



30 October 1999

Original: ENGLISH


Eleventh session

Bonn, 25 October - 5 November 1999

Agenda item 13


Draft conclusions by the Chairman

1. The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) took note of the information provided by the secretariat on the rosters of experts nominated by Parties and their use by the secretariat (FCCC/SBSTA/1999/9).

the Convention bodies. In this regard, it recognized that some areas of expertise are not included in the rosters, but should be, as the need arises.

3. The SBSTA concluded that the rosters should be integrated into one UNFCCC

roster of experts to serve the various needs of the Convention. The SBSTA requested the secretariat to design a unified UNFCCC roster, building upon the fields of expertise identified in document FCCC/SBSTA/1998/INF.4, annex I. In so doing, the secretariat should prepare a revised application form and make it available to Parties on its web site and in hard copy by 15 February 2000.

based on the new application form prepared by the secretariat. Parties are also invited to nominate additional experts to the roster. To facilitate the submission of information, the SBSTA requested the secretariat to make the necessary arrangements, including the provision of an electronic password to national focal points, to enable Parties to directly update the information on their nominees using the web site of the secretariat. Parties without Internet access are invited to update information to the secretariat by fax. Information to be made available to national focal points on the web will exclude contact information, unless explicitly

authorized by each expert. The public information will include the name, nominating Party, region, current employer, specific fields of expertise and the task for which the expert is nominated.

5. The SBSTA requested the secretariat to report periodically on the status of nominations

for the various tasks covered by the roster. These reports should inter alia inform Parties about existing deficiencies with regard to the area-specific expertise needed to carry out the assigned tasks.

6. The SBSTA took special note of the needs of the technical review process for greenhouse gas inventories submitted by Annex I Parties to the Convention, which will begin in 2000. It encouraged Parties to make additional nominations for this process, using the revised nomination form to be provided by the secretariat, as noted in paragraph 3 above, by 15 April 2000. Parties are urged to ensure that the persons nominated are well qualified and available to participate in these reviews.

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