


10 June 1999

Original: ENGLISH


Tenth session

Bonn, 31 May - 11 June 1999

Agenda item 7




Draft conclusions by the Chairman


1. With regard to the consultative process on the development and transfer of technologies, with the aim of reaching agreement on a framework for meaningful and effective actions as stated in decision 4/CP.4, the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA):


(a) Noted the submissions from Parties, the Global Environment Facility and the International Atomic Energy Agency contained in documents FCCC/SBSTA/1999/MISC.5/Add.1-3;

(b) Invited Parties to provide submissions to the secretariat, by 30 November 1999, on how the issues and questions listed in the annex to decision 4/CP.4 should be addressed, as well as suggestions for additional issues and questions. It requested the Chairman, with the assistance of the secretariat, to identify common elements and areas of divergence, based on the submissions relating to responses to decision 4/CP.4, for consideration by the SBSTA at its twelfth session;

(c) Noted the progress made by the Chairman, with the assistance of the secretariat, in conducting the technology transfer consultative process. It endorsed the proposals by the Chairman requesting the secretariat to organize three regional workshops, one in Africa, one in Asia and the Pacific Islands, and one in Latin America and the Caribbean, subject to the availability of resources and an assessment of the calendar of meetings and workshops, taking into account the balance between the regional and global perspectives of transfer of technology;

(d) Recognized that, given the time and resources available, it would not be possible to complete all regional workshops before the fifth session of the Conference of the Parties, and invited the Chairman of the SBSTA, with the assistance of the secretariat, to complete the regional workshops by early 2000, and to report to the SBSTA at its twelfth session, with a view to recommending a decision for adoption by COP 6;

(e) Welcomed offers of financial and/or in-kind support for the consultative process by some Parties, and encouraged other Parties in a position to do so to provide additional contributions;

(f) Noted the statement made by a representative of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) to the SBSTA on its draft special report on methodological and technological issues in technology transfer;

(g) Noted that the secretariat would assess its capacity to carry out the activities requested in these conclusions in the light of the programme budget for 2000-2001 to be recommended by the SBI for approval by COP 5, and would report back on this matter to the SBSTA at its eleventh session. In so doing, it requested the secretariat to provide additional information on the resources required for the consultative process.


2. With regard to other issues, the SBSTA:

(a) Welcomed the technical paper on coastal adaptation technologies (FCCC/TP/1999/1) prepared by the secretariat and agreed to consider this issue at its eleventh session;

(b) Requested the secretariat to continue to cooperate with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee, in order to improve the availability of climate-relevant data from the reporting system of that committee;

(c) Took note of the information provided by the secretariat in response to decision 13/CP.4, on how Parties, international organizations and other organizations may submit information electronically to the secretariat. It encouraged Parties, international organizations and other organizations to make use of the secretariat's Web site as a means of providing information. It requested the secretariat to make the information submitted available on the Web site.


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