relations, Tübingen, Germany

78. University of Washington, Seattle, United States of America

79. Utrecht University, Faculty of Chemistry, Utrecht, The Netherlands

80. Verkehrsclub Deutschland (Traffic Association of Germany), Stuttgart, Germany

81. World Conference on Religion and Peace, Geneva, Switzerland

82. World Federation of United Nations Associations, Geneva, Switzerland
